175 (cont.) SACK LIZZIE, wid, se cor Spring and Edwards. Sadler Ella B., home 513 S 9th. Sadler James, carpenter, res 1023 Mason. Sadler William P., carpenter, *res 513 S 9th. Sage Marian Miss, bds 619 Monroe. Sage T. B., millwright, *res 619 Monroe. Sale A. W., stock dealer, *res 606 S 7th. Sall Frederick, clerk, res 318 W Capitol av. Salmon Margaret, wid, res 311 Reynolds. Salmon Mary, home, 311 W Reynolds. Salmon Thomas, painter, *res 411 W Mason. Salmon Thomas, teamster, *res ne cor Rutledge and Reynolds. Salmon Thomas, miner, res 1150 N 4th. Salzenstein E. & Co., livery, Washington bet 3d and 4th. Salzenstein Albert, attorney, bds 401 N 5th. Salzenstein Emanuel, feed stable, bds 401 N 5th. Salzenstein Jennie, wid, *res 401 N 5th. Salzenstein & Stern, feed and sale stables, opp Revere House. Salzweckel C. Mrs., cor 14th and Madison. Salzwedel Fritz, lab, *res 7 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Sampson B. B., carpenter, bds sw cor 7th and Mason. Sampson Charles, teamster, *res 918 N 3d. Sampson Mary, wid, res 604 S 6th. Sampson S. C. Mrs., wid, res sw cor 7th and Mason. Sampson Walter, conductor, bds sw cor 7th and Mason. Sampson W. R., queensware, 8th bet Allen and Vine. 176 Sanders & Williams, attorneys, over 1st National Bank. Sanders A. D., publisher Odd Fellows’ Herald, res sw cor Washington & Walnut. Sanders George A., attorney, res 508 S 7th. Sanders Oliver, grocer, res 500 S 9th. Sanders O. B. & Co., grocers, 307 S 6th. Sands --------, wks w. factory, bds ne cor 4th and North av. Saner A., plasterer, *res 1222 Capitol av. Saner Amelia, home 530 S 9th. Saner Barbara, home 516 S 11th. Saner Mary, home 516 S 11th. Saner Benedict, plasterer, bds 516 S 11th. Saner Edward, plasterer, bds 516 S 11th. Saner Edward, cooper, res 530 S 9th. Saner Edward C., clerk at Bressmer’s, bds 530 S 9th. Saner Edward G., boiler-maker, *res Cass and Barret. Saner George, lab, *res 1008 S 11th. Saner Theresa, wid, *res cor 10th and Cass. Sanner W. W., carpenter, *res cor 10th and South av. Sangamon Manufacturing Co., W Grand av and O. & M. R. R. Sappington Caroline, wid, res se cor Reynolds and Rutledge. Sappington Charles, carpenter, *res se cor 9th and Madison. Sappington David (col), carpenter, res 312 N 10th. Sappington Elijah (col), lab, bds 312 N 10th. Sappington Henry (col), wks at Leland Hotel. Sappington John, wks w. fac., *res se cor Reynolds and Rutledge. Sappington Mary, seamstress, res 210 Jefferson. Sappington Sallie (col), wks nw cor Spring and Allen. Sappington Silas (col) fireman, res 123 N 14th. Sappington Stephen (col), lab, *res rear of 220 W Allen. Sargent Bert, telegraph operator, bds 308 N 5th. Sargent E. C., baker, *res 414 Washington. Sargent J. A., clerk, res 1123 Jefferson. Sather F., wks w. factory, res North av bet 9th and 10th. Sauerwein George, barber, res 206 S 5th. Saunders A. H., grocer, 124 and 126 N 5th, res 604 N 6th. Saunders A. P. Mrs., wid, 711 Adams. Saunders Austin (col), lab, res 1627 Mason. Saunders Helen, home 604 N 6th. Saunders Jacob (col), barber, res 1415 Adams. Saunders J. R., res 604 N 6th. Saunderson William, of north shaft, res sw cor 5th and Keyes av. Sausenthaler Christ, bar-tender at Ammann’s. Sautier Charles, cigar-maker, bds at Western Hotel. 177 Sarver J. P. painter, *res 503 N 5th. Savage O., harness-maker, bds at Jefferson House. Saxer Fred, sewing machines, res 817 S 4th. Saxer George, janitor, res 941 S College. Saylor Frank, farms, *res 102 Cook. Saylor George W., wks r. mill, bds 220 W Capitol av. Saylor John, *res 220 W Capitol av. Saylor John, fireman, *res 122 W Jefferson. Saylor J. B., wks r. mill, *res 220 W Capitol av. Saylor Kate, clerk, bds 220 W Capitol av. Scaife Robert, wks r. mill, *res 909 Madison. Scaife Robert, fireman, *res 10th bet Edwards and Cook. Scanlan Bridget, wid, bds 1005 S 13th. Scanlan Edward, machinist, res 928 S 11th. Scanlan Laurence, machinist, res 1005 S 13th. Scanlan Lizzie, seamstress, 928 S 11th. Scanlan Thomas, machinist, res 1400 Adams. Scarrit John, lab, *res ws 7th bet Carpenter and Miller. Scarrit Patrick, lab, res ws 7th bet Carpenter and Miller. Scarrit Patrick, lab, *res cor 12th and Carpenter. Scatena Louis, confectionery, *res 311 S 4th. Schaeffer John, lab, *res ss Madison bet 11th and 12th. Schaeffer Joseph, saloon, *res 112 S 10th. Schafer Frederick, mechanic, *res 2 Mill row. Schafer John G., pit boss, *res 14 Mill row. Schafer Maggie, wid, *res 1112 Reynolds. Schaffner Jacob, lab, *res ne cor 12th and Cass. Scharf Adam, lab, res opp brick yard N Rutledge. Scharf George, blacksmith, res 1529 Edwards. Scharf George, clerk at E. A. Gubwitz’s grocery. Scharf George Mrs., wid, res 350 W Carpenter. Scharf Mary, dressmaker, bds 350 W Carpenter. Scharf Mary, wks at Sherman House. Scharf Philip, wks w. factory, res n end of Ledlie av. Scharf Philip, clerk, bds 350 W Carpenter. Scharf Philip, teams, res n end Rutledge opp brick yard. Schaub John, wks for Wabash railroad, bds Chenery building. Scheibner Herman, miner, res quarter mile e of fair ground. Scheibner Traugoot, miner, *res quarter mile e of fair ground. Scheitel W., student Concordia Seminary. Schelsky John, lab, res 542 W Jefferson. Schevers Albert, car accountant, bds 1129 Jefferson. Schevers Arnold, freight inspector Wabash, res 1129 Jefferson. Schevers A. J., engineer Wabash, *res 322 S 4th. 178 Schevers C. M. A., home 1129 Jefferson. Schevers H. I., cabinet maker, res North av bet 11th and 12th. Schevers Theresa, home North av bet 11th and 12th. Schevers William, engineer, bds 1129 Jefferson. Schicht W., student Concordia Seminary. Schiending Henry, carpenter, *res ne cor 15th and Cook. Schienle Gottlieb, baker, bds 410 N 6th. Schiller Henry, shoemaker, res Washington bet 9th and 10th. Schilling Jacob, machinist, res 348 W Reynolds. Schimenz Martin, lab, *res 313 W Edwards. Schinstine Michael, cooper, res 1307 Jackson. Schlag Rosina, wks at 216 S 6th. Schlange H., publisher Staats-Wochenblatt, res 520 W Monroe. Schleman Chas., carpenter, res 1516 Edwards. Schleman Ed., carpenter, res 11th, 7th h s of South av. Schleman Gussie, wks at 901 Capitol av. Schleman Paulina, home 1516 Edwards. Schleman Wm., carpenter, res ne cor 11th and Cedar. Schlick Herman, printer at Journal office. Schliff Fred, lab, *res 1222 Mason. Schliff Rachel, wks w. factory, bds 1222 Mason. Schlitt F., proprietor St. Charles Hotel, 216 Jefferson. Schloss Abram, shoemaker, 435 N 5th. Schloss Amanda, home 435 N 5th. Schloss L., traveling salesman, bds 435 N 5th. Schloss Sophie, home 435 N 5th. Schlotton Wm., lab, res 13th bet Mason and Reynolds. Schmid Samuel, saloon, 117 N 5th, res same. Schmidt Adolph, wks Vredenburgh’s, *res 119 W Mason. Schmidt Andrew, lab, *res 1324 S 11th. Schmidt Charles, clerk, bds 128 W Madison. Schmidt F. G., machine agent, *res w end High. Schmidt John, liquor dealer, bds Globe Hotel. Schmidt J., student Concordia Seminary. Schmidt Philip, sr., lab, *res 128 W Madison. Schmidt Philip, jr., clerk, bds 128 W Madison. Schmidt Sophia, embroidery teacher at Fancy Bazaar. Schmidt William, clerk at John Vetter’s, 111 N 5th. Schmidt W., student Concordia Seminary. Schmidt Frederick, artificial limbs, res 905 Reynolds. Schmitt John, wks w. factory, bds 428 W Carpenter. Schmitt Louis, lab, *res Jefferson and West av. Schmitt Mary, clerk in Gehrmann’s, bds 428 W Carpenter. Schmitt Matt., carpenter, res 428 W Carpenter. 