16 READ THIS! ERRATA. [Detected too late for correction in the body of work.] Broeker William (in place of Boeder), in Elevator Milling Co. firm. Corrected Capps Henry (in place of Cappo) in firm of Dickerman & Co., res 830 S 5th. Hilliard Hiram, out-going Adjutant General (omission). Corrected Stanton, C. M., Division Superintendent O. & M. (in place of general agent) res 420 S 5th. Corrected Whipp J. W., assistant Secretary State Board of Public Charities (in place of Charter), res 409 S 5th. Corrected
17 J. BABEUF’S Springfield City Directory For 1881-2 ABBREVIATIONS Bds., boards; *, rents; res., residence; wks., works; lab., laborer; cor., corner; wid., widow; opp., opposite; bet., between; (col.), colored; na, ss, es, ws, sides of streets; ne, se, nw, sw, location of corners; r. mill, s. mill, w. mill, w. factory, different mills, etc. The word “East” will not be used to denote the end of a street, but the letter W. will be employed when referring to the west end. The word “Grand” will be omitted in the different avenues – simply North av., East av., etc. ABELL, CHARLES L., teller 1st Nat’l Bank, bds 506 N 5th. Abel Roswell, res 524 S 5th. Abel Roswell P., res 524 S 5th. Abels Martin, watchman, *res se cor State and Washington. Ackerman Martin, carpenter, wks for J. N. Kikendall. Ackermann Philip, res w end Mason. Ackley James, wks for Little & Son. Ackley John, wks for Little & Son. Adair John M., chief clerk Secretary of State, bds 1006 S. 4th. Adams Addie, wks w. factory, home with Henry Birkett. Adams Agnes, Mrs J. K. Dubois’ residence. Adams Mrs. E. B. Mrs., dressmaker, res room 4, 305 S 6th. Adams Eldora, home 305 Madison. Adams Enola, home 305 Madison. Adams Francis J., supt. State Alliance, bds 421 N 5th. Adams Geo., miner, *res nw cor 12th and Clay. Adams Hattie, home 305 Madison. Adams Henry (col), lab, res 313 W Wright. Adams Isaac, saloon, cor 10th and Mason. Adams L. B., U. S. Commissioner, res 305 Madison. Adams Mattie T., teacher, res ss Jefferson, 2d h w of Walnut. Adams P. A. Mrs., wid, res ss Jefferson, 2d hw of Walnut. 18 Adams Thomas, lab, bds nw cor 6th and Elm. Adams William, miner, res 1309 S 11th. Adderley Alfred E., bookbinder, bds 934 Spring. Adderley Fred, physician, *res 934 Spring Addelman Lena, wks Green Tree Hotel. Aetna Foundry and Machine Shops, cor 2nd and Adams; J. C. Lamb, propr. Affonso Manuel, res 1029 Mason. Ahern Henry, mechanic, res North av, bet 8th and 9th. Aitken Maggie, home 936 S 5th. Aitken Mary R., home 936 S 5th. Aitken Wm. F., printer, *res 936 S 5th. Akard J. D., machine agt. *res1110 S 4th. Akins C. E., journal solicitor, *res 215 Adams. Albaugh Dora, wid, cor 10th and South av. Albright Jennie, bds 323 Madison. Alderice Wm., weaver, res se cor 18th and Monroe. Aldrich Hiram, miner, *res Elliot av w of 1st. Alexander G. F., musician, *res 637 n 2nd. Alexander George, clerk in office of Supt. Pub. Inst. Alexander George E. clerk, bds nw cor Spring and Edwards. Alexander Peter (col), miner, bds 403 N 14th. Alexander Sam (col), lab, res sw cor 11th and Pine. Allen Carrie, home 211 W Jackson Allen Frank (col), engineer, res 1631 Jackson. Allen G. W., grocer, res 102 W Washington. Allen H. A., Mrs., wid, 211 W Jackson. Allen H. E., wid, *res nw cor 10th and Madison. Allen H., engineer, Wabash, bds 1017 Monroe. Allen Hannah E., wid, *res se cor 8th and Madison. Allen Harrison (col), lab, res 714 S 15th. Allen Henry, engineer, bds 1019 S 13th. Allen J. B., pastor of Christian church, *res 206 Walnut. Allen James, fireman, *res 914 Monroe. Allen Joab, clerk, res Spring and Scarrit. Allen John E., printer, *res 914 Monroe Allen John W., with U. S. Exp., bds Western Hotel Allen Kate, works ws 6th, fourth h n of North av. Allen M. A. Miss, bds sw cor Walnut and Jefferson. Allen Mary (col), wid, res cor 17th and Capitol av. Allen Mary E., wid, 409 S 11th. Allen Patrick, engineer, Wabash, *res 1308 Jackson Allen Patrick, lab, res 1513 Adams. Allen Robert, lawyer, res 612 S 5th. 19 Allen Samuel, carpenter, bds 529 S 12th. Allen Susan, help at 413 S 7th. Allen Wm. mail agent, *res 413 N 6th. Allen Wm. I., res 1203 S 8th. Allen Zach., lab, *res Revel and Vine. Allenbach G., student Concordia Seminary. Alley R. P., supt. Citizens Ry., bds Revere House. Allgood John W., lab, res n end 9th, n of limits. Allison Edward, miner, *res road sw of fair ground. Allison George H., printer, bds ne corner Lewis and Monroe. Allison Julia, wid, res nw cor 18th and Kansas. Allman John, butcher, *res 114 Madison. Allman John, lab, res Miller bet 1st and 2d. Allman Mollie, bds 1026 Mason. Allyn N. L., mail carrier, res 915 S 5th. Almeda Joseph, sr, lab, res 123 Carpenter. Almeda Joseph, jr, lab, bds 123 Carpenter. Alred A. F., painter, bds 717 S 12th. Alsop Thomas, *res 9th opp w. factory. Altschwager F., gardener at 806 S 6th. Alyea Jacob, city prisonkeeper, res same. Aman Frank, steel works, bds Black av bet 6th and 7th. Ambrose D. L., correspondent, *res 919 N 6th. Ambrose John, miner, res cor 15th and Clay. American Express Co., 222 S 5th, M. G. Hall, agt. Ames N. B., clerk, bds Western Hotel. Ammann Arnold, saloon, res 113 S 8th. Amos John, res cor Washington and Amos av. Amos Joshua, farmer, res cor Amos av and Washington. Ams Lizzie, wks cor 8th and North av. Anderson A., musician, bds Marshall House. Anderson Ann, wid, 910 Monroe. Anderson Augustus, machinist, bds 801 Barret. Anderson C. E., weighman, *res 1st nr Carpenter. Anderson Caroline, wks for Dr. Fowler. Anderson Charles, wks for Chas. Ridgely. Anderson Charles, wks w. mill, rooms at 322 S 4th. Anderson Duke (col), porter at Leland Hotel. Anderson Edward, plumber, bds 827 W Adams. Anderson Frank (col), lab, res 1415 Capitol av. Anderson Geo., dummy engineer, *res R. R. bet N 5th and 6th. Anderson Geo. (col), miner, *res cor 19th and Douglas. Anderson Geo. W., tailor, res cor College and Canedy. Anderson H. C. Mrs., wid, res 1303 Jackson.
