81 (cont.) GAA HERMAN, barber, res 405 W Reynolds. Gaa Margaret, wid, 401 W Reynolds. Gaa Peter, barber, res 401 W Reynolds. Gable Mat., lab, res Allen bet Spring and College. Gade Charles, lab, res Lincoln av, n of North av. Gadis John, engineer Wabash, bds se cor 11th and Douglas. Gaffigan M., grocer and saloon, 629 Washington, res same. Gaffigan James, miner, res 324 W Carpenter. Gaffney E. C., physician, office and res 122 N 6th. Gaffney Bartlet, miner, res 326 Doyle av. Gaffney John, wks machine shop, res 1714 Washington. Gaffney Mary, home 326 Doyle av. Gage Major, railroad clerk, res es 7th, 5th h s of Capitol av. Gailey Frank, wks w. factory, Peoria bet North and Eastman avs. Gains Frank (col), miner, bds 1627 Jackson. Gains William (col), lab, bds 1627 Jackson. Gall Fred, sr., res 901 Miller. Gall Fred, jr., bar-tender Leeder’s saloon. Gall G., broom and brush manufacturer, res 315 W Madison, shops same. Gallagher Hugh, teamster, res 103 W Cook. Gallagher James H., engineer, *res 403 S 4th. Gallagher Jennie, seamstress, bds 103 W Cook. Gallagher Margaret, wid, res 8th, 3d h n of Allen. Gallagher Martin, heater, res 9th, opp w. factory. Gallagher Pat, expressman, res 416 Madison. Galligan James, wks r. mill, bds 1149 N 7th. Galligan Thomas, lab, res 1149 N 7th. Galloway John, traveling agent, bds Sherman House.’ Galvin Daniel, lab, res 1543 Mason. Gambrel Mary E., bds 419 N 5th. Gannon Mary Mrs., wid, res 556 W Washington. Gannon Pat, wks car stables, bds 721 Washington. Gannon Patrick, lab, res 424 Williams. Gard Daniel, lab, bds 315 N 2d. 82 Gard Eliza J., wid, cor 8th and North av. Gard Elmer, clerk, cor 8th and North av. Gard E. S., grocer, cor 8th and North av. Gard John, wks 507 cor Enos av and 5th. Garden William (col), miner, *res 312 2d. Gardner A. L. Mrs., dressmaker, *res 312 N 5th. Gardner Eudora, seamstress, bds 312 N 5th. Gardner James, street car conductor, *res 923 Mason. Gardner James S., engineer, *res 1129 N 5th. Gardner William L., notary, *res 312 N 5th. Gardner Theodore, painter, res 435 W Edwards. Gardner --------, wks Wabash shops, bds 901 Capitol av. Gardnier Charles W., photographer, 513 ns square. Gardnier Robert A., miner, bds 935 W Jefferson. Gardnier Z., city inspector, *res 935 W Jefferson. Gardnier Leonard, bds 935 W Jefferson. Garf George (col), lab, res 14th nr South av. Garf John (col), lab, res s end 15th. Garland A. M., traveling agent O. & M., res 813 W Jefferson. Garland Cora B., home se cor Miller and 5th. Garland H. Charles, engineer, bds se cor Miller and 5th. Garland James M., dry goods, res se cor 5th and Miller. Garland Laura B., home, 220 S 4th. Garland Lucy, wid, *res 220 S 4th. Garland Maria, home 220 S 4th. Garland Mary E., home se cor Miller and 5th. Garland Pina C., home 220 S 4th. Garlichs Eugene, musician Adelphi Theater. Garlick H. F., carpenter, bds 200 W Jefferson. Garlick H. N., carpenter, *res 200 W Jefferson. Garmes Henry G., gardener, *res cor North and West avs. Garner Anderson, lab, *res w end Ridgely av. Garr Herman, barber, *res 259 W Reynolds. Garrett Daniel, rougher, *res 3 Mill row. Garth Alonzo, (col), bar-tender, *res 11th and Madison. Gartland Lawrence, miner, res ne cor 18th and Adams. Gartland Margaret, wid, res 716 S 14th. Gartland Mary J., at Kimber and R., bds 716 S 14th. Gartland Sarah, seamstress, bds 716 S 14th. Garton George, clerk, *res 942 Spring. Garver Philip, cigar-maker, bds St. Charles. Garvin Pat, miner, *res nw cor Carpenter and Rutledge. Gaskon Isaac (col), wks 806 Adams. Gastler Charles, wks w. factory, *res ws 8th, 4th h n of North av. 83 Gathard Jennie, home ws 8th, 2d h n of North av. Gathard Martha, wid, res ws 8th, 2d h n of North av. Gathard Martin, wks w. factory, bds ws 8th, 2d h n of North av. Gathers Frank, teamster, *res 1019 Mason. Gatton Tinnie, help at 608 S 4th. Gaude Emile, cook for Charles Ridgely. Gavin Daniel, engineer, res 1212 Monroe. Geathard David, agent, bds 724 Walnut. Geathard Douglas, agent, bds 724 Walnut. Geathard Edgar, clerk, bds 724 Walnut. Geathard G. W., *res 809 Washington. Geathard Jennie, help, 1209 S 7th. Geathard John, carpenter, *res 724 Walnut. Gebert A. F., barber, res 811 Capitol av. Gebhardt Edward, cigar-maker, *res 1011 Adams. Gehlman C. E., bds 119 S Walnut. Gehlman E. F., contractor and builder, 217 Monroe, res 119 S Walnut. Gehlman George S., carpenter, *res 327 Doyle av. Gehlman S. H., insurance agent, res 315 W Capitol av. Gehring F., publisher Illinois Freie Presse, res 415 Jefferson. Gehring Joseph, cigar-maker, cor 6th and Monroe. Gehrmann Elizabeth, wid, *res 1020 Spring. Gehrmann C. A., dealer in dry-goods, millinery, etc., 113 ws square and 507 ns square, res sw cor 3d and Pine. Geier Hubert, bar-tender, res 525 ns square. Geisenger Eva, wid, res 329 W Carpenter. Geist Anton, bar-tender, res sw cor Cook and 13th. Geist Louis, machinist, res sw cor 13th and Douglas. Gentry Ellen, wks ne cor Rutledge and North av. Georg Victor E., photographer at Pittman’s. George Griffith, clerk Wabash, res 17th and South av. George G. B. (col), lab, res nw cor 11th and Pine. George Irvin J., railroader, *res ws 4th between Adams and Monroe. Gerard Clement, teamster, res 1162 N 8th. Gerbeng George, painter, *res cor 3d and Pine. Gerbing Gustave, help, 819 S 5th. Gerbing Lizzie, wks 626 N 6th. Gerdes John, *res N 3d nr Eastman av. Gerhart Fredrich, lab, res 1211 S 12th. Gerken William, miner, *res cor Vine and Spring. German C. S., photographer, 107 ws square, res same. Gerteiser Frank, cattle-dealer, *res 1105 Mason. Gesvold Louis, wks w. factory, *res North av head of 7th. 84 Gette William, porter, Western Hotel. Geyer Charles, wks w. factory, *res Lincoln bet 8th and 9th. Gibbons Emma, seamstress, wks 521 N 5th. Gibbons Geo. H. P., carpenter, *res se cor Wright and Spring. Giblin Cornelius, clerk, bds 534 N 5th. Giblin Julia, home 534 N 5th. Giblin Mary, wid, res 534 N. 5th. Giblin Mollie, organist, home 534 N 5th. Giblin Patrick, bar-tender, 617 Washington. Gibson Hampton, sheriff of Sangamon co., res jail building. Gibson C. (col), lab res 407 N 15th. Gibson Jennie, wks 512 West av. Giese Gustave, miner, res 1225 Washington. Giese Louis, miner, *res 613 N 8th. Gietle Michael, baker, res 312 W Carpenter. Gihon Catharine, wid, res 415 Miller. Gilkerson John, law student, bds 721 Mason. Gill Joseph A., attorney, nw cor square, res 2 miles west on Beardstown Road. Gill Thomas, lab, res 1132 N 4th. Gills John, wks Germania House. Gillet C. F., salesman at Shrader’s, bds 721 Mason. Gillette T. S., train dispatcher, *res sw cor 6th and Jefferson. Gillgallon Mike, lab, res 928 Miller. Gilliam E. T., photographer, res 1101 Miller. Gilliam Prudence, wid, res 1101 Miller. Gilliland Branch, printer, *res 1412 Jackson Gilliland Charles A., printer, bds 