179 Schmitt Nick, tinner, bds 428 W Carpenter. Schmitt Nicholas, tailor, res 432 W Carpenter. Schmitt Stephen, lab, res 1531 Cook. Schmuhl Fred, teamster, *res W Washington opp Amos. Schneider Daniel, lab, res 544 W Mason. Schneider Joseph, lab, res 127 Doyle av. Schneider P., tailor, res 1415 Jackson. Schnirring Annie, home 401 W Miller. Schnirring Christian, lab, res 401 W Miller. Schnirring Kate, wks at 512 S 7th. Schober Leonard, moulder at Lamb’s foundry. Schobert Barbara, wks at 1100 Jefferson. Schoenle & Bro., saloon, 124 N 6th. Schoenle Conrad, saloon, res 124 N 6th. Schoenle George, saloon, 124 N 6th. Schoeneman John, proprietor Western Hotel. Schoettker & Gehring, tobacconists, 231 S 6th. Schoettker J. H. C., organ maker, *res ws 8th, 2d h n of Cook. Scholes & Mather, attorneys, 227 S 6th. Scholes S. D., lawyer, res 618 Edwards. Scholl Carrie, home 831 Spring. Scholl George, lab, bds 831 Spring. Scholl G. H., watchman, res 831 Spring. Schoof John, miner, *res Lincoln av n of North av. School Sisters of Notre Dame, 723 Monroe. Schotzinger Frank, brewer, res sw cor Calhoun av and Rutledge. Schraner Charles, painter, bds Globe Hotel. Schray M. Mrs., wid, home nw cor 4th and North av. Schroeder G., student Concordia Seminary. Schroeder Fred, railroader, *res 1414 Jackson. Schroyer Wm J., justice of the peace, 124 N 5th res same. Schroyer J. J., *res 219 W Jefferson. Schroyer J. W., dentist, res 1129 N 5th. Schuchards Joseph, lab, *res ns Reynolds w of Rutledge. Schuchman Andrew, grocer and saloon keeper, 1430 Washington, res same. Schuck J. H., lumber lime, cement sewer pipe, nails, etc., sw cor 9th and Jefferson, res 1043 S 5th. Schuck Charles, bookkeeper, bds 1043 S 5th. Schuckers Louis C., bds Revere House. Schuenholt Lizzie, wid, grocer, cor 2d and Reynolds. Schuessler E., student Concordia Seminary. Schuler Agnes, wid, home 932 W Jefferson. Schuler Conrad, wks at Reiner’s, res 419 N 2d. 180 Schuler John C., bar-tender, 216 S 6th. Schuler John N., carpenter, res n end 8th, n of limits. Schultz Bruno, mechanic, bds 8th, 2d h n of Allen. Schultz John Henry, tailor, *res 910 Carpenter. Schulze William, druggist, 630 Washington. Schupmann A., student Concordia Semniary. Schuppy August, clerk, res ne cor 4th and Carpenter. Schutte Annie, home 323 W Cook. Schutte Berhard, res 323 W Cook. Schutte Henry, clerk, bds 323 W Cook. Schutte Lizzie, home 323 W Cook. Schwab Theresa, wid, Germania House. Schwalm Anna, seamstress, bds ns Cook bet Spring and College. Schwalm George, lab, bds ns Cook bet Spring and College. Schwalm Wm. sr., blacksmith, ns Cook bet Spring and College. Schwalm Wm. jr., watchman, bds ns Cook bet Spring and College. Schwaneck John, confectioner, rooms Brilliant House. Schwarberg Augustus, carpenter, *res 2 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Schwarberg Anna, home 811 N 3d. Schwarberg Gustavus, bar-tender, res n end 2d. Schwarberg Ed., lab, *res 811 Miller. Schwarberg H. H., clerk, *res 811 N 3d. Schwartz Emma, help at 1002 S 4th. Schwartz Henry, saloon, *res 714 Jefferson. Schwartz Mike, works at 920 Washington. Schwerdelfeger Hulda, wks at 415 Walnut. Schyver Richard, engineer Illinois mills, *res 1st opp gas works. Scott Alexander, engineer Wabash, bds 413 S 9th. Scott Dwight, painter, *res ne cor 1st and Madison. Scott E. J., railroader, *res 110 N 6th. Scott Frank, clerk, bds 308 N 5th. Scott Frank, sr., shoemaker, *res Governor, 2d h w of Douglas. Scott Frank, jr., shoemaker, bds Governor, 2d h w of Douglas. Scott Frank B., salesman for Henson Robinson. Scott Jacob (col), lab, bds 1109 Miller. Scott John B., attorney, res 227 S 6th. Scott John O., salesman for C. C. Troxell. Scott Nelson (col), lab, res 4th bet Carpenter and Miller. Scott N. J. (col), lab, res 3d nr Union. Scott Roger, car-repairer, bds at J. G. Hart’s. Scully John, carpenter, *res 5th h n of Edwards on Douglas av. Scully John, engineer, *res 1206 Adams. Seaman Ann, wid, nurse, res 915 Madison. Seaman Charles, wks w. factory, bds 915 Madison. 181 Seaman Charles H., deputy sheriff, *res 624 S 5th. Seaman E. G. Miss, home 609 N 5th. Seaman Isaacetta, teacher, bds 915 Madison. Seaman Lola, teacher, bds 915 Madison. Sears Antonio, wks w. factory, bds 1117 N 9th. Sears John V., wks w. factory, res 1117 N 9th. Sebree James S., res cor Washington and Walnut. Secker Ben, miner, res 1117 Madison. Sedgwick Esther H., res 730 Monroe. Seeders John, ex-justice of the peace, res 401 N 7th. Seedorff Frederick, car conductor, *res 844 S 5th. Seeman Charles, lab, *res 432 Herndon. Seeman John C., engineer, res 1323 Washington. Seeman Mollie, bds 113 N 9th. Segi Mary J., wks at Western Hotel. Segin Henry, shoemaker, res 118 Carpenter. Seifert Adam, bookbinder, bds N 3d, 3d h s of North av. Seifert Carrie, home N 3d, 3d h s of North av. Seifert Peter, lab, *res N 3d , 3d h s of North av. Seig Adam, mill hand, res cor 9th and Ridgely. Seigler John, painter, *res 1626 Capitol av. Selby Emily, assistant State Librarian, bds at Rev. A. Hale’s. Selby Paul, postmaster and editor Illinois State Journal, bds nw cor 2d and Adams. Selige Fred, teams, *res w end of High. Selige H., brick manufacturer, w end Reynolds, res same. Seligman David, cigar manufacturer, over 611 Washington, res 522 N 5th. Seligman Daniel, cigar manufacturer, res 439 N 5th. Seligman Henrietta, home 439 N 5th. Seligman Jacob, trav. salesman, *res 8th bet Madison and Mason. Seligman Julius, trav. salesman, bds 721 Mason. Seligman Julius, commercial traveler, *res 725 Mason. Sell Alma, res 515 N 5th. Sell A. J., grocer, res 515 N 5th. Sell Clemantine, res 515 N 5th. Sell Mary J., teacher, res 