20 Anderson James, wks w. factory, bds 1303 Jackson. Anderson James, harnessmaker, bds Wilson House. Anderson James, teams, *res 18th and Cass. Anderson John, lab, *res 315 Adams. Anderson J. F., clerk, *res 316 W Adams. Anderson John H., carpenter, res 827 W Adams. Anderson J. H. (col), lab, res 1518 Mason. Anderson J. L., corn doctor, *res 910 Monroe. Anderson L. S., artist, res 9th, 6th h s of North av. Anderson M., tailor at Hall & Herrrick’s. Anderson M. K., retired, res n w cor Klein and Jefferson. Anderson Mary Mrs., wid, *res 1402 Monroe. Anderson Minnie, 719 Jefferson. Anderson M. B. Miss, tailoress, bds 827 W Adams. Anderson Oloff, wks for Dr. Fowler. Anderson Sue White Mrs., nurse, *res 322 S 11th. Anderson Tillie F., home 1402 Monroe. Anderson W. H., wks w. factory, *res 1402 Monroe. Anderson W. W., clerk, bds nw cor Klein and Jefferson. Andrad Caroline, wks 707 Washington. Andrew John, grocer, *res 1029 Madison. Andrews E. A. Mrs., wid, res 634 S 5th. Andrews George, carpenter, *res ss Wright, 4th h e of Spring. Andrews Lucy, wid, res 1216 Edwards. Andrews Mary, bds 624 N 7th. Andrews Susan Mrs., wid, res 634 S 5th. Andrews William,lab, *res 624 N 7th. Andress C., res s of city, e of Butler’s Andri William, carver, bds Green Tree. Angell Alfred, wks w. fac., *res 9th and Lincoln. Anglan Frank, carriage mkr, *res 305 W Jefferson Ankrom Della, clerk, home 111 S 2d. Ankrom Jesse, carpenter, bds 111 S 2d. Ankrom John C., printer, bds 111 S 2d. Ankrom Huldah A. wid., *res 111 S 2d. Ankrom Nona, clerk, home 111 S 2d. Ankrom Stella, seamstress, home 111 S 2d. Ansell Laura, bds 105 cor 1st and Allen. Ansell Oscar, machinist, bds cor 1st and Allen. Ansell Wm., wks wool fac., res 105 cor 1st and Allen. Anstice Edward, lab *res 11th n of Madison. Anthony Aaron, clerk, res 428 W Monroe. Anthony Thomas, molder, *res 107 W Carpenter. Apblett Catharine, wid, 1131 N 5th. 21 Apblett Margaret, wks 1050 N 5th. Apblett Wm., miner *res 1131 N 5th. Apgar Aaron, carpenter, res 703 N 8th. Armbruster A., jeweler, *res 104 W Jefferson. Armbruster Emma, home 104 W Jefferson. Armbruster R. H. upholstery, res 321 S 5th. Armbruster Rudolph, upholster, bds 104 W Jefferson. Armbruster Otto, jeweler, bds 104 W Jefferson. Armit John, artist, bds 605 W Edwards. Armstrong Albert H., machinist, *res 10th bet Edwards and Cook. Armstrong Charles A., mail carrier, bds 526 S 5th. Armstrong Chloe Mrs. wid, 526 S 5th. Armstrong Cornelia (col), *421 Monroe Armstrong Edward R., mail carrier, bds 526 S 5th. Armstrong H., grocer, *res1027 Adams. Armstrong Henry R., carpenter, *res South ave bet 10th and 11th. Armstrong James, carpenter, res 1516 E Washington. Armstrong Lizzie, home 1516 E Washington. Armstrong Thomas, paints, oils, etc., res 609 N 4th. Armstrong William, wks r. mill, bds at Ridgely. Arndt T. S., bar-tender, 613 Adams. Arnold A. V., mail carrier, *res SW cor John and Jefferson. Arnold Charles, *res 502 S 6th. Arnold E. L., machinist. *res 512 S 9th. Arnold John H., farmer res Lincoln bet 11th and 12th. Arntzen Bernard, lab, bds 630 S 11th. Artsman E., physician, res 810 Monroe. Artsman Eva, home 810 Monroe. Asbury I. M., physician, 514 ss square, res 1106 Jackson. Asbury Bob (col), lab, *res Spring and Edwards. Aschauer Charles, soap maker, *res 108 W Mason. Ashley O. P., printer, bds St. Charles. Aspinwall James, miner, *res Peoria road nr Chapel. Ataung Dora, wid, bds 325 W Edwards. Atkinson Edward, carpenter, bds 120 N 5th. August Manuel, lab, res 317 N 14th. Aurelius Thomas, r. mill, bds ws 6th, 6 n of North av. Austin Joseph, fireman Wabash, *res 519 S 12th. Austin Lizzie, wks 913 S 6th. Auxier Jefferson, wks r. mill, *res Klein bet 1st and Rutledge. Avena Jack, miner, bds 306 N 14th. Averill Charles G., shoe dealer, 111 ws square, res 913 S 6th. Averitt N. O., engineer, *res 1st, 2d h n of Union. Averitt Thomas M., *res 1118 Jefferson. 22 Ayer E. H., supt. Wabash mines, res 1237 S 5th. Ayer W. W., rooms Cheney House bldg. Ayers Byron W., real estate and loan, 214 S 5th, res 104 W Allen. Ayers George, machinist, *721 S 8th. Ayers H. S., wid, *res 506 N 5th. Aylward Thomas, clerk, *res Adams bet Lewis and Pasfield. BAAR B. F., stoves, tinware, etc., job work as specialty, 130 N 5th, res 730 Reynolds. Bab Edward, watchman bds 1177 North av and 9th. Babcock A. J., clerk, res Douglas, 2d h n of Edwards. Babcock Charles A., lab, bds Douglas, 2d h n of Edwards. Babcock Sarah, wid, *res es 10th, 1st h s of North av. Babcock S., dentist, bds. St. Nicholas. Baber William, wks w. fac., res 9th, 7th h s of North av. Babeuf J., publisher Springfield City Directory, res 27 Flournoy st., Chicago. Babeuf Emma, home 733 Spring. Babeuf M. Mrs., wid, *res 733 Spring. Babeuf Walter, wks Ridgely’s mill, bds 733 Spring. Bach John, teacher, res 621 Adams. Bachhelm Conrad, cigar