1202 Capitol av. Gilliland David A., printer, bds 1202 Capitol av. Gilliland George W., printer, bds 1202 Capitol av. Gilliland Julia A., home 1202 Capitol av. Gilliland William A., printer, *res 1202 Capitol av. Gilliland William H., printer, *res 716 Mason. Gillman Fannie Mrs., Doyle av, 4th h n of Washington. Gilmar Hue, miner, *res 1802 Washington. Gilmartin Patrick, lab, *res se cor 14th and Capitol av. Gilmore George W., car driver, bds 721 Washington. Gilmore William, lab, *res 424 Williams. Gillock J. G., wks r. mill, bds Miller, 2d h w of Rutledge. Gillock Mancy A., wid, res Miller, 2d h w of Rutledge. Glasgow Alexander, moulder, *res 408 W Washington. Glas George, plasterer, res 508 W Carpenter. Glas John, shoemaker, 235 W Edwards. Glass George, puddler, *res Black av bet 6th and 7th. 85 Glavin Maurice, res cor Bond and Elliot av. Gleason Mary, help, sw cor 5th and Cook. Gleason Michael, engineer Wabash, bds 1205 Monroe. Glenn Ann, wks Catholic rectory. Glenn E. S. Mrs., wid, res 840 N 5th. Glidden E. H., insurance, res se cor 5th and Mason. Globe Hotel, ne cor 5th and Madison, Charles Graser, propr. Globe Mills, S. A. Slemmons, manager, 117, 119 and 120 bet Adams and Washington. Gloss George, lab, *res 358 W Carpenter. Glynn Daniel, lab, bds 830 Adams. Glynn Michael, miner, *res 422 Adams. Glysson C. W., wks w. mill, *res cor High and New. Gobble C. A., seamstress, res se cor Reynolds and Rutledge. Gobble Laura, wks 1525 Mason. Godenrath Annie, home 326 W Adams. Godenrath John, blacksmith, *res 326 W Adams. Godey Emile, cook at 631 S 4th. Godey Henry, machinist, *res 712 S 11th. Godley Ada, home 1224 Jefferson. Godley Benjamin, saloon, *res cor 11th, Ridgely. Godley Frank, shoddy manufacturer, *res 1224 Jefferson. Godfrey James R., wks for C. R. Post. Goeden J. N., horse doctor, 1024 Reynolds. Goeder Herman, wks w. factory, res 1708 Washington. Goering C. C. A., potter, res 601 W. Herndon. Goerner R., bds 410 S 5th. Goggin James, lab, res 906 S 11th. Goggin Richard, brakeman Wabash, bds 1211 Monroe. Golden Johanna, wks 604 N 6th. Golden Matthew, lab, res Eastman av bet 6th and 7th. Golden Michael, *res at Ridgely, 2d h e of 11th. Golden William, foreman east shaft, *res 1058 N 5th. Goldfuss Henry, painter, bds 314 W Mason. Goldfuss Paul, lab, res 314 W Mason. Goldfuss Susan, 314 W Mason. Goldschmidt G., res 401 W Capitol av. Goldstein A., grocer, se cor 9th and Madison. Goltra I. V., physician, res 506 W Madison. Goltsche E., student Concordia Seminary. Gomes Carrie, bds 712 Jefferson. Gomes Eli, lab, *res 1119 Miller. Gomes Frances, wid, res 1019 Miller. Gomes John B., painter, *res 123 N 13th. 86 Gomes Manuel, watch-maker, res 9th bet Enterprise and Lincoln. Gomes Joe, balloonist, bds 712 Jefferson. Gomes Joseph, lab, *res 11th bet Miller and Enos av. Gomes Louis, lab, res 1105 Miller. Gomes Manuel, brick-mason, res 1227 Jefferson. Gomes Mary, home 119 W Carpenter. Gomes Tony, lab, res 210 Carpenter. Gonce George, lab., *res 905 Adams. Gonce George W., carpenter, *res Edwards bet 8th and 9th. Gonsalves Joaquim, res 1110 Mason. Good George, clerk, bds 422 S 11th. Good James N., teamster, res 422 S 11th. Good Jesse, wks w. factory, bds 422 S 11th. Good Lydia, home 422 S 11th. Good W. H., dealer in groceries and provisions, 1156 N 6th. Goodall Charles, bds 919 Cook, upstairs. Goodman Charles, cabinet-maker, *res 414 Jefferson. Goodman Jacob, roll hand, *res 1131 N 5th. Goodman John, bricklayer, bds Green Tree. Goodman John, r. mill, *res 1163 N 4th. Goodman William, roll hand, bds 1131 N 5th. Goodpaster Sadie, seamstress, bds 112 N 13th. Goodson G. Miss (col), help 941 S 4th. Goodwin John, saloon, *res 104 S 10th. Goodwin William E., engineer, *res 610 S 11th. Goole Frank, freight conductor Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Goor Gusta, help, 727 S 5th. Gopperd J. P., cigar-maker, bds Western Hotel.
Gordon Aaron, carpenter, res 931 S 3d. Gordon Benjamin A., carpenter, res 1209 S 5th. Gordon Bettie (col), home 530 Williams. Gordon C. C., carpenter, bds Green Tree Hotel. Gordon Edward, lab, res Williams, w of Pasfield. Gordon Helen, home cor 3d and Capitol av. Gordon Maria, res 806 Adams. Gordon Mary A., wid, res cor 3d and Capitol av. Gore Henry, lab, *res Vine and Revel. Gorham ---------, engineer Wabash, bds 1017 Monroe. Gorman Caroline A., wid, *res 1228 Edwards. Gorman Mary, wks Germania House. Gorman Pat., saloon, res 1207 Washington. Gorman Rose, wks St. Nicholas. 87 Gorman Thomas, carpenter, res ne cor 13th and Washington. Gorom H. J., engineer Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Gorr Michael, lab, res ne cor 5th and Vine. Gorum Robt. (col), Governor’s mess’ger, res Pasfield and Williams. Gotsch Benj., teacher, *res 318 W Jackson. Gotsch Johanna, teacher, bds 319 W Edwards. Gotsch Josephine, wid, *res 319 W Edwards. Gotsch O., student Concordia Seminary. Gottlob W., clerk, bds Sheman House. Gottschalk Fred, night watchman, *res 1502 Mason. Gottschalk Mary, wid, res 214 W Cook. Gough Frank W., wks w. factory, bds 408 S 4th. Gough George, foreman w. mill, res 408 S 4th. Gough George Mrs., wid, res 408 S 4th. Gough George A., wks w. mill, *res 121 W Wright. Gough Stella, home 408 S 4th. Gould Philip, weighmaster r. mill, bds 511 Jefferson. Gourley A. F., jeweler, ne cor 6th and Monroe; res nw cor Lewis and Capitol av. Gourly Jas. T., watchmaker, res Doyle av, 4th h n of Washington. Goveia John, lab, bds 1131 N 8th. Goveia John, lab, res 1003 Miller. Goveia Joseph N., lab, res 919 Miller. Goveia Manuel, painter, res 1131 N 8th. Goveia Martin, clerk bds 1131 N 8th. Goveia Mary M., dressmaker, bds 919 Miller. Goveia Samuel, boiler-maker, bds with J. G. Hart. Grabach Wm., painter, *res Elliot av nr Walnut. Grady Bridget, wks w. factory, bds 214 Carpenter. Grady John, lab, *res 2d, 2d h n of Jefferson. Grady Martha, wid, *res 13 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Grady Ralph, bds 815 Adams. Grady Thomas, car driver, *res ns Washington e of 15th. Grady Wm., fireman, bds 1214 Edwards. Graepp L. W., minister, *res 231 1st and Madison. Graham Charles, clerk, res 321 W Monroe. Graham E. S., Rev., res 1218 S 5th. Graham H. B. Mrs., wid, res 607 W Capitol av. Graham H. M. Miss, home 607 W Capitol av. Graham James T., salesman, *res 306 W Adams. Graham John, clerk, bds 500 S 7th. Graham Jennie, seamstress, home 500 S 7th. Graham Mary, wks 439 W Edwards. Graham Mollie, milliner at Gehrmann’s, bds 500 S 7th. 88 Graham Rebecca, wid, res 500 S 7th. Graham Rebecca, home 500 S 7th. Graham William M., sr., farmer, res 226 W Allen. Graham William M., jr., miner, bds 226 W Allen. Grandsir E. A., Eastman av bet 7th and 6th. Grannis Timothy, wks 325 N 4th. Grant Bridget, home 708 Mason. Grant Dennis, engineer, res 708 Mason. Grant