515 N 5th. Selle F., student Concordia Seminary. Sergeant Edward, brakeman Wabash, bds 1201 Monroe. Seward Augusta, home 554 W Canedy. Seward Charles Mrs., wid, res 554 W Canedy. Seward Charles jr., clerk, bds 554 W Canedy. Sexton James, lab, res 321 W Jefferson. Sexton Jeremiah, lab, res 811 S 3d. 182 Sexton Jerry, miner, res 1023 S 11th. Sexton John, lab, res 410 Williams. Sexton Michael, lab, res 319 W Jefferson. Sexton Nora, help at C. O. Matheny’s Seymour George F., Rt. Rev. Bishop of Springfield, res 312 Adams. Seymour Joseph, broom-maker, res 1216 Monroe. Seymour Valentine, lab, res cor Hay and Bond. Shanahan Bridget, wks at sw cor 5th and Keyes av. Shanahan John, bookkeeper, bds 1135 N 5th. Shanahan Mary, home 1135 N 5th. Shanahan Mary, wks N. B. Edwards. Shanahan Nellie, home 1135 N 5th. Shanahan Thomas, lab, res 1135 N 5th. Shanley Barney, lab, res ns Madison bet 11th and 12th. Shannon George, fireman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Sharp William, wks at hominy mill. Sharpe John, machinist, res 808 Edwards. Sharples William, lab, *res 810 Spring. Shaughnessy Annie, seamstress, bds 1810 Capitol av. Shaughnessy Edward, res 1810 Capitol av. Shaughnessy Edward, lab, bds 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy Maggie, clerk at Herndon & Co’s. Shaughnessy Mary, wid, res 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy Mary A., milliner, home 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy Johanna, seamstress, bds 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy John, lab, bds 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy Josie, home 1810 Capitol av. Shaughnessy Lizzie, seamstress, bds 1810 Capitol av. Shaughnessy Patrick, bds 2d bet Scarrit and Allen. Shaughnessy Simon, lab, bds 1810 Capitol av. Shaw Charles, wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Shaw Frank, wks w. factory, bds Jefferson House. Shaw George A., clerk, *res 228 Monroe. Shaw Harmon, blacksmith, *res sw cor 12th and Douglas. Shaw James, res 922 S 14th. Shaw John, merchant, res 710 Reynolds. Shaw Millie, milliner, sw cor 12th and Douglas. Shaw William, wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Shaw William M., saloon and restaurant, 407 Washington. Shay John, lab, res 1033 Rutledge. Shay William, lab, *res ss Miller bet 10th and 11th. Shea Bridget, wid, *res se cor Reynolds and Rutledge. Shea Hannah, help at 905 S 6th. Shea Mollie, wks ne cor 11th and Jackson. 183 Sheady Phil., porter at St. Nicholas. Sheehan Charles, heater, *res 8th, 3d h n of Black. Sheehan Ellen, wid, res 320 W Reynolds. Sheehan Thomas, railroader, *res 127 W Mason. Sheehan William, lab, res 327 W Mason. Sheets J. H., painter, bds Wilson House. Shehey Edward, mason, res 409 Calhoun av. Sheiry & Baker, grocers, 800 S 5th. Sheiry E. J. Mrs., wid, res 8th, 2d h s of Edwards. Sheiry H. W., grocer, res 800 S 5th. Sheiry Vanula, home 8th 2d h s of Edwards. Shelble Joseph, grave-digger, *res entrance Oak Ridge. Shelby Abraham, teams, res es 10th, 1st h s of South av. Shell Adam, engineer, bds 401 cor 7th and Mason. Shell Amos, engineer, bds 401 N 7th. Shelley Michael, lab, *res 213 W Carpenter. Shelley Patrick, brick-layer, res 1108 Carpenter. Shenk A., home 838 S 2d. Shentle Gottlieb, baker for J. W. Rapps. Shepard Wilson, lab, res 107 Jefferson. Shepherd A. Mrs., wid, boarders, 518 Capitol av. Shepherd L. W., dep. U. S. collector, res ne cor 8th and Capitol av. Shepherd Moses, res 1151 N 7th. Shepherd -------- , lab, res 1114 Revel. Sherer Frank, machinist, *res 722 S 11th. Sheridan Edward, tinner, bds 609 N 7th. Sheridan Jennie, seamstress, home 609 N 7th. Sheridan Mamie, seamstress, home 609 N 7th. Sheridan Margaret, wks at sw cor 8th and Capitol av. Sheridan Patrick, lab, *res 609 N 7th. Sherman House, John Zimmermann, propr., sw cor 5th and Jefferson. Sherman Lucius, brakeman, bds 1300 Washington. Sherrard Richard, wks 1105 S 6th. Sherwood Edward, bookkeeper Ferguson’s, bds 1214 Capitol av. Sherwood Elizabeth, wid, cor Jackson and East av. Sherwood Idalia, wid, res 1214 Capitol av. Sherwood Mary, home nw cor 8th and Capitol av. Sherwood M. E. Mrs., nw cor 8th and Capitol av. Sherwood William, wks w. factory, bds 1214 Capitol av. Shibley C. D., carriage-maker, bds 503 N 5th. Shide Oliver, wks w. factory, bds Grand Avenue House. Shield Anna, (col), wid, res 1537 Mason. Shield Delia, se cor 8th and Madison. 184 Shinkle Ida M., home cor High and Dresser. Shinkle John L., gardener, *res cor High and Dresser. Shinkle Lincoln A., wks w. factory, bds cor High and Dresser. Shinkle Sirus L., wks w. factory, bds cor High and Dresser. Shinn C. W., architect, res 714 S 5th. Shinn L. S., carpenter, *res 130 Madison. Shipley William H., carpenter, res 1420 Capitol av. Shipman E. T., bar-tender, 216 S 6th. Shobert John W., blacksmith, res sw cor 7th and Madison. Shobert Mary, home sw cor 7th and Madison. Shockley Uel H., contractor and builder, window and door frames, sash and blinds a specialty; 7th bet Washington and Jefferson, res N Klein, nr Calhoun. Shockley John, carpenter, res 702 N 2d. Shockley Marietta, res Klein, 2d h s of Calhoun. Sholberg William, brewer, *res 208 W Carpenter. Shook John, lab, *res 226 Jackson. Short Annie, wks w. factory, bds Jackson, 2d h e of 16th. Short Sallie, *res 708 S 5th. Short Thomas, plasterer, *res Jackson, 2d h e of 16th. Shortlo William, miner, *res Black av bet 9th and 10th. Shrader W. W., boots and shoes, 518 ss square, res 405 W Monroe. Shrader Henry, carpenter, bds 422 W Washington. Shuckhart J. H., train dispatcher I. C., res 330 N 4th. Shultz Delila A., 902 Monroe. Shuman Riley, wks at J. W. Priest’s. Shunk Nick, baker, *res 424 W Carpenter. Shupp John, cigar-maker, bds St. Charles. Shutt Fred, police, *res 116 W Carpenter. Shutt Thomas E., clerk, *res 520 S 5th. Shutt William E., attorney, res Capitol av bet 7th and 8th. Sidener Samuel N., teams, res 576 Elliot and Walnut. Sidener Thomas D., painter, bds 576 Elliot and Walnut. Siebert John, carpenter, *res 408 W Mason. Siefert Adam, lab, res 300 W Cook. Siefert Christ, grocer, res cor 11th and South av. Siefert John B., bds 300 W Cook. Siefert Laurence, harness-maker, bds 300 W Cook. Siefert Lizzie, seamstress, bds 300 W Cook. Siegler William, wks r. mill, bds Globe Hotel. Sikes Anna, home 404 N 5th. Sikes Rufus, *res 404 N 5th. Silva Antonio, carpenter, *res 902 Monroe. 