maker, res 540 W Mason. Bachhelm George, lab, *res 532 W Mason. Bacon Caroline (col), wid, *res 11th and Reynolds. Baehr Benjamin, wagon maker, *res es 2d, 2d h s of Scarrit. Baehr & Co., blacksmiths, cor 2d and Washington. Baer Charles J., clerk at 101 E Jefferson. Baer Jacob, lab, res 1224 S 11th. Baer Katie, 1224 S 11th. Baer William, machinist, bds 1224 S 11th. Bagby William, wks w. fac., bds St. Charles. Bahr Frank, stonecutter, bds Green Tree. Bahr, H. J., barber shop, res 519 Monroe. Bahr John, engineer Wabash, *res 1403 Jackson. Bailey Delia, works at D. T. Littler’s. Bailey Essie, wid, *res 116 S 9th. Bailey Hattie, wid, *res 9th, bet Adams and Washington. Bailey James, day watchman, res 816 E Washington. Bailey Jane, 116 S 9th. Bailey John, plumber, bds 1630 Capitol av. Bailey John O., bds 116 S 9th. Bailey Patrick, lab, res 1630 Capitol av. Bailey Richard, lab, res, 309 W Madison. 23 Bailey Sadie, 801 Jefferson. Bailey Walter H., bar-tender St. Nicholas. Bain William, bookbinder, bds 618 Mason. Baird Richard, teams, *res 722 S 11th. Baird Thomas, bookkeeper, res 924 S 6th. Baker C. B., clerk at Sheiry & Baker’s. Baker C. H., painter, *res 1017 Carpenter. Baker C. N., w. fac., bds 9th, 3d h n of North av. Baker D. M., barber, bds 315 S 5th. Baker E. Louis, post-office clerk, bds 441 S 2d. Baker George V., carpenter, *res 1125 S 8th. Baker Hattie M. Miss, home ne cor 5th and North av. Baker H. N., mail carrier, bds Western Hotel. Baker James H., machinist, *res 209 W Cook. Baker John P., U. S. gauger, *res Capitol av., bet 7th and 8th. Baker King (col), miner, bds 205 N 15th. Baker Margaret M., 1137 Reservoir. Baker M. Mrs., hair store, res 218 S 6th. Baker O. R., grocer, res ne cor 5th and North av. Baker Peter, carpenter, res 321 W Carpenter. Baker Wm., wks 1015 S 6th. Baker Wm., lab, bds 703 S 11th. Baker Thomas, miner, res 1137 Reservoir. Bakrow R. A. Mrs., confectionery and res. 409 Washington. Baldwin Edward, wks w. mill, bds 1328 Jackson. Bales Charles W., drug clerk, bds 413 N 6th. Bales Moses, carpenter, *res 413 N 6th. Ball Ann, wid, res 1157 N 4th. Ball Geo. H., saloon, bds se cor 9th and Reynolds. Ball Jacob, watchmaker, res se cor 9th and Reynolds. Ball Lotta (col), wks Walnut, 2d h s of Monroe. Ball Sarah, home 1157 N 4th. Balls John, w. fac., bds 9th, 6th h n of Enos av. Ballou Geo. A., grocer, res 6th, bet Reynolds and Carpenter. Ballou Hector, railroader, *res 1019 Jefferson. Balsley Charles, w. fac., bds 9th 3d h n of North av. Bancroft Cynthia S., at Rolling Mill Hotel. Bancroft George R., res 740 N 1st. Band Wm., miner, bds Globe Hotel. Bandel Frederick, wid, res 328 W Miller. Bandy Elihu, teams, *res cor 17th and Edwards. Bane George, hackman, res 1114 Washington. Banister John, lab, bds North av, bet 11th and 12th. 24 Bansbach Chas., agent for J. Schlitz’ Milwaukee bottled beer, ns square, res sw cor 3d and Wright. Barber Elam, teams, res sw cor 11th and Carpenter. Barber Jerome, teams, res sw cor 11th and Madison. Barber J. M., clerk, bds 410 W Edwards. Barber Lizzie, home 410 W. Edwards. Barber W, S., grocer, 410 W. Edwards. Barbier Henry, w. fac., bds Union, bet 1st and 2nd. Barclay Coal and Mining Co., 108 N 5th; John Williams, pres’t; Geo N. Black, sec. and treas. Barker A. M., printer, *res sw cor 8th and Edwards. Barker P. L., printer, bds sw cor 8th and Edwards. Barker Sarah Miss, 1031 Monroe. Barker Wilber, w. fac, bds with A.H. Cleaves. Barkley Anna, home 700 N 6th. Barkley Harry, wks w. fac, bds 700 N 6th. Barkley J. H. & Co., furniture, stoves, tinware, etc., 219 S 5th. Barkley J. H., furniture, res 519 S 8th. Barkley James, wks w. factory, bds Keyes av, 2d h w of 5th. Barkley R. L. Mrs., wid, *res 700 N 6th. Barlow C. W., w. fac., bds 9th, 3d h n of North av. Barlow J. C., butcher, *res 905 Mason. Barlow James, printer, bds 905 Mason. Barlow Walter, clerk in Myers, bds 419 N 6th. Barman Charles, w. fac., bds with Charles W. Day. Barnd Annie F., wid, res 131 Carpenter. Barnes A. L., lab, bds with Rufus Fielder. Barnes Catherine, wid, *res sw cor 11th and Miller. Barnes Edgar, clerk Herndon’s, bds 808 S 5th. Barnes Elijah S., carpenter, res 821 Cook. Barnes Henry C., at r. mill, *res 808 S 5th. Barnes Leonora A., home 821 Cook. Barnes Mike, wks for Striffler, bds Drury House. Barnes Phineas, at r. mill, *res 606 S 4th. Barnes Raymond G., grocer, cor 9th and Cook. Barnes Tom (col), miner, *res 10th near Cedar. Barnett Thomas, stone-mason, res 403 Pasfield and Allen. Barreggry M., lab, res Klein, bet Jefferson and Madison. Barrell C., Capt., res 915 S 4th. Barrell Carrie, res 915 S 4th. Barrell Frank, * res 915 S 4th. Barret J. H., mill weighmaster, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Barret Lou, home with W. T. Barret. Barret Mary, home with W. T. Barret. 