Donald, insurance, res nw cor 8th and Vine. Grant Edward, lab, bds 220 W Jefferson. Grant Elizabeth, wid, res 1003 S 3rd. Grant Fred., clerk Hawley & Grant’s insurance office. Grant Horace, tinner, bds sw cor 8th and Vine. Grant James A., teams, res 439 N 4th. Grant James H., miner, res 314 W Adams. Grant John, lab, *res 220 W Jefferson. Grant John B., lab, res 439 N 4th. Grant Maggie, wks 206 Doyle av. Grant Mollie, help at 527 S 7th. Grant S. D., grocer, 417 Monroe, res 223 S 3d. Grant Sarah A. Mrs., wid, *res 112 W Jefferson. Grant Sophia, wid, 12th bet Reynolds and Carpenter. Grant Thomas, railroader, res 127 W Mason. Grant Thomas, res 1208 Monroe. Grant Thomas A., clerk, bds 112 W Jefferson. Graser Charles, propr. Globe Hotel, saloon and bottler of beer, ne cor 5th and Madison. Gravel Joseph, lab, res ¼ m nw of r. mill. Graves B. S., wholesale and retail dealer in confectionery, fruits, nuts, etc., 224 S 6th. Graves Frank, baker, res Cook bet 17th and 18th Gray Alice, wks 840 N 5th. Gray Blanche, bds 729 Jefferson. Gray David (col), miner, res 307 N 15th. Gray Elizabeth, wid, *res Revel, s of Allen. Gray Green, lab, *res 809 Carpenter. Gray Isaac (col), lab, res 225 N 15th. Gray Isaac H., res 411 S 7th. Gray J. M., veterinary surgeon, *res 815 Adams. Gray Lottie, home 411 S 7th. Gray Lulu, bds 806 Adams. Gray Mary, wks w. factoy, bds 1140 N 6th. Gray Nellie, at 1016 Mason. Gray Sarah, wid, *res 1140 N 6th. 89 Gray Thomas R., engineer, res 917 S 2d. Greb Emma, home ne cor 5th and Carpenter. Greb John, miller, *res ne cor 5th and Carpenter. Grebe Anna, help at Major Gage’s. Grebe John, lab, res cor 12th and Reynolds. Greeley Maggie, wks 403 N 5th. Green Anna, wid, *res 214 S 6th. Green C. W., res sw cor 5th and Cook. Green Emma, home 1006 S College. Green Frank, lab, bds 1006 S College. Green George, clerk, res 1006 S College. Green James R., *res 724 Adams. Green John H., miner, *res n end Walnut. Green Kittie, home 724 Adams. Green Robt., supt west shaft, res s of shaft. Green W. E., eingineer S. N. W., bds 724 Adams. Green W. H., grocer, *res 917 S 8th. Greene Catharine, wid, res 1024 S 12th. Greene Eva Miss, home 401 N 6th. Greene H. S., lawyer, res 401 N 6th. Greene Lizzie, home 1024 S 12th. Greene Mary (col), 1808 Monroe. Greene Silas (col), lab, *res cor 10th and Monroe. Greenhalgh Mathias, miner, *res nw cor Jefferson and West av. Greenhalgh Alice, wks w. factory, bds 1205 Capitol av. Greenhalgh James E., machinist, bds 1205 Capitol av. Greenhalgh Jeremiah, machinist, *res 1205 Capitol av. Greenhalgh Sarah A., wks w. factory, bds 1205 Capitol av. Greening T. B., music teacher, res ws 10th nr Laurel. Greenwood John, carpenter, *res 1328 Jackson. Greenwood J. W., home 1328 Jackson. Greenwood W. V., salesman, bds 423 N 7th. Gregory A. M., legal agent, Wabash, res 609 N 5th. Grehn William, blacksmith, *res 311 W Jackson. Grennan Margaret, wks at Chas. S. Zane’s. Gresch Charles, butcher, res 703 S 11th. Gresch Henry, butcher, wks sw cor 11th and Cook. Griesheimer John, propr. Magnolia saloon, 414 Jefferson. Griffin John, miner, res 10th, 4th h s of Cedar. Griffin P., janitor, *res 610 Monroe. Griffith B. M., physician, 225 S 5th, res 618 S 6th. Griffiths Daniel, r. mill, res 5th, 4th h n of North av. Griffith H. G. Miss, notions, 211 S 5th. Griffiths John, foreman bar mill, *res ws 6th, 3d h n of North av. 90 Griffiths John, wks r. mill, bds 5th, 4th h n of North av. Griffiths J., wks r. mill, bds North av bet 5th and 6th. Grimes Bridget, wid, res rear of 819 Adams. Grimes James, lab, 622 S Walnut. Grimes Maggie Mrs., wid, *res 302 S 11th. Grimes William H., bds 302 S 11th. Grimm A., student Concordia Seminary. Grimsley John T., dry-goods, res nw cor 6th and North av. Grimsley William L., with Pelton & Pomeroy, 152 State, Chicago. Grimsley William P., miller, res 1002 S 4th. Griner E. G., painter, *res 1322 Jackson. Grinstead Wesley, farmer, *res 409 W Allen. Grissom John, wks w. mill, res ne cor 4th and Capitol av. Grissom Sarah A., wid, ne cor 4th and Capitol av. Groesbeck Cornelius, teams, res 710 N 6th. Groesbeck Hattie, home, 710 N 6th. Groesbeck Harriet, home 710 N 6th. Groesbeck Mary, home 710 N 6th. Groesch George, butcher, *res 622 S 8th, rear. Grogan Rosa, washer, *res Lincoln av nr Washington. Gross & Conkling, attorneys, 226 S 5th. Gross E. L. Mrs., wid, res 900 S 4th. Gross John, drover, *res 908 Madison. Gross Leigh Miss, home 900 S 4th. Gross William L., attorney, res 838 S 4th. Grossell Mike, wks cemetery, res 1102 N Rutledge. Grossmann N., help 604 S 6th. Grosspitz August, blacksmith, res 722 S College. Grosspitz Dora, seamstress, bds 718 S College. Grosspitz Katie, tailoress, bds 722 S College. Grosspitz William, clerk, bds 722 S College. Grout C. G., carpenter, wks for J. N. Kikendall. Grout J. M., attorney, res 1039 S 4th. Grubb George, clerk, bds 210 W Edwards. Grubb Henry B., bridge builder, res 210 W Edwards. Grubb Kate C., bds 210 W Edwards. Grubb Robert, machinist, bds 510 N 4th. Grubb S. G., mail carrier, bds 1005 S 4th. Grubb William R., carpenter, bds 210 W Edwards. Grubbs Wesley (col), wks Leland Hotel. Grube Martha Mrs., washwoman, res 1222 Mason. Gruber R., student Concordia Seminary. Grunwaldt Otto, brewer, *res 701 N. 1st. Gruse Jacob, saloon, res 617 Monroe. 91 Gubitz E. A., grocer, res nw corner 4th and North av. Gubitz Tillie, home 203 W Carpenter. Gubler Carrie, home 1230 S 11th. Gubler Jacob, blacksmith, res 1230 S 11th. Gubler Jacob, teams, bds 830 Adams. Gubler John, boiler-maker, bds 1230 S 11th. Gude Louis, printer, bds 618 Mason. Guest Isaac S., machinist, 6th, 4th h n of North av. Gunn John H., attorney, office and *res 125 N 6th. Gurney Will, piano tuner at A. H. Fisher’s. Gusswein Margaret, help 1104 S 6th. Gusswein Martin, lab, res cor Walnut and Williams. Gusswein Mary, wks 945 Spring. Guthrie Maggie, wks 925 S 7th. Guy H., engraver, bds St. Charles. Guy J., wks w. factory, bds St. Charles. Guyer Frank, carpenter, bds 100 Carpenter. Guyer G. W., carpenter, bds 100 Carpenter. Guyer G. H., carpenter, *res 100 Carpenter. Guyton Marvin, painter, res 1425 Washington. Gwynn C. L. Miss, res nr w end North av. Gwynn David, freight agent C. & A., *res 637 N 5th. Gwynn E. L. Miss, res nr w end North av. Gwynn I. R. Miss, res nr w end North av. Gwynn William, farmer, res nr w end North av. Gwynn William A., clerk, res nr w end North av. HACKNEY VIRGINIA S., res with her brother-in-law, nw cor Spring and Monroe. Hadley Robert, painter, *res 130 Madison. Haendle Fred, tailor, res 425 W Adams. Hagen M., tailor, 627 Washington, res 716 Madison. Hagen Luke, lab, *res Peoria rd, nr r. mill. Hager S. T., bds Wilson House. Hager John, tailor, wks Fred Zahn. Hagerman Mary, wks 507 cor Enos av and 5th. Hagerman August, lab, res 12th n of Mason. Hagerman