185 Silva John, sr., carpenter, res 1335 Washington. Silva John, jr., carpenter, bds 1335 Washington. Silva Manuel, marble-cutter, res 922 S 7th. Silver James, lab, bds 1223 Washington. Silver Peter, wks w. factory, *res 1223 Washington. Simmons Frank, dealer in books, stationery, news and picture frames, 124 es square, res 1015 S 5th. Simmons Eugene M., clerk in Simmons’ book store. Simmons George, carpenter, *res 1016 Monroe. Simmons M. F., editor Journal, *res 710 S 7th. Simpson David, saloon, *res 122 W Jefferson. Simpson George, miner, bds 122 W Jefferson. Simpson G. T., constable, res 619 W Washington. Simpson John S., machinist, *res 1115 N 8th. Simpson Mary E., home 516 Jefferson. Simpson Mollie, *res 8th bet Washington and Jefferson. Simpson Sarah, wid, 1200 Madison. Simms Granville (col), wks at Leland Hotel. Simms Thornton (col), miner, bds 211 N 5th. Sims A. M., bds 405 Monroe. Sims Lottie, wks at 320 Adams. Sims W. V., wid, *res 124 Reynolds. Singleton Clayton (col), lab, *res 3d, s of Wright. Singleton Stewart Mrs., wid, *res 631 S 11th. Sinnott Edward, shoemaker, res se cor 12th and Carpenter. Sinnott Ellen, wks at 418 N 2d. Sinnott George, shoemaker at Fayart’s. Sinnott James, miner, bds cor Allen and Henrietta. Sinnott -------- , Mrs., washer, cor Allen and Henrietta. Sirrs William, lab, *res cor 11th and Reservoir. Sisk Mary, wid, seamstress, *res 807 Adams. Sisters of the Precious Blood, 6th bet Reynolds and Mason. Sitts William, painter, bds Green Tree. Sives Tom, (col), lab, 10th bet Madison and Mason. Skelly George M., salesman C. M. Smith & Co. Skidmore F. M., bds se cor Douglas av and Governor. Skinner Pauline, wks nw cor Capitol and Lewis. Slade James P., Supt. Pub. Inst., *res 529 Spring. Slater R. E., carpenter, *res 303 Monroe. Slavin Patrick, peddler, res 1020 S 11th. Slavin William, lab, *res 9th and Ridgely. Slayton Dick, carpenter, bds 300 Monroe. Slayton Flora, wks Herndon, w of brewery. Slemmons S. A., manager Globe Mills, res se cor 5th and Allen. 186 Slenker Philip J., cigar-maker, bds 410 N 4th. Slowey Frank, wks w. factory, *res 2d 3d h n of Union. Smilie David, bartender, 800 Washington. Smilie James S., lab, bds 800 Washington. Smilie Jane, wid, *res 802 Washington. Smilie Lottie, 800 Washington. Smilie Mamie, 800 Washington. Smilie Robert, wire screens, *res 622 N 5th. Smith & Hay, wholesale grocers, 624 and 626 Washington. Smith Allen, clerk at Smith & Co.’s shoe store. Smith Alice, bds 520 S 5th. Smith Annie, home 948 S 2d. Smith Anthony, blacksmith, *res road sw of fair ground. Smith Anton, lab, *res ne cor 15th and Cook. Smith Antonia, washer, res se cor 14th and Mason. Smith A., machinist, 103 S 3d. Smith A. J., principal 2d ward school, *res 729 W Washington. Smith Brown (col), wks at 415 N 7th. Smith Butler, wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Smith C. M. & Co., dealers in dry goods, boots and shoes, 524 and 528 ss square, and goceries, 213 S 6th. Smith Charles, knitter, *res ss Adams, bet 13th and 14th. Smith Charles, wks r. mill, bds ws 8th, 2d h n of North av. Smith Charles, moulder, bds 421 N 10th. Smith C. M. & Son (E. T. Smith), clothiers and gents’ furnishers, 526 Adams. Smith Charles W., *res 11 Mill row. Smith Charles W., moulder, bds St. Charles. Smith C. M., druggist, 215 S 6th, and general merchant, res ne cor 4th and Cook. Smith Christina, wid, cor 8th and Black av. Smith Clara, home with C. M. Smith. Smith C. H., wks w. factory, *res 1127 N 7th. Smith, Clendenin & Rees, proprietors Illinois State Register, 514 Monroe. Smith David, miner, bds 327 N 14th. Smith E. F., clerk, bds 1027 S 7th. Smith E. S., asst. Attorney-General, *res 1019 S 5th. Smith E. T., clothier, res ne cor 4th and Cook. Smith E. W., plasterer, *res 116 W Jefferson. Smith Fannie, wks at 428 W Monroe. Smith Fred, Fancy Bazaar, res sw cor 5th and Scarrit. Smith Fred E., attorney, res 611 S 4th. Smith F. B., telegraph operator, bds at Leland Hotel. 187 Smith F. B., physician, res 1027 S 7th. Smith George (Smith, Clendenin & Rees), pub. State Register. Smith George C., res 511 North av. Smith Hattie J., res 1133 S 7th. Smith Hattie (col), wks at 328 S 8th. Smith Henderson, lab, *res 901 College. Smith Henry (col), miner, *res 221 W Jefferson. Smith H. F., clerk at Simmons, bds at Western Hotel. Smith Inez L., home 1133 S 7th. Smith James, brick-layer, res 5th, 5th h n of North av. Smith James, machinist, res 948 S 2d. Smith James, barber, res se cor 18th and Mason. Smith Jennie, wks at 401 N 7th. Smith Jerome, waiter at Wilson House. Smith John, wks at r. mill, bds at Ridgely. Smith John, lab, bds at 901 College. Smith John (col), wks at Leland Hotel. Smith John S., roller, bds at Rolling Mill Hotel. Smith Joe, sr., lab, bds at Rolling Mill Hotel. Smith Joe, jr., lab, bds at Rolling Mill Hotel. Smith Julia A., sw cor 8th and Ridgely av. Smith J. Taylor, banker, res 4th bet Cook and Jackson. Smith J., cattle drover, *res 911 Miller. Smith J. G., plasterer, bds at 947 College. Smith J. S., wks at w. factory, res North av bet 7th and 8th. Smith J. W., tailor, res 947 College. Smith & Bro., propr’s Fancy Bazaar, notions, toys, and fancy goods, 516 ss square. Smith Lafayette, grocer, res 1027 S 7th. Smith L. A. Mrs., wid, *res 120 New. Smith Maggie S., home 948 S 2d. Smith Mary, home 844 S 5th. Smith Mary, res 9th , 2d h s of Enterprise. Smith Mary, wks at 901 Capitol av. Smith Mary A., help at 813 S 6th. Smith Mary C., wks at 414 W Edwards. Smith Margery, res 844 S 5th. Smith Manuel, lab, res n of Concordia College. Smith Mollie, bds 711 Jefferson. Smith Moses (col), miner, *res 914 Madison. Smith M. E. Miss, dressmaker, res 107 ws square. Smith M. W. Mrs., wid, res 1133 S 7th. Smith Nicholas, lab, *res 928 Miller. Smith Peter (col), barber, res n end Ledlie av. 188 Smith P., moulder, bds St. Charles. Smith Richard P., teacher, res s end Douglas av. Smith Robert, machinist, bds 948 S 2d. Smith R. E. Mrs., *res 1030 S 3d. Smith R. J. Mrs., wid, *res 116 N 13th. Smith Sarah (col), wid, res ne cor 10th and Cedar. Smith Sophia, wid, res Edwards, w of Lincoln. Smith Samuel, Ferguson’s delivery, bds 508 Jefferson. Smith S. T. Mrs., wid, *res 625 Washington. Smith Thomas C., undertaker, 325 S 5th, res same. Smith Thomas, wks se cor 6th and Elm. Smith W. T., cigar-maker, res 421 N 10th. Smith W. F., jr., wks w. factory, bds 1133 S 7th. Smith W. F., sr., Fancy Bazaar, 43w 1133 S 7th. Smith W. F., printer, *res 418 Walnut. Smith William H., wks at Buckley’s, res 214 S 4th. Smith W. M., plasterer, bds 947 College. Smith William M., plumber, res Miller, 3d h w of Rutledge. Smith William, railroader, bds Drury