25 Barret Wm. T., weighmaster, res ws 5th, 3d h n of North Av. Barrett John W., prop. Merchants’ Exchange, 113 N 6th, res 830 Spring. Barrett John, lab, bds 8th, 6th h n of Black av. Barrett Julia, bds 830 Spring. Barrett Sarah, wks ss Jefferson, 2d h w of Walnut. Barrett Thomas, lab, bds 830 Spring. Barrett Wm., lab, res 830 Spring. Barrick G. L., salesman, bds 220 Monroe. Barrington Geo., wks r. mill, bds 721 Washington. Baron de Boisfontaine Oscar, miner, bds 104 S 10th. Barron A. H., carpenter, res 400 Calhoun av. Barron Henry S., engineer, I. C., *res 1231 Jackson. Barron James, miner, *res 1803 Edwards. Barron John, lab, res 8th, 5th n n of Black av. Barron John, carpenter, bds 400 Calhoun av. Barron Margaret, home 400 Calhoun av. Barron Mary, wid, res 400 Calhoun av. Barron Thomas, telegraph operator, bds 1803 Edwards. Barron Wm. H., miner, bds 1803 Edwards. Barrow John F., attorney, 214 S 5th, res 323 Doyle av. Barrum John, lab, res 1223 E. Adams. Barry Armstead M., farmer, bds 725 S 2d. Barry Ellen, milliner, home 112 Edwards. Barry James, lab, res 112 Edwards. Barry Katie M., home 725 S. 2d. Barry Louisa S., home, 725 S 2d. Barry Patrick, shoemaker, res Capitol av, bet 9th and 10th. Barry Portia Mrs., wid,*res 725 S 2d. Barry Richard, bookkeeper at Reisch & Thoma. Barry William, blacksmith, *res 826 S 13th. Barry William T., student, bds 725 S 2d. Bartberger Albertina Mrs., nurse, res 1130 S 11th. Bartberger Augusta, 1130 S 11th. Bartberger Henry, blacksmith, bds 1130 S 11th. Bartberger Herman, lab, bds 1130 S 11th. Bartel M. J., manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, cor 11th and Edwards. Barten Barbara, wks Rolling Mill Hotel. Barten Peter, miner, *res w of rolling mill. Barton Mary (col), wks 819 Mason. Bartlett Frank, millwright, *res 1110 N 6th. Bartley Michael, lab, *res 1422 Adams. Bartling Aug., machinist, res 108 Mason. 26 Bartling George, wks r. mill, bds ne cor 18th and Monroe Bartling Henry, wks r. mill, bds ne cor 18th and Monroe. Bartling Mary, wid, res ne cor 18th and Monroe. Barto Wellington, clerk Wabash ft house, *res 1101 Capitol av. Bartram David, res 1169 N 9th. Bartram George T., at r. mill, bds 1169 N 9th. Bartram Mary, wid, res 1169 N 9th. Bartram Ward, yardmaster, *res 1169 N 9th. Baruldson Rasmus, carpenter, res 13th, bet Jackson and Edwards. Bassford E. A. Mrs., wid, home 411 S 8th. Bassett A. G. Mrs., bds with Isaac Tewksbury. Batchelder George L., manager Central Telephone Co. Bates George, wks 206 W Capitol av. Bates George A., bookkeeper, bds sw cor 4th and North av. Battice Adolphus, cook, res 321 N 11th. Baum Joseph, marble-yard, nw cor 4th and Jefferson, res same. Baumgardner Frank, butcher, *res 718 Spring. Bauman George, grocer, cor Cook and Spring. Bauman George, wks w. factory, bds 912 Reynolds. Bauman Mary, home 912 Reynolds. Bauman Ricke, wks w. factory, bds 912 Reynolds. Bauman Valentine, janitor, res 912 Reynolds. Bauman Val., lab, bds Rutledge, nr Brewery. Baumann E., wks at Concordia Seminary. Baumann Jacob, clerk at Stebbins’ res es 6th, 4th h s of Allen. Baxter Andrew, boss at Godley’s, *res ns Washington, e of 15th. Bayles Frank, freight conductor, Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Baylor Lucinda (col), *res 905 Madison. Baylor Wm. H. (col), teams, *res 630 N 3rd. Bea Philip, brewer, *res se corner Rutledge and Calhoun. Beach E. P., insurance and real estate agent, opp post office, bds 427 S 2nd. Beach Mary, home 336 N 5th. Beach R. H., coal agent, res 336 N 5th. Beal Wm. R., druggist, ne cor square, bds at Revere House. Beam John C., carpenter, res sw cor Spring and Edwards. Beam Maggie A., home 224 Edwards. Beam William, teams, res 224 Edwards. Bearce Caroline, wid, 621 N 5th. Beard Henry (col), barber, res 1507 Washington. Beard Josiah, carpenter, res 1223 S. 4th. Beard Reuben A., stair builder, res 1201 E Cook. Beard Wm., res Keyes av, bet 6th and 7th. Beardsley Lizzie, washer, *res 2d between Jefferson and Washington. 27 Bearger J. H., cigarmaker, bds Sherman House. Beatty J. M., printer *res 1705 Adams. Beatty W. H., engineer, *res 906 S 11th. Beck Guy, agent, *res 519 N 1st. Beck John P., miller Excelsior Mills, res rear same. Becker Catharine, help 526 S 8th. Becker Henry, bakery and saloon, 918 Jefferson, res same. Becker Wm., clerk bds 918 Jefferson. Beckman John, wks at Germania House. Beckworth Orin, wks carshops, bds 1115 Adams. Beduhn Fred, porter at Bunn’s, bds 716 Madison. Beecher H. H., ticket agt. O. & M., *res nw cor 4th and Union. Beecher Minnie, home nw cor 4th and Union. Beerup T. A., horse trainer, *res 226 W Capitol av. Beet Richard, lockdealer, 410 Adams. Behning Ferd., lab, res 920 Spring. Biedleman Milton, r. mill, bds 1300 Washington. Beilke Josephine, home 1420 Washington. Bekemeyer Herman, bds 413 N 5th. Bekemeyer Otto, reporter State Register, bds 413 N 5th. Bekemeyer Wm., sr., saloon, res 413 N 5th. Bekemeyer Wm., jr., saloon, 126 N 6th, bds 413 N 5th. Bell & Hackney, architects, sw cor 5th and Monroe. Bell Charles E., architect, bds 913 N 7th. Bell D. S., farmer, bds 229 W Jackson. Bell E. A., architect, res cor 9th and Division. Bell Eliza V., wid, res cor 15th and Adams. Bell Joseph (col), plasterer, res 324 N 13th. Bell J. C., with Smith and Hay, *res 1126 S 7th. Bell Lou Miss, home with James Wickersham. Bell Robert, shoemaker, *res 1501 Washington. Bell Thomas, clerk, *res 1141 N. 4th. Bellman Annie, wks Pasfield facing Capitol av. Bellman Edward, painter, bds 215 W Reynolds. Bellman Kate, home 215 W Reynolds. Bellman Michael, res 215 W Reynolds. Bender Jacob, lab, res 422 W Mason. Bender Louis, printer, bds 207 Adams. Bendin L., student Concordia Seminary. Benedict John, cook at county jail. Benedict Mollie, wks at w. factory, bds 1001 North av. Bengal John, charger, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Bengel Bros. (F. J. & J. G.), grocers, 132 N 5th. Bengel Adam J., printer, res 511 N 6th. 28 Bengel