Henry, lab, res 711 N 7th. Hagerman Kate, wks Green Tree Hotel. Hagerty John, puddler, bds 511 Jefferson. Hagney James, tailor, res 1128 Madison. Hagney Mary, 1128 Madison. Hagney Michael, tailor, bds 1128 Madison. Hahn Adam, gardener, res nr s end 11th. 92 Hahn Charles, butcher, res 631 Miller and Klein. Hahn George, shoemaker, *res ss Miller bet 10th and 11th. Hahn Ida, home ws 12th, 2d h n of Kansas. Hahn James, lab, *res 1 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Hahn John, lab, res 819 Miller. Hahn John, lab, res ws 12th, 2d h n of Kansas. Hahn Louis, miner, *res 11th, nr co-operative shaft. Hahn L. H., meat market, 411 Monroe. Hailer F. R., res 821 Spring. Hain Hugo, carpenter, res 1113 S 11th. Haines Mary P., home sw cor 6th and South av. Haines Ralph, lawyer, bds 336 N 5th. Haines Sadie V., home sw cor 6th and South av. Haines Samuel, retired, sw cor 6th and South av. Haines W. F., watchman, res 1034 S 3d. Halbert N. E., wid, res 401 S 7th. Hale Albert Rev., res 221 Adams. Hale Edward, painter, bds 120 N 5th. Hale Frank, painter, bds 120 N 5th. Hale Hannah, wid, home 826 S 4th. Hale Hattie, home 221 Adams. Hale Nina, teacher, bds nw cor Rutledge and North av. Hale Sophia, home 221 Adams. Haley Catharine, wid, res 112 W Madison. Haley Maurice, lab, res 10th, n of w. factory. Halfen Jacob, traveling salesman, *res 519 N 6th. Hall & Herrick (E. A. Hall, J. E. K. Herrick), clothiers and gent’s furnishers, se cor square. Hall B. W., U. S. Express, bds St. Nicholas Hotel. Hall Benjamin, miner, *res 529 S 11th. Hall Cal. (col), res ws 10th, 6th h s of South av. Hall Charles B., salesman, bds 316 W Monroe. Hall Cory R., lab, bds 316 W Monroe. Hall Dennis, wks r. mill, bds 1401 Capitol av. Hall Edward, brakeman Wabash, bds 1320 Monroe. Hall Edward A., clothier, res 1121 S 5th. Hall Harry, boiler-maker, bds 816 S 11th. Hall H. B., carpenter, *res ne cor 8th and Allen. Hall H. P., boiler-maker, *res 816 S 11th. Hall James C., clerk, res 316 W Monroe. Hall Jerry, wks r. mill, bds 1401 Capitol av. Hall Joseph, wks Leland Hotel, *res 322 S 4th. Hall Julia E., nw cor 3d and North av. Hall J. G., physician, *res cor 2d and Capitol av. 93 Hall Levi, carpenter, res West av, 4th h n of Washington. Hall Lizzie, home 316 W Monroe. Hall Mary, home 316 W Monroe. Hall M. G., agent American Express, bds 813 W Jefferson. Hall O. W., lab, *res 1126 Revel. Hall Thomas, blacksmith, res 1401 Capitol av. Hall Thomas J., carpenter, res 710 N 5th. Halligan Thomas, auctioneer, *res 1213 Monroe. Hallowell Joseph, wks w. mill, *res 825 S 3d. Hallowell Nellie, home 825 S 3d. Hamann Fred, tailor, res 308 W Jackson. Hamel John, engineer Wabash, bds se cor 11th and Douglas. Hamer Ida, res 1025 S 8th. Hamer Jennie M., seamstress, 616 S 5th. Hamer John G., conductor Wabash, *res 1209 Capitol av. Hamer L. A. Mrs., wid, *res 616 S 5th. Hamer G. W., engineer Wabash, res 1025 S 8th. Hamilton L. F., attorney, res 512 N 7th. Hamilton Jane E., 512 N 7th. Hamilton John, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Hamilton Lizzie, bds 806 Adams. Hamilton Mary, wks 203 Adams. Hamilton Mary (col), *res 4th bet Carpenter and Miller. Hamilton Buff (col), wks Leland Hotel. Hamilton Thomas, miner, res cor 16th and Washington. Hamilton William, carpenter, bds 830 Adams. Hamilton William (col), miner, *res 3d nr Union. Hamlin E. B., grain dealer, res 630 S 5th. Hammerslough Aaron, cigar-maker, bds 530 N 5th. Hammerslough B., clerk, bds 530 N 5th. Hammerslough Edward, clerk, res 530 N 5th. Hammerslough Simon, bookkeeper, res 532 N 5th. Hammon George, lab, res 413 W Reynolds. Hammon Hannah, wks 626 N 6th. Hammon Samuel, lab, res ne cor 11th and Reynolds. Hammon Mattie, home 1428 Adams. Hammon Thomas, carpenter, *res 1428 Adams. Hammond J. B., jeweler, bds St. Nicholas. Hampel Valentine, tailor, *res 945 Spring. Hampton Albert, lab, *res nw cor Mason and East av. Hampton H. L., grocer, bds se cor 5th and Wright. Hampton A. S., clerk, bds se cor 5th and Wright. Hampton Christ, teamster, *res sw cor Mason and East av. Hampton J. W. Mrs., 817 S 4th. 94 Hampton Lucy, nw cor Mason and East av. Hampton Lydia C., res sw cor 5th and Wright. Hampton S. C. & Son (H. L.), grocers, 223 and 225 S 6th. Hampton S. C., grocer, res sw cor 5th and Wright. Hanagan William, railroader, *res 219 W Mason. Hancock Ambrose, wks Lamb’s foundry. Hancock Charles, teams, bds 315 Adams. Hancock E., foreman in w. factory, bds Grand Avenue House. Hancock William (blind), *res 315 Adams. Hand James, miner, *res N. Rutledge, opp brickyard. Hand Julia, wid, *res 807 Adams. Handley Frederick, tailor, res 425 W Adams. Handley George, lab, bds 425 W Adams. Handley Peter, lab, res 924 S 13th. Handy Maggie, seamstress, bds 709 Adams. Handy Thomas, grocer, *res 709 Adams. Hanford Nellie, wks 324 N 5th. Hankins E. S., clerk at Kimble’s, bds 1003 S College. Hankins Lou Miss, home 1003 S College. Hankins Martha, wid, res 1003 S College. Hankins W. B., carpenter, *res 1006 S 2d. Hankins William N., wks. paper mill, bds 1003 S College. Hanlon Barney, grocer, *res 1207 Madison. Hann Joseph, *res ns Mason bet 10th and 11th. Hannabel Wilhelm, miner, res Allen, 3d h w of Spring. Hannon Annie, home 430 S 7th. Hannon Noel B., teacher, res 430 S 7th. Hannon W. W., telegraph operator, bds 430 S 7th. Hanratty O., plumber, res 1208 Monroe. Hansell I. P., stair builder, res 1033 S 4th. Hansell Mary, teacher, bds 1033 S 4th. Hanselman Frederick, carpenter, *res 1500 Washington. Hanselmann George, wks w. factory, bds 600 Carpenter. Hanselmann Nicholas, carpenter, res 600 Carpenter. Hansen H., student Concordia Seminary. Hansen H., wks w. factory, bds ws 6th, 4th h n of North av. Hansen Rachel (col), wid, se cor 11th and Reynolds. Happy R. J., wks w. factory, res 1111 N 9th. Harbauer Christ., saloon and restaurant, 125 N 5th. Harbauer Henry, bar-tender Green Tree, *res 400 Adams. Harbauer Frank, jr., shoe store, res 409 Monroe. Harbauer Frank, sr., retired, 412 Adams. Hardcastle James, bookkeeper, bds 401 N 7th. Hardcastle Joseph Mrs., wid, grocer, 717 Spring. 