House. Smith Willis (col), help at Gov. Cullom’s. Smukal R., student Concordia Seminary. Smyre D. L., lab, bds 805 Adams. Smythe J. H., wks w. factory, res es 8th, 6th h n of North av. Snape Harry, clerk, bds 412 Monroe. Snape Joseph, carpenter, res 1012 Mason. Snape R. H., plumber, res 412 Monroe. Snell M. Miss, dressmaker, 527 ns square. Snell H. S., music teacher, office at Chatterton’s. Snell L. M., editor and correspondent, rooms 220 S 4th. Snigg John C., lawyer, bds 1113 Adams. Snigg Margaret, wid, *res 1113 Adams. Snively E. A., Clerk Supreme Court, central grand div., *res ne cor 6th and Vine. Snodgrass Mary, wid, res se cor 2d and Scarrit. Snodgrass Robert, fireman, bds se cor 2d and Scarrit. Snodgrass Sarah, home se cor 2d and Scarrit. Snodgrass William, boiler-maker, bds se cor 2d and Scarrit. Snodgrass William, engineer, res North av bet 10th and 11th. Snow George, engineer, res North av bet 11th and 12th. Snowball Anthony, miner, *res 11 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Snyder George A., lab, bds 312 N 6th. Sohl John, lab, bds 1129 S 12th. Sohl Kate, home 1129 S 12th. Sohl Leonard, sr., carpenter, res 1129 S 12th. 189 Sohl Leonardk jr., boiler-maker, bds 1129 S 12th. Sollars Eliza, wid, res 1404 Jackson. Sollars James, wks r. mill, res 607 N 8th. Solle William, grocer, res 1017 Capitol av. Solle Louis, carpenter, res Douglas bet 18th and 19th. Solomon Jacob, miner, *res R. R. bet 5th and 6th. Solomon John, miner, res nw cor 6th and Elm. Solomon Peter, brick-maker, res 1126 N 6th. Solomon Robert, miner, *res 1132 N 6th. Solon T. J., shoemaker, bds 618 Adams. Sommer W. C., jeweler, 514 ss square, res 513 N 5th. Sommer Barbara, home 131 W Reynolds. Sommer Fred, lab, res 311 Washington. Sommer Fred, carpenter, res 630 N 1st. Sommer Henry, grocery and saloon, 131 W Reynolds. Sommer L., druggist, res 544 S 2d. Sommer Nic, grocer, res N 1st, nr Union. Sommers Michael, brick-mason, res 215 Doyle. Sommers William, brick-layer, *res 116 New. Soost Mary, plume dyer, over 611 Washington. Soost William, lab, res Brown and 14th, nr South av. Sorg C., student Concordia Seminary. Sorg George, lab, *res 919 Mason. Sours Andrew, sr., lab, res sw cor 10th and Reynolds. Sours Andrew, jr., lab, bds sw cor 10th and Reynolds. Sours Kate, home sw cor 10th and Reynolds. Souther George H., res 1203 S 6th. Souther Louis, res 413 W Monroe. Souther L. L., dep. appellate clerk, bds 413 W Monroe. Souzie Anna, seamstress, bds 1020 Reynolds. Souzie Charles, tinner, bds 1020 Reynolds. Souzie Manuel, lab, 1020 Reynolds. Sowers Jane, wid, res 1170 N 4th. Sowers Anton, helper, bds 9th, 6th h n of North av. Spangler B. F., heater, res cor N 8th and R. R. Spangler G. W., lab, bds cor N 8th and R. R. Spannuth H., student Concordia Seminary. Spath Catharine, home 422 Madison. Spath George, retired, res 422 Madison. Spath Julia A., home 422 Madison. Spaulding Ida Miss, bds sw cor 8th and Cass. Spear & Loose, lumber, lime, etc., ns Washington e of 9th. Spear David Mrs., wid, res 513 North av. Spear Jennie Miss, home 513 North av. 190 Spear J. H., lumber dealer, res 415 Walnut, head of Capitol av. Spear Lewie Miss, res 513 North av. Speckman Gussina, res 435 N 4th. Speitel John, wks at res of H. W. Rokker. Spence John, miner, *res 426 W Reynolds. Spence Margaret E., 315 S 4th, up stairs. Spence Mary J., wid, *res 315 S 4th, up stairs. Spence William, bar-tender, 917 Washington. Spencer Anna, wid, wks at 400 W Cook. Spencer Charles, blacksmith, bds Marshall House. Spencer Ida, wks w. factory, bds 923 N 5th. Spencer John, (col), wks at Leland Hotel. Sperry Julia, wid, Jefferson nr Walnut. Speulda Mart. W., jeweler, res 113 Jefferson. Spicer Carlton (col), wks at J. I. Loose’s residence. Spicker Minnie, wks at 520 S 7th. Spieker Herman, lumber salesman, res 1021 Capitol av. Spies Anton, clerk, bds 225 W Edwards. Spies Anton, lab, res 225 W Edwards. Spies Clemens, drayman, bds Sherman House. Spies Gertrude, home 225 W Edwards. Spies Gustav, lab res 231 W Edwards. Spies John, lab, *res 1007 Miller. Spies John, clerk, bds 225 W Edwards. Spies Josephine, wid, *res 516 W Mason. Spies Katie, wks at 1019 S 5th. Spies Kate, wks at Green Tree Hotel. Sponsler Charles, fireman, bds 1000 S 11th. Sprague J. B., physician, *res 1331 Market. Sprigg Hattie (col), washwoman, *res 312 N 2d. Spring John, carpenter, *res 1215 Adams. Springer Charles, wks w. factory, bds 909 Reynolds. Springer Francis, minister, res w end Governor. Springer Isaac, res 909 Reynolds. Springer William M., congressman, res in Washington. Springfield Board of Trade, 628 and 630 Washington; R. D. Lawrence, pres’t; John G Ives, sec’y. Springfield Business College, ne cor square; S. Bogardus, proprietor. Springfield City Railway Co., A. L. Ide, pres’t; John W. Bunn, sec’y; Wm. Ridgely, treas; Geo. C. Ripley, supt. Springfield Co-operative Coal Co., 209 S 5th; Geo. Nelson, pres’t; Archie Reid, sec’y; J. W. Moore, supt; R. H. Beach, agent. 191 Springfield Daily Evening Post, 231 S 6th; Capital Co-operative Publishing Co., publishers. Springfield Gas Light Co., 119 ws square; N. H. Ridgely, pres’t; Wm. Ridgely, sec’y; Alfred Ordiorne, supt. Springfield Iron Co., 119 ws square; Charles Ridgely, pres’t; John W. Bunn, vice-pres’t; Geo. M. Brinkerhoff, sec’y. Springfield Journal Co., printers and binders, 315 S 6th. Springfield M. & F. I. Co., es square; R. F. Ruth, pres’t; B. H. Ferguson, cashier. Springfield & Northwestern R’y, depot at Wabash; John T. Stuart; pres’t; E. B Hyde, supt.; Wm. Ridgely, treas.; F. W. Sutton, auditor; general office 121 N 6th. Springfield Paper Mill, W Adams; N. R. Nixon, manager. Springfield School of Elocution and Oratory, 323 S 5th; J. C. Feitshans, principal. Springfield Water Works, office 614 Washington; H. O. Bolles, pres’t; M. F. DeSouza, sup’t; L. R. Brown, sec’y. Springfield Woolen Mills, S 4th, Dickerman & Co., proprs. Sprouse William, wks at r. mill, bds with E. S. Primm. Spurway George, plasterer, *res 315 N 2d. Staats-Wochenblatt, Register bldg.; H. Schlange, publisher. Stack Alice, home 1128 Capitol av. Stack Edward, lab, *res ne cor 11th and Adams. Stack Katie, home 1128 Capitol av. Stack Lizzie, home 1128 Capitol av. Stack Patrick, wks at Bettie Stuart Institute. Stack Thomas, res 1128 Capitol av. Stacy A. K., clerk for Osgood, bds 909 S 5th. Stacy Katie, home cor High and West av. Stacy Kenny, clerk, bds 909 S 5th. Stacy J. D., insurance agent, *res High and West av. Stadden George B., bookkeeper Herndon’s, bds 1006 S 4th. Stadden