F. J., grocer, res 405 N 7th. Bengel J. G., grocer, res 715 N 8th. Benheim S., clerk at Levi, bds St. Nicholas Benjamin S., clothier, 102 es square, res 429 N 6th. Benner Henry, bricklayer, bds Ledlie av n of North av. Bennett Amanda, wid, res es 7th, 5th s of Capitol av. Bennett Dora, home es 7th, 5th s of Capitol av. Bennett E. Mrs., dressmaker, 122 N 5th. Bennett J. H. H., dealer in sewing machines, 611 Monroe. Bennett Joseph, salesman, *res 511 N 4th. Bennett Joseph, clerk Wabash, res 843 S 5th. Bennett Lizzie, home 511 N 4th. Bennett Samuel, Riverton Coal Co., res 843 S 5th. Bennett William E., real estate under Leland Hotel. Benson John (col), waiter St. Nicholas Benson J. W., w. factory, *res ws 8th, 5th h n of North av. Benson Margaret, wid, es 7th n of Madison. Benson Newton, wks w. factory, *res 1020 N 5th. Benter John, hack driver, Leland stables. Bentley Gus., w. factory, *res 3d, 2d h n of North av. Bentley Thomas H., drug clerk with Isaac R. Diller. Berdykoski Frank, saloon, 730 Washington. Berg F. C., watchmaker, res 1148 N 5th. Berger Francisca, housekeeper for Ger. Catholic pastor. Bergman John, clerk, res 821 E Miller. Bergner Henry, stonecutter, res Washington 1st w Pasfield. Bergner Herman, wks east shaft, res 1618 Washington. Bergner Mary Mrs., laundry, res 1618 Washington. Bergold Edward, wks Wabash shops, res 6th, 3d s of Allen. Bergold Theo., machinist, res 1228 S 7th. Bergschneider Joseph, grocer, res cor 11th and North av. Berloher John, lab, res 1315 S 12th. Bermann Henry, farmer, *res 225 W Cook. Bermann Joseph, lab, bds 225 W Cook. Bermann Lizzie, bds 225 W Cook. Bernard Anna, res sw cor 3d and Canedy. Bernard Ferdinand, teacher, *res 530 N 6th. Bernauer Albert, clerk, bds sw cor Pasfield and Edwards. Bernauer Amelia, bds sw cor Pasfield and Edwards. Bernauer Flora, bds sw cor Pasfield and Edwards. Bernauer George, lab, *res sw cor Pasfield and Edwards. Bernauer Henry, lab, *res 801 15th. Bernauer Louisa, bds sw cor Pasfield and Edwards. Berney Thomas, lab, *res 208 W Cook. 29 Berriman Peter, res 508 S 9th. Berryman E., washwoman, *res 925 Mason. Berry Belle, *res 216 N 8th. Berry Isaac, 820 Spring. Berry James, miner, res 914 Miller. Berry John, lab, res 1104 Mason. Berry Jacob, bar-keeper, *res 400 W Washington. Berry W. C., sup. court librarian, bds 215 W Monroe Bettersworth A. P., printer, bds 220 Monroe. Bettinghaus George, carpenter, bds 422 W Washington. Bettinghaus Henry, carpenter and builder, 210 N 5th, res 422 W Washington. Bettie Stuart Institute, cor 4th and Jackson, Mrs. M. McKee Homes, proprietess. Bevard W. H., *res ne cor 11th and Mason. Bevineu Louis (col), wks 400 W Cook. Bewsher William H., engineer, res 442 Williams. Bickes William F., sexton Oak Ridge, res same. Bied Fred F., clerk, 731 Adams. Bied H. W., clerk, 731 Adams. Bied Walter Mrs., wid, grocer, res 731 Adams. Biel Philip H., carpenter Wabash shops, res 1202 Capitol av. Bierbaum John, grocer, res 1021 Reynolds Bierbaum John, teamster, res nw cor Miller and 1st. Bierce, E. B., coroner, res 619 W Capitol av. Biffel Primus (col), lab, rooms ss Jefferson, bet 3rd and 4th. Bigelow M. S., auditor’s clerk, *res 602 S 4th. Biggs H. H., carpenter, res n end Doyle av. Biggs Lillie, home 1315 Capitol av. Bigler Christ, farmer, res High, facing Douglas av. Billington A. M. Mrs., wid, 1408 Monroe. Billington John, carpenter, *res 812 Carpenter. Billington Lizzie, home 1408 Monroe. Billington Thomas W., wks w. factory, bds 1408 Monroe. Billington William, yardmaster, I. C., *res sw cor 4th and Union. Bills James, lab, *res cor 10th, at Ridgley. Bingham C., boarders, nw cor 10th and Monroe. Bingham H. C., engineer, res 920 S 13th. Binger John, lab, *res 117 W Carpenter. Binnez James, miner, res 1116 N 11th. Bird Sallie (col), laundry, Adams bet 7th and 8th. Bird James, bricklayer, bds Drury House. Birdsall George (col), barber, * res 1310 Washington. Birkett Henry, wks w. fac, *res e s 8th, 5 h n of North av. 30 Birklund Andrew, tailor, over Kusel’s. Birklund Neil, tailor, over Kusel’s. Birnbaum Frank, butcher, res Ledlie av, n of North av. Birnbaum Fred, teams, res 343 W Carpenter. Bisch Charles, clerk, bds 1124 N 6th. Bisch Philip, furniture, res 1124 N 6th. Bischoff Charles, wks elevator, *res Spring and Adams. Bischoff W. F., sec. Y.M.C.A., *res w s 8th, between Cook and Edwards. Bishop Annie, wks w. factory, bds 1204 Jackson. Bishop George (col), lab, res 13th and South av. Bishop Joseph, *res 405 N 5th. Bishop Louis, wks w. factory. Bishop Martin, lab, res 14th, nr South av. Bishop Mary E., dressmaker, 805 E Madison. Bishop Thomas D., boss car stables, *res 805 E Madison. Bittinger J. W., dealer in pumps, groceries, etc., *res 1315 Capitol av. Bittinger L. A., wid, bds 713 N 7th. Black Caroline L. Mrs., res 206 Adams. Black George N., sec’y Barclay Coal Co., res ne cor 2d and Cook. Black John, paper mill, res 412 S 6th. Black Thomas (col), miner, bds 402 N 4th. Blackburn Christopher, bds 1214 Adams. Blackmore Elizabeth, laundress St. Nicholas. Black Diamond Coal Mines, junction Wabash and C. & A., Speed Butler, propr. Blades H. T., clerk at Ferguson’s, bds Western Hotel. Blair E. J., physician, res 823 S 4th. Blakeman Thomas (col), lab, *res 3d nr Union. Blakesley Frank, teams, *res 318 N 6th. Blazer Lizzie, wks 220 W Capitol av. Bleser John, miner, res cor S 11th and Spruce. Blood William, lab, *res Eastman av, bet 7th and 8th. Bloodgood Samuel, res 1165 N 9th. Bloomer Henry, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Bloomer Joseph, car driver, *res nw cor 15th and Adams. Bloominger Samuel G., lab, *res 8th, 7th h n of Black av. Blue Eliza (col), wks 1214 Adams. Blum Charles, lab, res 1st, 2d h n of Allen. Blume Christian F., machinist, *res 817 Madison. Blume Jennie, seamstress, bds 817 Madison. Blume Robert, boiler-maker, bds 817 Madison. Blumer Kate, wid, 515 Klein. Blumer William, stonercutter, res 515 Klein. 