95 Hardin Antonia, wks w. factory, bds ws 8th, 2d h n of North av. Hardin B. J., machine agent, res 206 Doyle av. Hardin John J., abstracts, res sw cor Monroe and College. Hardin J. Dick, clerk, bds sw cor Monroe and College. Hardman John, miner, *res w end Jefferson. Hardman John, bakery, res 909 Mason. Hardtner John, doctor, res 1016 S 6th. Hare Henry, miner, *res 327 N 14th. Hare Minnie, housekeeper, 417 Jefferson. Hargraves James (col), wks Leland Hotel. Harkens Daniel, roller, bds 8th and Keyes av. Harlan Mary C., wid, 1124 S 6th. Harmon P., salesman at Post’s, bds 300 Monroe. Harms Hie, lab, *res 10 Mill row. Harney Henry, lab, bds 1115 Madison. Harney Martin, lab, res 1115 Madison. Harper John, fireman, bds ne cor 10th and Pine. Harper Michael, sr., lab, res ne cor 10th and Pine. Harper Michael, jr., machinist, bds ne cor 10th and Pine. Harpole Fannie, wid, res 1106 N 1st. Harpole Joseph, machinist, bds 1106 N 1st. Harrington Kate, wks at 925 S 7th. Harris Andrew, lab, *res 1427 Capitol av. Harris Belle, home 1104 Spring. Harris Elizabeth, wid, res 412 S 11th. Harris James, watchman, *res 1104 Spring. Harris James (col), wks Holly’s stables. Harris John, lab, *res 1017 Spring. Harris Levi, res 1119 Washington. Harris Lizzie M., bds 529 Williams. Harris Mary, wks 1231 Jackson. Harris Mille, home 1104 Spring. Harris M. A., *res 429 Klein. Harris Naoma, wid, home 1104 Spring. Harris N. Dr., res 529 Williams. Harris Rebecca, help, 603 S 5th. Harris Sallie C., bds 529 Williams. Harris Vina S., clerk at Gehrmann’s, bds 412 S 11th. Harris Viola F., teacher, bds 412 S 11th. Harris W. C., telegraph operator, *res ne cor 5th and Carpenter. Harris Ascenith, wks 520 W Edwards. Harrison George, res 8th and Keyes av. Harrison John, carpenter, bds 214 W Cook. Harrison Louis, lab, *res 219 W Jackson. 96 Harrison Mary A., cor 10th, at Ridgely. Harrison S. A., nurse, bds 418 Walnut. Harrower David, home 1028 Monroe. Harrower Jeannette Mrs., wid, res 1028 Monroe. Harsmann William, engineer Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hart Annie, home 1202 Jefferson. Hart Hattie, *res 1202 Jefferson. Hart Edward, railroader, bds 1320 Monroe. Hart F. R., cigar-maker, bds St. Charles. Hart John G., wreck foreman, *res 8th bet Cook and Edwards. Hart Lida, home 8th bet Cook and Edwards. Hart Maggie, home 8th bet Cook and Edwards. Hart Nellie, wid, *res 11th and Madison. Harts P. W., bookseller and druggist, 223 S 5th, res 509 N 5th. Hartfelder A. M., lab, res 229 W Madison. Harting James, mechanic, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Hartley Greenwood, dairy, *res head e end Enterprise. Hartman Fred, conductor Wabash, res 1117 Monroe. Hartmann Frances E., res se cor 5th and South av. Hartmann G., cigar-maker, res se cor 5th and South av. Hartmann John, grocer, res 909 Mason. Hartmann Margaret, wid, res 404 S 11th. Hartmann Mary H., *res se cor 5th and South av. Hartnett Maurice, engineer Wabash, res 1220 Edwards. Harwood Ellen Miss, home 1017 Monroe. Harwood Henry R., engineer Wabash, *res 1017 Monroe. Harwood Jennie Miss, home 1017 Monroe. Harwood Olive Miss, home 1017 Monroe. Harvey Dennis (col), wks 423 S 6th. Harvey G. F., coal dealer, bds 222 N 5th. Harvey J. C., *res W Washinton opp Amos. Haselmier A., carpenter, res 1011 N 4th. Haselrigg W. A., bricklayer, bds Sherman House. Hashman John, moulder, *res 1021 N 1st. Haskell Anna B., res 7th, 3d h s of Capitol av. Hastings Kezia, res 1123 Washington. Hatch Julia, home 1005 N 7th. Hatch O. M., retired, res 1005 N 7th. Hatcher Wm. (col), whitewasher, res 919 Carpenter. Hatfield Elizabeth J., wid, res 625 N 2d. Hatry George, master mechanic, res 1219 Monroe. Haubrich John, bds 1401 Edwards. Hauck Adam Mrs., wid, res opp Reservoir. Haudie Lillie, bds 806 Adams. 97 Haughey Thomas J., painter, res ne College and Allen. Haughey Oliver, telegraph operator, *res 1622 Capitol av. Haughey Millard, plumber, *res 1032 Spring. Haug Barbara, wid, res 417 W Reynolds. Hauskins Maud Miss, bds nw cor Jefferson and 11th. Hawkins John, roller, bds 8th and Keyes av. Hawley & Grant, general insurance and real estate agents, 219 S 6th. Hawley Addie, music teacher, res 422 S 5th. Hawley E. B., res 423 N 7th. Hawley Isaac A., insurance, etc., *res 422 S 5th. Hawley Thomas, lab, res 204 Carpenter. Hawthorn W. H., teams, *res 1019 S 13th. Hay Charles E., wholesale grocer, res 821 S 2d. Hay Deniza, res 328 S 8th. Hay Elizabeth, res 328 S 8th. Hay John, lab, res 1502 North av. Hay Katie, home sw cor 4th and Cook. Hay Logan, bds sw cor 4th and Cook. Hay Maria, res 328 S 8th. Hay Milton, lawyer, res sw cor 4th and Cook. Hay N., bookkeeper r. mill store, bds sw cor 4th and Cook. Hayes C. W. H., r. mill, bds 209 8th, 2d h n of North av. Hayes Daniel, heater, res 4 Mill row. Hayes Eliza A., wid, *res 221 Monroe. Hayes James, lab, *res 828 Miller. Hayes John, lab, res n end 8th, Ridgely. Hayes Katie C. Miss, notions, home 221 Monroe. Hayes Louis B., railroader, bds 221 Monroe. Hayes Mary, wid, res 500 Bond. Hayes Michael, lab, res Hay, 4th h w of Bond. Hayes Michael, rougher, bds 4 Mill row. Hayes Nellie, help at 228 Jackson. Hayes Paris (col), lab, res ws 11th, 6th h s of South av. Hayes Simon, lab, res, res 500 Hay and Bond. Hayes Thomas, machinist, bds 1019 S 13th. Hayden Adeline, home 324 W Jackson. Hayden Albert C., bookkeeper at Connelly’s, res 1017 N 9th. Hayden Frank N., wks w. factory, bds 324 W Jackson. Hayden W. H., post office clerk, res 324 W Jackson. Hayden John, puddler, bds J. Hurley’s, Ridgely. Haynes A., carpenter, res 9th, 4th h n of Enos. Haynes Henry, carpenter, *res 1319 Washington. Haynes Marshall, carpenter, bds 9th, 4th h n of Enos. 98 Haynes Ralph W., attorney, 100 ne cor square, bds 336 N 5th. Haynie Corinth, home 1119 S 6th. Haynie I. N. Mrs., wid, res 1119 S 6th. Haynie Mollie, home 1119 S 6th. Hayward Emily A., teacher, home 415 N 5th. Haywood Judge (col), lab, *res 811 Jefferson. Hazelwood Joseph (col), bds se cor 5th and Edwards. Hazlett & Kane, attorneys, 229 S 6th. Hazlett R. H., attorney, bds 1106 S 4th. Hazlett Virgil, clerk, *res 517 West av. Hazlett William I., clerk, res North av, w of Rutledge. Head William, cook, res 1026 Mason. Headley Emma, home 933 S 2d. Headley Eva, home 933 S 2d. Healy Bernard, lab, res 923 S 14th. Healy Mary, home 1530 Washington. Healy Sarah, help at Gov. Cullom’s. Healy T. C., *res 1530 Washington. Heaton George, lab, *res 1117 Madison. Heavey Bridget, Rolling Mill Hotel. Heavey John, roller, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Heavey Mary Ann, at Rolling Mill Hotel. Heavey Martin, roller, bds at Rolling Mill Hotel. Heavey Nellie, at Rolling Mill Hotel. Heavey Patrick, propr. Rolling Mill Hotel. Heberling Ella, bds 1017 S College. Heberlilng K. L., teacher, bds 1017 S College. Heberling T. H., pattern-maker, res 1017 S College. Hecht Allimette, home 437 N 5th. Hecht Samuel, tobacconist, res 437 N 5th. Heck Mathias, miner, bds ne cor 11th and Edwards. Heckle Frank X., barber, *res 417 S 11th. Heckler Benjamin, teams, res 320 Madison. Heffron John, wks r. mill, bds at Ridgely. Heffron Michael, lab, *res N 7th bet Bergen and North av. Hegerty Patrick, miner, res se cor 4th and North av. Hegele Ellen, wks se cor 11th and North av. Hegele John, butcher, res 9th, 2d h n of North av. Hegele Patrick, butcher, res cor 6th and North av. Heidenreich Albert, lab, res 718 S College. Heidenreich Christ, baker, bds cor Lewis and Adams. Heimberger Leonhardt, grocer agent, 100 W Jefferson. Heimlich John, barber, bds 513 S 11th. Heine J., student Concordia Seminary. 