Mary J., Mrs., wid, res 1006 S 4th. Stadden W. H., solicitor Evening Post, bds 634 N 2d. Stafford O. N., res 718 S 7th. Stafford P. A., wid, res 925 Carpenter. Stager Juliana, home 1014 Washington. Stahl John, moulder, res ne cor 10th and Jackson. Stahl J. F., clerk, *res 421 W Monroe. Stahl Laura, seamstress, bds ne cor 10th and Jackson. Staley Amand, saloon, res se cor 9th and Miller. Staley Charles E., commercial traveler, res 1162 N 5th. Staley John W., deputy assessor, bds Western Hotel. Staley Nellie K., home 1150 N 5th. 192 Staley Warfield, retired, res 1014 N 5th. Staley William H., Assessor, res 1150 N 5th. Stange Henry, gardener, res 416 S 8th. Stange Mary, wid, res 416 S 8th. Stanhope Edward, lab, 710 Reynolds. Stanley B. F., physician, *res 125 Carpenter. Stanley Eva, home 125 Carpenter. Stanley Frank, baker, bds 125 Carpenter. Stanley H. A., teamster *res Lincoln s of Governor. Stanley John, painter, *res nw cor Mason and Rutledge. Stanley Mary, washwoman, *res 306 W Mason. Stanley Mary E., wid, *res nw cor Mason and Rutledge. Stanton C. M., Division Superintendent O. & M. R. R., res 420 S 5th. Starck W. C., clerk W. D. Miller’s, bds Revere House. Stark & Bergner, laundry, 510 Monroe. Stark George, car-repairer, res 1322 Edwards. Stark Henry, laundry, bds 1322 Edwards. Stark John, at elevator, *res 1322 Edwards. Starne, Dresser & Co., proprietors Sangamon Mines; office rear of 1st National Bank. Starne Alexander, res sw cor West av and Edwards. Starne Charles A., bds sw cor West av and Edwards. Starne Lucy A., home sw cor West av and Edwards. Starne Mary M., home sw cor West av and Edwards. Starne William A., clerk, bds sw cor West av and Edwards. Starr W. V., painter, bds Marshall House. State National Bank, sw cor square, S. H. Jones, president, F. K. Whittemore, cashier. Statton Harris, hostler, bds 634 N 2d. St. Charles Hotel, 216 Jefferson; F. Schlitt, propr. St. Clair O. C., publisher, *res 1200 S 4th. Stebbins Oscar F., hardware merchant, nw cor square, res 728 S 5th. Steele R. C., grocer, 422 and 424 Monroe, res 623 Adams. Steele D. J., wks r. mill, *res R. R. bet N 5th and 6th. Steele Rosa, help at 728 S 5th. Steelman Andrew, carpenter, res 1025 Monroe. Steelman James W., carpenter, res 1723 Capitol av. Steelman Phoebe A., wid, res 1723 Capitol av. Steelman Phoebe J., 1723 Capitol av. Steffan George, wks for Steiger Bros. Steffan Valentine, butcher, res 1027 Adams. Steiger & Bro., meat markets, sw cor 5th and Monroe, nw cor 5th and Jefferson. 193 Steiger Albert, butcher, res 302 N 2d. Steiger Charles, butcher, res 216 N 2d. Steiger Julius, butcher, bds 600 W Monroe. Steiger William, butcher, bds 302 N 2d. Steil J. P., teams, *res 624 W Herndon. Steimer Henry, blacksmith, bds Green Tree. Stein Adam, janitor, res 207 W Cook.. Stein Anna, seamstress, bds 207 W Cook. Stein Norman, lab, bds 207 W Cook. Steinboemer Arend Mrs., wid, home 914 N 1st. Steinhauser Charles, wks w. factory, bds 913 S 11th. Steinhauser Minnie, bds 713 (913?) S 11th. Steinhauser Christina, wid, 913 S 11th. Steinritz Charles H., harness-maker, 414 Adams. Steinritz Emma Mrs., res 414 Adams. Stender Gus. C., barber at Warner’s, bds Drury House. Stephenson James, bds Marshall House. Stephenson Mary E., help at 1005 S 6th. Stephenson A. (col), lab, res 1535 Mason. Stephenson Geo. (col), lab, res 205 N 15th. Stephenson Samuel, cook, *res 305 W Washington. Stephenson Thomas (col), carpenter, *res 905 Madison. Sterling & Grout, attorneys, ne cor square. Sterling Thomas, City Attorney, bds Jefferson, 4th h w of Walnut. Stern A., salesman at S. Benjamin’s. Stern Charles, clothier, *res 527 N 6th. Stern G., student at Concordia Seminary. Stern S. S., *res 631 N 5th. Stevens H. P., propr. Tremont House, 420 Monroe. Stevens Annie C., bds 425 S 7th. Stevens Corintha, wid, res 9th, 2d h s of Edwards. Stevens George L., clerk, *res 2d, opp State House. Stevens Henry, lawyer, res Washington, w of Lincoln av. Stevens Kittie E., bds 425 S 7th. Stevens John, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Stevens John M., constable, res Washington, w of Lincoln av. Stevens J. H., machinist, *res 425 S 7th. Stevens Samuel H., watchmaker at Fisher’s, bds 410 S 5th. Stevens Nancy (col), res nw cor 12th and Reynolds. Steward J. C., barber, State nr Washington. Stewart John, wks for Steiger Bros. Stewart Robert, yard man, bds Revere House. Stickel Fred, res 172 W Carpenter. Stickel Hiram, carpenter, bds 810 Monroe. 194 Stickley Henry, lamplighter, *res 823 Monroe. Still John R., carpenter, bds 717 Washington. Still Fred, printer at Register office. Stimson Edward B., barber, *res 1119 Jackson. Stineman Henry, wks r. mill, *res 310 W Reynolds. Stineman John, baker, *res Revel s of Wright. Stith Mary E., wks at 901 Capitol av. St. John’s Hospital, Mason head of 8th; Mother Ulrica, superior. St. John R., blacksmith, res 1008 Mason. St. John P., carpenter, *res 319 W Edwards. St. Nicholas Hotel, cor 4th and Jefferson; John McCreery, propr.; John A. Nafew, clerk. Stock & Dockson, painters, 113 S 7th. Stock Henry, teams, bds Green Tree. Stock Thomas, painter, res 1324 S 11th. Stockbridge A. E. Mrs., wid, boarders, *res 9th, 3d h n of North av. Stockbridge W. R., clerk, bds 9th, 3d h n of North av. Stockdale A. J. Mrs., wid, boarders, 721 Mason. Stockdale Bonnie, home 721 Mason. Stockdale Jennie, home 721 Mason. Stockdale M. Mrs., wid, res nw cor 2d and Allen. Stockdale Wallace, clerk, *res nw cor 2d and Allen. Stoll John H., clerk in Fisher’s drug store. Stone Charles, paper-hanger, bds 1303 Jackson. Stone Georgia, res ss Madison bet 11th and 12th. Stone Mary J., wid, res ne cor 11th and Mason. Stone Rufus R., fireman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Stoneberger C. P., clerk in Bressmer’s, bds 617 N 5th. Stoneberger Louis, miller, bds 617 N 5th. Stoneberger William, carpenter, res 617 N 5th. Stoppelwerth Christina, home 229 W Reynolds. Stoppelwerth Frank, carpenter, res 229 W Reynolds. Stoppelwerth Henry cigar-maker, bds 229 W Reynolds. Storen Jeremiah, lab, res 1120 Madison. Storm Henry, harness-maker, *res 125 W Reynolds. Storm John, lab, res 125 W Reynolds. Stott S. M. Mrs., res sw cor 8th and Capitol av. Stout Charles, clerk, *res 702 Cook and Spring. Stout Isaac, lab, *res ne cor Union and 1st. St. Paul’s Orphanage, 320 Adams; Sister Sarah in charge. Strader Cooney, teams, *res 13th bet Reynolds and Carpenter. Straws William, lab, res 425 College. Strayer A. T., telegraph operator Wabash, bds 427 S 2d. Strebel George, miner, res 