31 Board Oscar (col), teams, res s end 11th. Bobbitt Ada, ne cor New and Capitol av. Bobbitt Dora, clerk, bds ne cor New and Capitol av. Bobbitt James G., carpenter *res ne cor New and Capitol av. Bobbitt J. W., clerk, res n end Doyle av. Bock T., wks at Schuck’s lumber yard. Bode Franz, clerk in Barkley’s, res 606 S 7th. Boehner Alice, wks ne cor 5th and Keyes av. Boehner George, butcher, res 805 N 1st. Boehner Leonhardt, gardener, res 229 W Carpenter. Boessdorfer Lizzie, wks 914 S 2nd. Boetticher S., student Concordia Seminary. Bogardus S., propr. Springfield Business College, ne cor square, res 439 W Edwards. Bogart John, shoemaker, *res 228 W Adams. Bogenschuetz August, tailor, res 726 College and Wright. Boggess James L. and N. W., *res 806 S 5th. Boggs Cordelia, 812 Miller. Boggs George W., res 812 Miller. Boggs Joseph, shoemaker, res 812 Miller. Bogue Thomas, miner, res Reservoir bet 11th and 12th. Bohannon Moses (col), lab, res 1225 s end 15th. Boland, Daniel, boiler-maker, res ws 11th bet Douglas and Cass. Bolden James (col), bricklayer, res 14th nr Douglas. Boler Mike, helper, bds 8th and Keyes av. Bolin Ison, farmer, *res 1600 E Washington. Bolinger Charles, tinner, *res sw cor Wright and College. Bolinger George W., dealer in stoves, tinware, etc., 210 and 212 S 5th, res 1014 N 5th. Bolinger John, tinner, res 638 N 4th. Bolles H. O., physician, 511 ns square, res 411 N 5th. Bolman T. Miss, help at 923 S 6th. Bolte Henry, painter, res 117 Jefferson. Bolton Bettie, home 427 S 12th. Bolton Daniel C. Mrs., res 427 S 12th. Bolton John, bds 427 S 12th. Bonar Mike Mrs., wid, *res 220 W Reynolds. Bond Abram, plasterer, res North av sw of Lincoln Park. Bond Correll, carpenter, bds 507 S College. Bond Emma, wks se cor 12th and Cass. Bonehill Wm. L., wks r. mill, *res North av bet 5th and 6th. Boner Ellen, wks N. B. Edwards. Bones Michael, miner, *res w of r. mill. Bonnell E. L. Mrs., cor Edwards and Lincoln av. 32 Bonney F. M., watchman State treasury, *res 1130 S 7th. Bonney Dwight, lab, bds 327 W Calhoun av. Bonney Eunice, wid, res 327 W Calhoun av. Bonney Frank, wks w. factory, bds 327 W Calhoun av. Bonney May, home 327 W Calhoun av. Boone Jennie Mrs., 833 S 4th. Boone M., wks w. factory, 833 S 4th. Boone Milton (col), lab, *res 220 N 9th. Booth & McCosker (A. S. B. and Alex. McC.), carriage and wagon manufacturers, cor 8th and Washington. Booth Alfred, grocer, bds ne cor 9th and Monroe. Booth A. S., carriage manufacturer, res se cor 6th and Jackson. Booth Clara, wid, res 1022 Madison. Booth Elizabeth, wid, ne cor 9th and Monroe. Booth J. R., tobacconist, bds sw cor 3d and North av. Booth Wm. D., machinist, *res 1107 Capitol av. Boothroyd Wm. H., printer, *res 1014 Spring. Boss Fred, sr., lab, res 1133 N 3d. Boss Fred, jr., lab, bds 1133 N 3d. Boss Henry, butcher, bds 1133 N 3d. Boss Lizzie, home 1133 N 3d. Bostick Joseph, miner, res 226 W Mason. Bouchard A. S., engineer Wabash, *res 630 S 11th. Boucon C. H., r. mill, *res 322 W Carpenter. Bourke Alice, home 1203 Adams. Bourke P. M. Rev., asst. Pastor Irish Catholic church, res same. Bourne Annie, home 323 S 4th. Bourne Carrie, home 323 S 4th. Bourne Kittie, home 323 S 4th. Bourne Laura, wid, home with E. A. Hall. Bourne William H., *res 323 S 4th. Bow John, res 1016 Washington. Bowe Hanora, wid, res 602 W Hay. Bowe Julia, wks at L. H. Coleman’s. Bowe Mollie, home 602 W Hay. Bowe Pat, lab, res 1133 Reservoir. Bowen G. P. Mrs., wid, res 229 W Monroe. Bowen Steven, lab, bds 210 N 14th. Bowen T. J., lab, bds 210 N 14th. Bowerman David, res 1109 Monroe. Bowerman Elizabeth, home 1109 Monroe. Bowerman Frank, wks w. factory, bds Jefferson House. Bowerman George, clerk Hall & Herrick’s, bds 1109 Monroe. Bowers Hattie, wid, *res 303 Monroe. 33 Bowers Henry, wks for Little & Son. Bowlings A. E., lab, bds 103 W Washington. Bowman Albert, miner, *res 15th nr Mason. Bowman Edward, wks Wabash shops, bds 529 S 12th. Bowman Frank, wks Wabash shops, bds 529 S 12th. Bowman Willis, wks Wabash shops, bds 529 S 12th. Bowser Arthur, printer, Springfield Printing Co. Bowser Edward, printer, Springfield Printing Co. Boyce William, lab, res w end of Carpenter. Boyd Eliza, wid, *res es 7th 3d s of Capitol av. Boyd Joseph F., salesman Ferguson’s, res 506 N. 5th. Boyer August, carpenter, *res 122 W Carpenter. Boyle James, lab, bds 816 Reynolds. Boyle Mike, *res on the Williams property. Boyle Patrick, miner, bds Drury House. Boyle William, miner, bds Drury House. Boynton L. H., attorney, res 603 S College. Bracken William, wks w. factory, res 5th, 4th n of North av. Bradbury James, bds 539 W Mason. Bradbury Robert, physician, *res 539 W Mason. Braddock William, painter, *res 424 S 11th. Bradeen A. R., fireman w. factory, res Keyes av 3d w of 5th. Bradeen C. A., wks w. factory, res Keyes av 2d w of 5th. Bradeen L. D., wks