99 Heinke F., student Concordia Seminary. Heitler Charles, drug clerk, 630 Washington. Helfer Philip H., carpenter, res 1227 S 11th. Helmbrechts Michael, huckster, *res cor Canedy and College. Helmel Charles, saloon, *res 113 W Reynolds. Helmle A. H., clerk, bds 324 N 4th. Helmle Charles A., wholesale liquor dealer, 119 N 5th, res 324 n 4th. Helmle Charles F., bookkeeper, bds 428 S 5th. Helmle E. H., teller Marine Bank, bds 324 N 4th. Helmle George H., architect, res 430 S 5th. Helmle Maria, home 324 N 4th. Helmle William, sr., carver, res 428 S 5th. Helmle William, jr., bds 428 S 5th. Hellesan Emil, tailor, *res 532 W Mason. Hellweg & Snape, plumbers, 412 Monroe. Hellweg Rudolph, gasfitter, res nw cor Monroe and Walnut. Hemberger Edward, tailor, bds 716 Madison. Hemenway G. B., farm implements, bds 427 S 2d. Hemmick Eugene, clerk, bds 512 S 8th. Hemmick J. M., bricklayer, 512 S 8th. Hemmick Oscar D., clerk, bds 512 S 8th. Henckel Nicholas, gardener, res 1101 S 5th. Hender Frederick, barber, res 1006 Spring. Henderson Ed., blacksmith, res 8th bet North av and Eastman. Henderson George, wks for Booth & McCosker. Henderson John, tailor, bds Jefferson House. Henderson Walter, hooker, bds with James Milbee. Hendricks William, painter, *res 423 S 12th. Hendrickson B., seamstress, res 1223 Adams. Hendrickson William, *res 1223 Adams. Hening Anna J., home 426 S 6th. Hening Mary G., home 426 S 6th. Hening Thomas S., physician, res 426 S 6th. Heninger Charles, lab, *res 406 W Carpenter. Heninger Martin, lab, res w end Hay. Henkle’s J. C., heirs, clothiers, merchant tailors, gents’ furnishing goods, etc., 125 ws square. Henkle Albert E., hominy mill, res 932 S 5th. Henkle Emma, res 819 S 5th. Henkle E. A., res Douglas av bet Edwards and Governor. Henkle Irve C., res 819 S 5th. Henkle Wm. H., Auditor’s chief clerk, Douglas av, s of Governor. Henkle Thos., in Bunn’s grocery, Douglas av, 2d h n of Edwards. 100 Henney B., carpenter, bds sw cor 11th and Douglas. Henney Mary, home 804 S 11th. Henney W. C., sr., railroader, *res 804 S 11th. Henney W. C., jr., railroader, bds 804 S 11th. Henney W. H., blacksmith, bds Jefferson House. Hennessy James, lab, *res 827 S 12th. Hennessy Thomas, lab, res 526 W Hay. Hennessy William, miner, bds 18th, nr shaft. Henry James (col), lab, *res --------. Henry Lizzie, wks 1005 N 7th. Henry Thomas, carpenter, res ne cor Governor and Doyle av. Hensley A. D., wks w. factory, *res 1316 Jackson. Henson John (col), lab, res 1541 Mason. Henson Frank (col), wks at 925 S 7th. Henwood Berriman, freight conductor Wabash, bds s end 10th. Henwood Maggie, res with Wm. Henwood. Henwood William, sec. bon, res extreme s end 10th. Heredith A. P., brakeman Wabash, bds 1128 Capitol av. Herrick J. E. K., clothier, res 805 S 4th. Herin John P., cooper, bds cor 10th and Monroe. Hering A., student Concordia Seminary. Hering Henry, wks r. mill., *res 1136 N 6th. Herman Charles F., freight agent Wabash, res 818 Monroe. Herman Frances, home 818 Monroe. Herman Mary, home 818 Monroe. Herman Theresa, home 818 Monroe. Herman William F., wks w. factory, 818 Monroe. Herrmann Adeline, home 950 Spring. Herrmann C. A., sr., weaver, res 950 Spring. Herrmann C. A., jr., railroader, *res cor Vine and Spring. Herrmann Emma, wid, sw cor 11th and Douglas. Herrmann Louis, machinist, bds sw cor 11th and Douglas. Herrmann Oscar, pressman, bds sw cor 11th and Douglas. Herrmann Robert, tinner, res 201 W Mason. Herrmann William, railroader, res sw cor 11th and Douglas. Herrington Elizabeth, wid, *res 802 Adams. Herrington Richard, peanut vendor, bds 802 Adams. Herndon R. F. & Co., dry goods, millinery, etc., 512 ss square. Herndon E. B., lawyer, res 217 N 4th. Herndon J. L., business manager Adelphi Theater. Herndon Lee, freight agent, O. & M., *res 112 W Madison. Herndon Mary Mrs., wid, res 904 S 5th. Herndon R. F., dry goods, res 904 S 5th. 101 Herndon & Colby, attorneys, 105 ws square. Hescen Dedrich, lab, res 1123 S 12th. Hess Amelia, wks 405 W Monroe. Hess George, lab, res cor Bond and Herndon. Hess George, sr., lab, res sw cor 18th and Douglas. Hess George, jr., lab, bds sw cor 18th and Douglas. Hess Rickie, wks 405 W Monroe. Hess Solomon, salesman, *res 1215 Jefferson. Hesse J., student Concordia Seminary. Hesser George, carriage-trimmer, *res 801 Adams. Hettenhausen Edward, bricklayer, bds sw cor 12th and Cass. Hettenhausen Emil, *res sw cor 12th and Cass. Hettenhausen Lizzie, sw cor 12th and Cass. Hettinger Wm., fireman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hetherman Susie, wks w. factory, bds 1147 N 7th. Heutle Joseph, wks r. mill, res 422 W Carpenter. Heutle Lizzie, home 422 W Carpenter. Hewitt Charles B., hostler I. C., bds 421 S 9th. Hibberd George, boarders, res 901 Capitol av. Hibbs George W., teams, bds 419 N 6th. Hibbs J. M., sr., tailor, *res 419 N 6th. HIbbs J. M., jr., wks w. factory, *res 306 N 6th. Hibbs Lizzie, home 419 N 6th. Hibbs Lulu, home 419 N 6th. Hickey Annie, help at 430 S 5th. Hickey Bridget, wid, res 201 Doyle av. Hickey David, res se cor Adams and College. Hickey Maggie, at Herndon’s, home cor College and Adams. Hickey Maggie, wks 905 S 6th. Hicklin Frank, help at 527 S 7th. Hicklin Hezekiah (col), barber, 617 Adams; res 326 N 13th. Hickman W. A., physician, 122 es square; res 331 N 5th. Hickox D., propr. Excelsior Mills, 912 Adams; res 630 N 7th. Hickox Bros., agents Dupont’s powder, 214 S 5th. Hickox E. W., watchmaker, res 408 10th and Mason. Hickox Frank, sr., carpenter, res 1008 Adams. Hickox Frank, jr., miller, *res 1008 Adams. Hickox Hannah, wid, res sw cor 7th and Cook. Hickox Harry, coal, etc., bds Leland Hotel. Hickox Horace Mrs., wid, res 1228 Monroe. Hickox L. James, bookkeeper, bds 618 S 7th. Hickox Rhoda, wid, res 618 S 7th. Hickox Silas W., miller, res N 5th opp Convent. Hickox Volney, stenographer, res 1224 Monroe. 