1517 Cook. 195 Stretch George, clerk, res nw cor 3d and Scarrit. Strickland Edward P., bds 917 S 8th. Strickland George, carpenter, *res 917 S 8th. Strickland John W., printer, bds Peoria, 3d h n of North av. Strickland Thomas, printer, bds 1175 N 4th. Strickler R. R., brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Striffler John M., ice dealer, 214 S 5th; res 128 W Jefferson. String Leona, home with Samuel String. String Sam’l, at Connelly’s, res State bet Monroe and Washington. Striplin Mary F., seamstress, bds 1108 Monroe. Stripling Daniel, painter, bds at 508 Jefferson. Strott Susan Mrs., wid, cor Walnut and Monroe. Stroud Alonzo, photographer, res 310 W Reynolds. Stuart, Edwards & Brown, attorneys, sw cor square. Stuart Hannah Miss, home 529 S 4th. Stuart Jennie Miss, home 529 S 4th. Stuart John T., lawyer, res 529 S 4th. Stubbs F. N., carpenter, *res 1219 Capitol av. Stubbs George F., carpenter, *res 214 N 8th. Stults Elizabeth, wid, home 812 S 11th. Stults Thomas, miner, bds 1431 Washington. Sudduth Thomas, farmer, bds ne cor Rutledge and North av. Suggs Frank (col), restaurant, 619 Adams. Sullivan Henry, wk w. factory, bds Union bet 1st and 2d. Sullivan James, railroader, bds Union bet 1st and 2d. Sullivan Jasper (col), miner, res cor Monroe and East av. Sullivan John, lab, *res ne cor 18th and Capitol av. Sullivan Josephine, help at 537 S 4th. Sullivan Mary, wid, res Union bet 1st and 2d. Sullivan Mary, home 810 S 15th. Sullivan Mary, wid, res 810 S 15th. Sullivan Minnie, 801 Barret. Sullivan M., roller, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Sullivan Nora Miss, 10th bet Douglas and Cass. Sullivan Patrick, miner, *res 1125 S 11th. Sullivan Peter, melter, bds with E. S. Primm. Sullivan P. R., heater, *res Eastman av bet 7th and 8th. Sullivan Richard, heater, *res Eastman av, nr 8th. Sullivan Steve, wks r. mill, bds at Ridgely. Sullivan Thomas T., lab, *res 801 Barret. Summersgill John, engineer I. C., *res 1112 Monroe. Sunderhauser John, lab, cor S 11th and Laurel. Sutton Abbie, home nw cor 12th and Kansas. Sutton Abbie Miss, home with Presco Wright. 196 Sutton Abbie A., home 420 Spring. Sutton Abner, res nw cor 12th and Kansas. Sutton Charles H., bookkeeper, bds 420 Spring. Sutton Daniel (col), wks at Wackerle’s, *res next to mill. Sutton Fred W., auditor N. W. Road, bds 420 Spring. Sutton G. A., architect, res 420 Spring. Sutton J. C., builder, res 516 Jefferson. Sutton J. S., clerk at Saunder’s, bds 516 Jefferson. Sutton Mary E., home 516 Jefferson. Sutton Phoebe E., home 420 Spring. Sutton Sallie Miss, home with Presco Wright. Sutton Stephen T., carpenter, bds 516 Jefferson. Sweder Charles, musician, 122 N 8th. Sweeney Kate, wks at St. Nicholas. Sweeney Peter, heater, bds 8th and Keyes av. Sweet B. F., blacksmith, *res 1111 N 7th. Sweittlir Gus., clerk for Dennis Nees. Swett W. W., wks w. factory, *res es 8th, 7th h n of North av. Swigert Charles P., State Auditor, *res 602 S 4th. Swoyer Moses, miner, *res sw cor 8th and Ridgely. Sylvester David, brick-layer, bds 1214 Washington. Sylvester Emma, home 1324 Washington. Sylvester G. A., stone-cutter, res 1214 Washington. Sylvester John, sr., carpenter, res 1219 Jefferson. Sylvester John, jr., wks w. factory, bds 1219 Jefferson. Sylvester J. J., carpenter, res 1324 Washington. Sylvester Lillia, home 1214 Washington. Sylvester Martha, home 1214 Washington. Sylvester Minnie, home 1219 Jefferson. Sylvester Sarah, seamstress, bds 1219 Jefferson. Sylvester William, painter, bds 1214 Washington. Sylvia J., stone-cutter, res 1027 Madison. TABOR MARY, wid, *res se cor 8th and Madison. Taborn Martha (col), wks at nw cor 3d and Allen. Taggart George F., hostler, bds Marshall House. Taintor Annie M., home 934 W Washington. Taintor Esther L., wid, 934 W Washington. Talbott Benjamin F., printer, bds cor 7th and Jefferson. Talbott Bettie Miss, home cor 7th and Jefferson. Talbott Charles R., salesman, bds 220 Jackson. Talbott E. R., grain dealer, bds 220 Jackson. Talbott F., physician, *res 220 Jackson. Talbott Mary C., wid, res cor Jefferson and 6th. 197 Taliaferro F. E., bds North av bet 10th and 11th. Taylor Alfred, cattle dealer, ne cor 8th and Vine. Taylor Anna, bds 634 S 5th. Taylor Charles A., engineer Wabash, res 517 S 9th. Taylor Daniel, *res 316 W Wright. Taylor Delia, home 731 S 8th. Taylor Elizabeth (col), wid, cor Monroe and East av. Taylor Frank M. painter, *res 1404 Jackson. Taylor James H., clerk, bds 316 W Wright. Taylor James Mrs., wid, *res 634 S 5th. Taylor Jasper, bds 841 S 3d. Taylor Jennie, 801 Jefferson. Taylor John (col), janitor, bds nw cor Madison and 12th. Taylor Joseph, miner, res 623 Herndon. Taylor J. S., *res 634 S 5th. Taylor Lizzie, bds 1026 Mason. Taylor M. M., foreman I. C. shops, *res 1104 Jefferson. Taylor N. M., teams, *res N 7th. Taylor Roena (col), wid, extreme S 11th. Taylor Simeon W., constable, res 327 W Monroe. Taylor S. W., engineer at Leland Hotel. Taylor William, clerk, bds at 316 W Wright. Teal Charles W., blacksmith, bds 1125 S 8th. Teal Kate, wid, *res sw cor 11th and Capitol av. Tebben William, saloon, 611 Washington, res se cor 11th and Douglas. Tebben Deana Miss, res se cor 11th and Douglas. Tebben Rosena, wid, *res se cor 11th and Douglas. Ten Eck James, lab, *res 325 N 10th. Ten Eck L. P., lab, bds St. Charles. Terney James, porter at St. Nicholas. Terrant Michael, lab, res 333 Elliot av. Terrier Frank, wks w. factory, bds Grand Avenue House. Terry Eugene, brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Terry Frank, freight conductor Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Terry O. C., freight conductor Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Terry William P., res 421 W Capitol av. Teufel Christopher F., shoemaker, res 913 Carpenter. Teufel Jake, shoemaker, *res 911 Miller. Tewksbury Arthur, machinist, bds es 8th, 9th h n of North av. Tewksbury Isaac A., machinist, res es 8th, 9th h n of North av. Thacher C. H., traveling salesman, *res 121 N 6th. Thacher Mary, bds Walnut, 2d h s of Monroe. Thaxton Clarinda, wks at S. E. Prather’s. 198 Thayer E. R., merchant, bds Leland Hotel. Thayer E. W., pres. Minister, res es 6th, 4th h n of North av. Thayer Harry, bookkeeper r. mill, *res 123 N 6th. Thayer H. A. Miss, teacher, rooms 220 S 4th. Thayer S. F., clerk at Averill’s, *res 928 S 4th. Thayer W. P., jr., res 619 S 7th. Thier Harry, miner, res quarter mile nw of r. mill. Thisse Malinda, wks w. factory, bds 1412 Capitol av. Thisse Nicholas, blacksmith, res 