w. factory, res Keyes av 3d w of 5th. Bradford Arsenuth, wid, res 1106 S 4th. Bradford Belle, clerk State House, res 1106 S 4th. Bradford Eugene, wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Bradford John S., clerk, res sw corner Edwards and Walnut. Bradford Laura, wks 202 W Monroe. Bradford Matilda (col), 1708 Capitol av. Bradford William, bookbinder, bds sw cor Edwards and Walnut. Bradish & McCullough, coal and ice, ne cor 4th and Jefferson. Bradish C. E., ice dealer, res North av bet 3rd and 4th. Bradish W. H., traveling salesman, res 931 S 4th. Bradley & Bradley, attorneys, 117 ws square. Bradley George, engineer Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Bradley I. K., attorney, bds 721 Mason. Bradley John, lab, *res cor 10th and Monroe. Bradley L. H., attorney, res 413 S 7th. Bradley S. A. Mrs., wid, *res 612 N 4th. Brady Maggie, bds 729 Jefferson. Brady Jane (col), wid, *res 9th, n of Washington. Brady Katie, home in Catholic rectory. Brady Katie, wks 411 Washington. 34 Brady Mary, wks 411 Washington. Brady Mary, dressmaker at Kimber’s, bds 526 S 7th. Brady P., Rev., pastor Church of Immaculate Conception, res same. Brady Thomas, roller, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Brady Thomas, retired, bds Leland Hotel. Bragg C. W., machinist, *res ws 8th, 7th h n of North av. Bragg H. T., lab,*res sw cor 11th and Carpenter. Bragg William Mrs., wid, home with C. W. Bragg. Brainard W. V., clerk, bds 518 Capitol av. Braithwood Becky, wid, wks J. Hurley’s, Ridgely. Brand August, painter, res 1216 Washington. Brand Charles, sr., carriage trimmer, res 503 S 11th. Brand Fred, painter, bds 623 N 4th. Brand Henry A., painter, *res 621 N 4th. Brand Herman, painter, res 623 N 4th. Brand Louis, salesman, bds 623 N 4th. Brand William, farms, *res Calhoun av. Brandhorst Fred, wks at Joel Dalby’s. Brandom, H., oculist, over Dodd’s drug store, res 416 N 5th. Brandon Mary (col), wid, res 522 10th. Brandon Nellie, wks w. factory, bds se of Reservoir. Brannigan James, machinist, bds 1721 E Adams. Brannigan Richard, lab, res 1721 E Adams. Brannigan Rosanna, wid, *res 1113 Washington. Brant D. F., engineer Wabash, res 1111 S 8th. Brantner Emma, millinery, res 512 N 6th. Brantner John D., turnkey of jail, res nw cor Cook and Douglas. Brantner P. S. Mrs., wid, *res 512 N 6th. Brassel Dennis, lab, cor 10th and Miller. Brassel Maggie, in Furlong’s, bds cor 10th and Miller. Brauer H., student Concordia Seminary. Braxton James, cook, *res 1st nr paper-mill. Brennan Ann, wid, *res 7th and Douglas. Brennan Bridget, washwoman, *res 406 Doyle av. Brennan Bridget, seamstress, bds 1213 Madison. Brennan Bridget, help, ne cor 2nd and Cook. Brennan B. Mrs., res 1213 Madison Brennan Christ, paper-maker, *res 104 W Jefferson. Brennan E., help at 427 S 2nd. Brennan Ellen, wid, res 702 Carpenter. Brennan John, lab, res 347 W Carpenter. Brennan Kate, wks 411 N 5th. Brennan Maggie, help, ne cor 2nd and Cook. Brennan Maggie, wid, *res 207 W Mason. 35 Brennan Mary, seamstress, bds 1213 Madison. Brennan Mary, wks 508 Jefferson. Brennan Mary, wks 1119 S 6th. Brennan Mary E., wks nw cor 6th and North av. Brennan Michael, miner, res 331 Doyle av. Brennan Michael, grocer, res 726 Carpenter. Brennan Patrick, miner, bds at Ridgely. Brennan Thomas, wks w. factory, bds 702 Carpenter. Brennan Thomas, lab, *res 1013 Jefferson. Brennan Thomas, lab, *res 315 N 6th. Brents George (col), minster, res 1417 Adams. Bressmer Charles, carpet and curtain dealer, 126 es square, res 710 S 8th. Bressmer Emma, home 1105 S 6th. Bressmer John, dry goods and carpets, 530 se cor square, res 1105 S 6th. Bressmer Julia,
home 1105 S 6th. Bretz John, brickyard and res s end of Jackson. Bretz John F., coal dealer, res 821 Madison. Breusing Charles H., clerk at Kimber’s, bds 807 Reynolds. Breusing Clara M., home 807 Reynolds. Breusing Fred E., clerk at Bunn’s, bds 807 Reynolds. Breusing Mary, wid, res 807 Reynolds. Brewer A., engineer, res 102 Reynolds. Brewer D. Frank, bookkeeper, *res 615 W Edwards. Brewer E. T., bds 508 Jefferson. Brewer Fannie, home 102 W Reynolds. Brewer George T., engineer, *res 128 N 5th. Brewer James, ice deliverer, *res 913 Adams. Brewer James K., pressman, *res 106 W Mason. Brewer John H., grocer, res 1118 S 6th. Brewer J. E., bds 508 Jefferson. Brewer J. R., U. S. express driver, bds 508 Jefferson. Brewer Lina, res1118 S 6th. Brewer Mattie, home 508 Jefferson. Brewer May, bds 1118 S 6th. Brewer M. A. Mrs., wid, boarders, *res 508 Jefferson. Brewer Sophie, wid, *res 707 Jefferson. Brewer Thomas, bds Leland Hotel. Brewer W. E., foreman Little & Son’s stables, bds 508 Jefferson. Brewer William M., grocer, res Edwards, bet 8th and 9th. Brice James, farmer, res extreme w end Jefferson. Brice James P., painter, res 214 Doyle av. Bridges G. H., constable, res 841 S 3rd. 36 Bridges John, lab, bds 841 S 3rd. Brinkerhoff David C., book’r r. mill store, bds G. M. Brinkerhoff’’s Brinkerhoff George M., sec. Springfield Iron Co., res cor N 5th and Keyes av. Brinkerhoff Jacob F., collector, res cor 5th and Eastman av. Brinkerhoff John J., chief of insurance dept., auditor’s office, res 5th 2d h n of Enos av. Brinkerhoff Joseph G., clerk, bds ne cor 5th and Keyes av. Brisker Lizzie, wks 519 S 8th. Brister Lillie, help, 8th, bet Jackson and Edwards. Britt Charles A., plasterer, bds 908 s end West av. Britt Julia, home, 