102 Hicks Wm., miller, *res 1506 Capitol av. Higgins E. L., *res 4th, 4th h s of Allen. Higgins Frank R., clerk Wabash shops, bds 918 S 5th. Higgins James M., local editor State Register, *res 613 N 5th. Higgins Joseph, wks r. mill, bds Globe Hotel. Higgins J. A., physician, *res 112 W Monroe. Higgins Pat, expressman, res 626 N 4th. Higgins R. A., clerk in Thayer’s, *res nw cor 6th and Cook. Higgins R. B., ex-police, bds 810 Monroe. Higgins Robert O., saddler, res 918 S 5th. Higgins Owen, lab, 1129 Reservoir. Higgins Thomas, lab, 1219 Washington. Highfield John, wks s. mill, *res n of Concordia College. Hiles John, s. mill, *res es 8th, 1st h n of North av. Hiles Minnie, es 8th, 1st h n of North av. Hill C. W., printer, *res 3d, 3d h s of Scarrit. Hill Ellen (col), washwoman, *res ne cor Madison and 2d. Hill Hannah M. B., wid, home 509 S College. Hill James, lab, *res 1012 College. Hill Jennie (col), home ne cor Madison and 2d. Hill John (col), lab, *res 9th and Carpenter. Hill Julia, help at Governor Cullom’s. Hill May Mrs., chambermaid at Revere House. Hill Rosa, help at 801 S 6th. Hill Robert S., bookkeeper, res 4th, 2d h n of Allen. Hill Susannah, nw cor Mason and East av. Hill Thomas, lab, *res 1228 Washington. Hill Thornton (col), miner, bds 403 N 14th. Hiller Bernard, salesman, *res sw cor 8th and Mason. Hiller E., res 321 N 6th. Hilliard Hiram, out-going Adjutant General. Hillibush Joseph, lab, bds cor 10th at Ridgely. Hilt Mitchell, tinner, *res Jackson, 3d h e of 16th. Hinds Laura, wks 923 N 5th. Hines Laura (col), wks 323 S 4th. Hines Richard, sr., lab, res 318 W Madison. Hines Richard, jr., bds 318 W Madison Hink T., student Concordia Seminary. Hinley Martin, miner, bds 15th, 1st h n of Washington. Hinman W. S., commercial traveler, *res Walnut 2d h s of Monroe. Hinsey Christ. C., lab, res 548 W Jefferson. Hinton Jane B. Mrs., *res 809 Adams. Hinton Guilford (col), res ne cor 10th and Madison. Hippler Anna, home 99 W Wright. Hippler Sebastian, carpenter, res 99 W Wright. 103 Hirschman Cornelia, wks w. factory, bds 1324 Monroe. Hishing Anna, wks 826 Capitol av. Hitzman F. H., lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Hitzman George, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Hoag A. E., wid, *res nw cor Klein and Jefferson. Hoag A. S., printer, bds nw cor Klein and Jefferson. Hoagland G. W., res 1024 S 2d. Hoag L. E., nw cor Klein and Jefferson. Hodge George, blacksmith, *res 323 N 10th. Hodge Louisa, washing and ironing, *res 221 W Jefferson. Hodges David, saloon, res Peoria road, n of co-operative shaft. Hodgson Ed. S., insurance, *res 945 S 5th. Hoehn Fred, wks r. mill, *res ne cor 4th and North av. Hoerrman Chas. W., asst. civil engineer Wabash, *res 922 S 4th. Hoey Robert, plasterer, *res nw cor Rutledge and Reynolds. Hoff H., saloon and bakery, 920 and 922 Washington. Hofferkamp & Bro., livery stables, 618 Monroe. Hofferkamp George, bakery, 621 Monroe, res 421 S 8th. Hofferkamp Herman, liveryman, res 507 S 8th. Hofferkamp John H., liveryman, res ws 3d nr Scarrit. Hofferkamp Kate, home 933 S 3d. Hofferkamp Lizzie, home 421 S 8th. Hoffman Alexander, lab, bds 915 Adams. Hoffman Beecher, brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hoffman Carl, brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hoffman Charles, shoemaker, res 915 Adams. Hoffman Christian, cigar-maker, bds 915 Adams. Hoffman Edward, machinist, res 1035 S College. Hoffman George, engineer Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hoffman George, lab, *res 805 Miller. Hoffman H. D., carpenter, *res 1019 Carpenter. Hoffman Herman, wks w. factory, bds 421 W Reynolds. Hoffman Ida, home 915 Adams. Hoffman John, fireman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Hoffman John, bds 915 Adams. Hoffman Louise, home 915 Adams. Hoffman Mary, home 915 Adams. Hoffman P. F., lab, *res 108 N 13th. Hoffman Philip, carpenter, *res 1127 Jefferson. Hoffman William, engineer Wabash, bds 1017 Monroe. Hoffman William, baker, *res 437 W Mason. Hogan Frank, bds Marshall House. Hogan Frank, lab, bds 1603 Adams. Hogan Jane, wid, res 1603 Adams. 104 Hogan John, lab, bds 1603 Adams. Hogan Martin, fireman, bds 401 N 7th. Hogan Thomas, fireman Wabash, bds cor 10th and Monroe. Hogans Harrison (col), barber, bds 826 Miller. Hogans Mahala (col), wid, res 822 Miller. Hoge Mattie E., wid, 118 Mason. Hohl Henry, machinist, res 620 S 8th. Hohrein B., lab, res 302 W Reynolds. Holahan Daniel O., clerk, *res 412 W Washington. Holcomb Julia, teacher, *res 400 N 5th. Holland Frank, lab, res 726 Reynolds. Hollem H. B., clerk, res 527 W Monroe. Holly W. H., stock-dealer, res 7th, 2d h s of Monroe. Holman A. (col), lab, *res N 12th. Holman Hattie, wks nw cor 6th and Edwards. Holman Nettie, wks 314 S 7th. Holman William S., bookkeeper, *res 10 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Holmes Susan, wid, wks 721 Washington. Holmes May, bds 122 N 8th. Holstein John, butcher, *res 112 Carpenter. Holt W. M. (col), janitor, res 1522 Capitol av. Holtman John B., janitor, res 417 S 11th. Holtman Joseph, tailor, *res 917 Cook. Holtman Louis, printer, *res 401 Monroe. Holzwarth Frederick, lab, *res 317 N 2d. Home Mills, cor 3d and Washington, J. L. Burke & Co., proprs. Home of the Friendless, south end 7th; Isaac Keyes, pres’t; Mrs. W. F. Kimber, secretary; H. C. Latham, treasurer; Miss Minnie Dox, matron. Homes M. McKee Mrs., proprietress Bettie Stuart Institute, cor 4th and Jackson. Hone Lewis, barber, *res 515 New. Hood Samuel, gardener, *res rear Matteson property. Hood Thomas, watchman, res se cor 6th and Keyes av. Hood H. T., steam-fitter, res Miller, 3d h w of Rutledge. Hood William, lab, *res es 3d bet Adams and Monroe. Hooker Henry D., machinist, bds 714 Adams. Hooker Robert, wks w. factory, bds ne cor 4th and North av. Hoole George, printer, *res 1022 Madison. Hoover Abraham, carpenter, *res ss Jackson bet 12th and 13th. Hopewell Charles, foreman Journal bindery, bds Sherman House. Hopkins Eben W., musician, bds 507 S College. Hopkins Caleb Mrs., wid, res 507 S College. Hopkins Emma, home 507 S College. 105 Hopkins George, wks w. factory, bds 507 S College. Hopkins James, wks w. factory, bds 507 S College. Hopkins James A., lab, res 7th bet Mason and Reynolds. Hopkins J. C., civil engineer, bds 105 N 5th. Hopkins Leon, plumber, res 431 New. Hopper & Stevens, saloon, 613 Adams. Hopper John, saloon, res 2d, opp. State House. Hoppin S. M. Mrs., wid, home 813 W Jefferson. Hopping D. P., contractor and builder, res 218 Monroe. Hopping Lizzie, home 218 Monroe. Hopping Frederick, carpenter, bds 218 Monroe. Horan James, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Horch Maurice, pastry-cook, *res 1249 Reynolds. Hord William Mrs., wid, res ne cor Lewis and Monroe. Horin Annie, wks 1008 N 5th. Horin Nora, wks 430 S 7th. Horine E. M., Mrs., wid, res 634 Walnut. Horine Jacob B., res 634 Walnut. Horn Henry, wks r. mill, bds 611 N 8th. Horn John, hack-driver, *res ss Mason bet 12th and 13th. Horn Joseph, lab, *res 830 Madison. Horn Moses B., wks w. mill, bds 1215 Capitol av. Horn M. B., bds 611 N 8th. Horn M. J., lab, *res 1215 Capitol av. Horn Samuel, wks r. mill, res 611 N 8th. Horn William A., wks w mill, bds 1215 Capitol av. Horney Rosa, help at 801 S 6th. Horsch Martin, machinist, *res ws 11th, nr South av. Horsch Michael, res with Herman Earley. Hose Andy, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Hosea Eli H., printer, bds Marshall House. Hottes M., fresco-painter, bds St. Charles. Houchens G. C., res 1003 S 8th. Hough Blanche, home nw cor 5th and North av. Hough Frank, telegraph operator, bds 623 N 5th. Hough Laura, home