1412 Capitol av. Thoma Louis, saloon, 201 Jefferson, res same. Thoma Frank, butcher, res 113 Reynolds. Thoma Gregor, propr. Green Tree Hotel, cor 4th and Adams. Thoma Henry, dry-goods, res se cor 4th and Union. Thoma Hugo, saloon, res 414 Monroe. Thomas Carl L., sign-writer, es square, over Diller’s drug store, res nw cor Spring and Cook. Thomas J. B., machinist, res 6th bet Vine and South av. Thomas J. D. Mrs., wid, res 936 S 5th. Thomas Noah (col), blacksmith and horse-shoer, 7th bet Washington and Jefferson, res ns Carpenter, bet 11th and 12th. Thomas W. S., Indian botanic physician, res 902 Monroe. Thompson Aaron T., res 825 S 12th. Thompson Alex., wks State House, *res 3d bet Adams and Monroe. Thompson B. A. Mrs., wid, *res 303 Monroe. Thompson Charles, carpenter, res 412 Doyle. Thompson Jennie, home 303 Monroe. Thompson Johanna, *res 1308 North av. Thompson John, wks at L. H. Coleman’s. Thompson John, charger steel mill, bds Mill Hotel. Thompson Lillie, 1320 Monroe. Thompson Maggie, wid, *res Peoria road, opp Chapel. Thompson Mary, wks Rolling Mill Hotel. Thompson Mary, wid, *res 108 W Madison. Thompson Severt, carpenter, res 402 Doyle av. Thompson T. J., justice of the peace, 218 S 5th, bds 518 Capitol av. Thompson Teenie, bds se cor 12th and Jackson. Thompson Theo., carpenter, bds se cor 12th and Jackson. Thompson Thomas, carpenter, *res se cor 12th and Jackson. Thompson Thomas, wks w. factory, bds 108 W Madison. Thompson W. G., boarding, 417 Jefferson. Thornton William, moulder, *res 211 Pasfield. Thorpe Thomas, printer, res ne cor High and New. Thourson Swan, tailor, *res 98 W Wright. 199 Thrawl W. R., teacher, res 1175 N 9th. Thrift Wallace, carpenter, res 824 S 11th. Throop Stephen, w. factory, *res ws 8th, 10th h n of North av. Tibbs Henry (col), bds N 12th. Ticknor Louis H., County Clerk, res 527 S 8th. Tierney James, wks 819 Mason. Tilley Henry, lab, res 1054 Rutledge. Tilley John, fireman, res n end 8th, Ridgely. Tilley J. D., grocer, *res 1122 Jefferson. Tillman John, carriage trimmer, bds Marshall House. Tillotson John A., plasterer, res sw cor Edwards and Douglas av. Timmis Joseph Mrs., wid, res 705 S 15th. Tincher Charles, salesman at Post’s, bds 300 Monroe. Tinan John, teams, res 1035 S 3d. Tinan Mary, seamstress, 1035 S 3d. Tipton Charles, carpenter, res 1113 Rutledge. Tipton Jane, wid, res 125 W Jefferson. Tirrell R. W., auctioneer at Maxcy’s, bds 1119 S 4th. Tisdale Henry, dairy, *res se of city. Tobin Frank, lab, bds 1001 North av. Tobin Isaac, grocer, res cor College and Allen. Tobin James, cattle dealer, res 823 N 7th. Tobin Mary, wid, *res 23 Mill row. Tobin Robert, cattle dealer, res 624 N 4th. Todd John, farmer, *res se cor Allen and Revel. Todd John (col), farmer, res 1808 Monroe. Todd Maria (col), bds 319 W Wright. Todd Nellie (col), 1808 Monroe. Tomlin Bob (col), lab, bds 118 W Edwards. Tomlinson Charles, carpenter, res 1024 College. Tomlinson Hannah, wid, res Edwards w of West av. Tomlinson N., policeman, res nw cor Miller and Rutledge. Tomlinson Pip, lab, bds nw cor Miller and Rutledge. Tomlinson W., lab, bds Lincoln av. Tonjes Mary F., wks at nw cor Spring and Monroe. Tonjes John L., carpenter, res 725 College. Tower Mary, wks 1126 S 7th. Townsend Amy C., wid, *res 415 N 5th. Townsend Clark (col), miner, res Williams, nr Walnut. Townsend J., physician, 418 Adams, res 521 S 7th. Townsend Polly (col), wid, home 1510 Capitol av. Townsley J. T., freight agent O. & M. Torn John, butcher, bds cor Calhoun and Rutledge. Torode Nancy, wid, res 917 Capitol av. 200 Torry Louis, car-driver, bds 730 Washington. Tozer Caroline R., home with D. T. Cleveland. Tracy Frank W., president 1st National Bank, res 1131 S 6th. Tracy Frank C., clerk 1st National Bank, bds 1131 S 6th. Trainer John, lab, res Peoria road, w of shaft. Trainer Mike, lab, *res 920 Monroe. Trayner Elizabeth, wid, Lincoln bet 8th and 9th. Trayner John, lab, bds Lincoln bet 8th and 9th. Trayner Nicholas, painter, bds Lincoln bet 8th and 9th. Trapp Albert H., physician, office and res 403 N 4th. Trapp Augusta, home 403 N 4th. Trapp Fred, lawyer, res 403 N 4th. Trapp William, bds 403 N 4th. Treat S. H., Judge U. S. District Court, res 520 S 2d. Tremont House, 420 Monroe; H. P. Stephens, proprietor. Trent William, lab, res 313 W Wright. Tribbey Samuel, waiter Wilson House. Triebel Catharine Mrs., res 1120 Monroe. Triebel Julia, 1120 Monroe. Triebel Louis, conductor I. C., bds 1120 Monroe. Triebel Otmer, shoe dealer, res 1120 Monroe. Trihey Michael, tinner, res 1202 Washington. Trimble Eugene, lab, *res 218 W Mason. Tripp J. W., bookkeeper S. N. Little & Son’s livery stable. Tripp M. Mrs., wid, laundry, *res 517 Jefferson. Troesch Mathias, tailor, res 109 W Mason. Trotter G. W., lab, *res Madison, 3d h w of Rutledge. Trotter John E., harness-maker, res 405 N 1st. Trotter Mary, wid, home 405 N 1st. Trotter Mary D., seamstress, home 405 N 1st. Trotter W. D., connected with State Register. Troubles Charles, lab, *res 219 W Washington. Trout Carrie, home 12 Mill row. Trout Jennie, wid, *res 12 Mill row. Trout Martin, lab, bds 12 Mill row. Trout Thomas, lab, *res 20 Mill row. Troxell C. C., agricultural implements; pumps at wholesale and retail, cor 4th and Jefferson; res ws 6th, 2d h n of Elm. Troxell W. S., wks w. factory, bds 105 N 5th. Truax Mattie, seamstress, *res 220 N 8th. Trutter Joseph, grocer, saloon and meat market, 101 and 103 Jefferson, res 109 Jefferson. Trutter Louis, butcher, res 1105 Monroe. Tudsbury William, baggage-master, *res 119 W Washington. 201 Tuegel W., student Concordia Seminary. Tully Mary, wid, bds cor 13th and Cass. Tully Mike, fireman, res cor 13th and Cass. Tully Sarah, home cor 13th and Cass. Tully Thomas, lab, res cor 13th and Cass. Turley A. A., saloon, *res 619 Monroe. Turley William, saloon, *res 901 Reynolds. Turner A. J., carpenter, res sw cor 11th and Adams. Turner Henry, lab, *res 616 S 7th. Turner John W., machine clerk, bds sw cor 11th and Adams. Turney Maria Mrs., wid, res 924 S 6th. Turney William A., student, bds 924 S 6th. Twigg Obediah, farmer, res 6th, 5th h n of North av. Twohey John, milkman, *res ss Cook bet 16th and 17th. Twyman David, delivery, *907 Adams. Twyman R. D., weighmaster at steel mill, *res 929 Edwards. Twyman S. H., clerk at J. B. Brown’s, res ws 8th, 3d h n of North av. Tyer Matt, engineer I. C., *res 1021 Jefferson. Tynan Kate, wks res E. A. Hall. Tyner Mary, help at 441 S 2d. Tyson J. R., retired, res 805 N 7th. |
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