nw cor 5th and North av. Houlihan Patrick, lab, res n of Concordia College. House E. P., hardware, res 826 Capitol av. House S. J., train dispatcher, *res sw cor 6th and Jefferson. House N. F., wks r. mill, bds with E. S. Primm. Houser Joseph, baker, *res cor 8th and Madison. Householder Carrie, bds 1025 S 8th. Houston W. T., attorney, 110 N 5th, *res 1131 N 3d. Houswald Michael, lab, res 220 W Cook. 106 Houswald Mary, home 220 W Cook. Houswald William, lab, *res 214 W Cook. Howard A., home sw cor 12th and Enos av. Howard Edna, bds 729 Jefferson. Howard Eliza, bds 1013 Madison. Howard Frank, machinist, bds 1013 Madison. Howard George, jr., fireman, res sw cor 13th and Carpenter. Howard Henry, teams, *res Barret bet Cass and Douglas. Howard Jennie, performer at Adelphi. Howard John, machinist, res ns Jackson, 3d h e of 12th. Howard Louis, engineer, res cor 10th and Reservoir. Howard Louis E., lab, bds cor 10th and Reservoir. Howard Mamie, *res Jefferson bet 8th and 9th. Howard Mary, teacher, bds 729 Washington. Howard Martha, wks 420 Spring. Howard N. S., confectioner at O’Donnell’s, bds Western Hotel. Howard Thomas D., baker, res Peoria, 3d h n of North av. Howard Timothy, shoemaker, res 1013 Madison. Howard William, wks w. factory, bds sw cor 12th and Enos av. Howard Wilson (col), *res Edwards and Spring. Howarth Robert H., machinist, *res 1015 N 5th. Howorth C. C., pictures, etc., *res cor Pasfield and Jackson. Howe James, lab, *res Madison, 3d h w of Rutledge. Howell Fannie, dressmaker, bds 622 N 7th. Howell M. E., wid, *res 622 N 7th. Howenstine Henry, res 203 W Carpenter. Howey Charles, grocer, *res 903 Capitol av. Howey Charles H., clerk, 1031 Capitol av. Howey Preston, grocery, res ne cor 7th and Mason. Howey Robert, plasterer, res 707 Mason. Howey Thomas, grocer, 1031 Capitol av. Howey William T., blacksmith, bds 1031 Capitol av. Hoyt Clinton D., clerk State House, *res 1204 S 4th. Hoyt C. L., supt. w. factory, *res 921 N 6th. Hoyt Flora, home 921 N 6th. Hoyt J. R., merchant, *res 720 Mason. Hubbard James (col), teams, res last house S 11th. Hubbard Mary, wid, *res 1105 Adams. Huber F., saloon, 420 Adams, res 114 W Mason. Huber Joseph, lab, *res se cor Calhoun av and Rutledge. Huckey R. M., clerk r. mill store, res 709 Washington. Huddleston James, miner, *res Adams, 2d h w of 18th. Hudson & House, hardware dealers, 506 ss square. Hudson Anna (col), wid, *res 1415 Capitol av. 107 Hudson Charles R., stenographer for Iron Co., res 129 N 6th. Hudson Dennis, miner, *res 403 N 15th. Hudson Frank, Jr., printer, bookbinder, and dealer in Masonic goods, 221 S 5th, res 1050 N 5th. Hudson Gabriel (col), lab, res cor 19th and Edwards. Hudson James E., freight agent Ill. Central, res 129 N 6th. Hudson John W., lab, *res 8 Mill row. Hudson J. L., hardware, res 1130 S 6th. Hudson L. A., news man, res 710 Reynolds. Hudson Maria Mrs., wid, res 129 N 6th. Hudson T.J., supt. Springfield division Ill. Central Ry. Hudson Thomas (col), teams, *res 1411 Adams. Huelsmann F., grocer, res 1401 Edwards. Huelsmann John, lab, bds 1401 Edwards. Huff F. P., telegraph operator at Springfield Iron Co.’s office. Huggins Julia (col), wid, bds 318 N 2d. Hughes Belle, bds 806 Adams. Hughes I. S., physician, nw cor square, res 313 W Monroe. Hughes John C., printer expert, *res 814 W Washington. Hughes Stelia, teacher, bds 200 W Jackson. Hughes W. T., res w end Carpenter. Hugy Lillie, 102 W Carpenter. Hugy Lou, 102 W Carpenter. Hugy Mary, 102 W Carpenter. Hugy R., res 102 W Carpenter. Hulit Sarah A., wid, 728 S 11th. Hulit Zekiel, blacksmith, res 728 S 11th. Hulkenberg George, blacksmith, res 928 S 5th. Hume Mamie, wks room 4, 305 S 6th. Hummel Val B., bds 511 S 7th. Humphreys J. O., clerk, bds cor Douglas av and Washington. Humphreys D. C., physician, bds 725 S 2d. Humphreys Isaac, wks r. mill, res 6th, 2d h n of North av. Humphreys Thomas, wks r. mill, bds 6th, 2d h n of North av. Humphreys T. S., farmer, bds 725 S 2d. Hungerford D. H., clerk for Hall & Herrick, clothiers. Hunsley Joseph, lab, *res 6 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Hunt Adelbert, wks Bunn’s warehouse, *res 1320 Adams. Hunt Ambrose, machinist, bds 1813 Capitol av. Hunt Anderson, teamster, res 1813 Capitol av. Hunt Benjamin F., clerk Herndon’s, bds 523 S 11th. Hunt Dell, Bunns’ delivery, *res 415 S 10th. Hunt Elizabeth (col), wks 230 W Monroe. Hunt Ira W., wks for Drs. Buck & Matthews. 108 Hunt John H., freight conductor Wabash, bds 523 S 11th. Hunt Julia A. (col), wid, *res ne cor 5th and Edwards. Hunt Julla, wid, *res 523 S 11th. Hunt Kate, home 415 N 5th. Hunt Lizzie (col), cor 5th and Edwards. Hunt Louisa, home 1813 Capitol av. Hunt Louis (col), coal miner, *res cor 5th and Edwards. Hunt Sophia (col), bds cor 5th and Edwards. Hunt Norman V., res 415 N 5th. Hunt Samuel, fire department, 2d Ward engine house. Hunt William, teamster, bds 1813 Capitol av. Hunter A., clerk, bds 811 S 4th. Hunter Alvin, lab, *res 1141 N 1st. Hunter Frasier, wks w. factory, bds 1141 N 1st. Hunter Martha, housekeeper, nw cor Jefferson and West av. Hunter W. S., mngr. Henkles’ clothing house, res 811 S 4th. Huntington Arthur, shoe store, bds cor Lincoln av and Monroe. Huntington George L., bds cor Lincoln av and Monroe. Huntington Geo. L. Mrs., wid, home cor Lincoln av and Monroe. Huntington Leonora C., home cor Lincoln av and Monroe. Hurley Daniel, bar-tender, Peoria road, at Ridgely. Hurley James, saloon, res sw co-operative shaft. Hurley John, helper, res 1030 S 12th. Hurley Julia, home 1507 Adams. Hurley Mary, wid, res 1507 Adams. Hurley Michael, lab, *res 307 W Jefferson. Hurley Mike, lab, bds at Ridgely. Hurley Tim, puddler, res 3 blocks nw r. mill. Hurst Chas. H., bookk’r 423 Monroe, bds Capitol av and Spring. Hurst E. S., salesman, bds sw cor Spring and Capitol av. Hurst Jennie Miss, home sw cor Spring and Capitol av. Hurt James, miner, *res es N 3d nr Eastman av. Hurt Levi, miner, bds es N 3d nr Eastman av. Hurt William T., miner, bds es N 3d nr Eastman av. Huston Emma, home ne cor 3d and Canedy. Huston George (col), miner, res ws 11th, 7th h s of South av. Huston William, lawyer, res 1131 N 3d. Huston William K., carpenter, *res ne cor 3d and Canedy. Hutchinson Charles, carriage trimmer at Booth’s. Hutchinson Maggie, wks ne cor 4th and North av. Hutchinson Mary, wks 214 W Capitol av. Hutson Marion T., at Young Men’s Christian Association Rooms. Hutton James, miner, bds with Thomas Hutton. Hutton Thomas, lab, *res 5th, 6th h n of North av. 109 Hutton William, miner, bds with Thomas Hutton. Hyde E. B., supt. Northwestern railroad, res 314 S. 7th. Hyde Erman Mrs., wid, 809 Adams. Hyde F. R., clerk Reisch & Thoma, bds 314 S 7th. Hyde William, lab, *res 3d nr Illinois mills. |
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