1412 Jackson. Britt Martha, wid, res 908 S end West av. Brittain Sallie, wid, *res 9th bet Adams and Washington. Brittin E. E., retired, bds 1122 N 5th. Brittin Flora, home 512 S 7th. Brittin James M., farmer, res 512 S 7th. Broadwell N. M., attorney, 223 S 6th, res 537 S 4th. Brockel John, sr., lab, res 508 W Hay. Brockel John, jr., wks brewery, bds 508 W Hay. Broderick John, lab, bds 1129 Adams. Broderick Mike, *res 1129 Adams. Broderick P. H., miner, res 1036 Spring. Broeder Carrie, home n end Ledlie av. Broeder Kate, home n end Ledlie av. Broeder Peter, gardener, res n end Ledlie av. Broecker Edward, sr., cigarmaker, res 1110 S 11th. Broecker Edward, jr., machinist, bds 1110 S 11th. Broeker Charles, miller, bds 926 S 7th. Broeker Emil, miller, bds 926 S 7th. Broeker Wm., miller, res 926 S 7th. Bronson E. F., carpenter, res 1426 Monroe. Bronson Frank E., wks w. factory, bds 1426 Monroe. Bronson James M., bookkeeper, bds 1426 Monroe. Brooke Geo., draughtsman, *res 1015 S 8th. Brooks A. M., supt. of public schools, *res 515 N 7th. Brooks Frank J., clerk, bds 1210 Jackson. Brooks Henry, wks Wabash, bds 1210 Jackson. Brooks H. E. Mrs., boarders, res 220 S 6th. Brooks J. F., teacher, res 617 S 5th. Brooks Maggie, milliner at Kimber’s, bds 1210 Jackson. Brooks Minnie E., bds 617 S 5th. Brooks Martin, teams, res 1210 Jackson. Brophey John, lab, bds 830 Adams. 37 Brosenhan Alex., carpenter, res Eastman av, bet 7th and 8th. Brothers Charles, blacksmith, bds 1019 S 13th. Brown A. J., r. mill, bds Drury House. Brown Albert, machinist, *res 1121 N 7th. Brown Annie, home 527 Walnut. Brown Barbara, wid, *res 919 Mason. Brown Campbell, clerk, bds 527 Walnut. Brown C. C., attorney, res 529 S 4th. Brown C. W., bds 1217 Monroe. Brown D. C., druggist, bds 427 S 2d. Brown Daniel, painter, *res 934 W Washington. Brown Daniel, sexton, St P. ch, res 113 S 2d. Brown Daniel, teams, bds Drury House. Brown E. J. Mrs., wid, res n w cor 6th and North av. Brown Edward (col), lab, *res 423 Washington. Brown Eliza, wid, res 404 S 11th. Brown Euphemia, home ws 10th, 3d h s of South av. Brown Frank (col), miner, *res 300 N 15th. Brown Hannah, wid, wks 615 S 6th. Brown Henry (col), minister, res 300 N 10th. Brown J. B., bookseller and druggist, 115 ws square, res es 5th, 1st h s of Convent. Brown James, retired, 527 Walnut. Brown James M., broom manufacturer, 918 Monroe. Brown Janet, home ws 10th, 3d h s of South av. Brown John M., teams, *res se cor 12th and Jackson. Brown Julia Mrs., waiter at Revere House. Brown Julia, wid, bds 310 Monroe. Brown L. R., sec. board water com., *res 508 S 8th. Brown Lida, home 527 Walnut. Brown Lillie, *res Jefferson bet 8th and 9th. Brown Mag, res 122 N 8th. Brown Mary, wid, 500 S 7th. Brown Marion, wid, res ws 10th, third h s of South av. Brown Mattie, wks 633 N 5th. Brown Mollie C., bds 521 S 7th. Brown Nannie (col), bds 300 N 10th. Brown Patrick, lab, res 321 W Reynolds. Brown Squire (col), miner, res 18th and Cass. Brown Thomas T., law student, bds 300 N 10th. Brown Thomas, retired, *res 1023 N 6th. Brown Uriah K., carpenter, res 313 S 6th. Brown Wm., fireman, bds 811 Washington. Brown Wm., lab, *res 716 Jefferson. 38 Brown Wm., wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Brown Wm., r. mill store, bds 518 Capitol av. Brown Wm. B., teams, res South av bet 10th and 11th. Brown Wm. H., painter, *res Lincoln bet 8th and 9th. Brown Wm. H., wks w. factory, *res 729 Reynolds. Brown W. W., tinsmith, *res 121 W Jefferson. Brownie Jessie N., res 729 Jefferson. Browning Eva O., bookk’r Pittman’s, bds with W. A. Browning. Browning Jennie, home 3d, 5th h n of North av. Browning Maggie L., home 3d, 5th h n of North av. Browning Martha J., home 1147 N 5th. Browning Wm. A., res 3d, 5th h n of North av. Brownlow Winfield, fireman Wabash, bds cor 10th and Monroe. Bruce Arminda, weaver, res se cor Calhoun av and Klein. Bruce Charity, wid, res se cor Calhoun av and Klein. Bruce Francis H., lab, *res 810 Miller. Bruce M. A., carpenter, *res se cor 7th and Madison. Brueck John, tailor, res 425 N 4th. Bruen L. B., carpenter, *res 4th h n of Edwards on Douglas av. Bruestle J. J. & Co., meat market, cor 11th and Mason. Bruestle J. J., butcher, nw cor 11th and Mason. Brundage Caleb, trader, sw cor New and Edwards. Bruner J. E., dealer in groceries and provisions, 210 S 6th, res 905 Monroe. Bruner Mary, wks cor 9th and Washington. Bruner Mary, wks at W. A. Young’s. Bruns Fred., miner, res 2 blocks nw r. mill. Bruns Henry E., clerk, res nw cor Williams and Henrietta. Brushwitz Mary Mrs., chambermaid at Revere House. Bryan Clara, wid, res 1321 Capitol av. Bryan John, miner, *res 300 Madison. Bryant J. M., dealer in hides and wool, cor 8th and Adams, bds St. Nicholas. Bryant Sarah, wid, home 1412 Jackson. Bryant Thomas, hide dealer, bds 5th, 2d h s of Eastman av. Buch Catherine, wid, res 9th, 5th h n of Enos av. Buchanan B. Mrs., wid, bds 1027 S 7th. Buck & Matthews (H. B. B. and F. L. M.), physicians, 320 S 5th. Buck and McKee, carpenters, shop rear 1031 Monroe. Buck Fred D., dealer in hats, caps and furnishing goods, 527 ns square, res 402 S 7th. Buck George W., carpenter, res 1031 Monroe. Buck H. B., physician, *res 712 S 4th. 39 Buck John, clerk Buck’s hat store, ns square. Buck J. R., collector, res 1232 S 4th. Buck Kate, bds Cook, 2d h e of Spring. Buck Sophie, home es 7th, 2d h s of Capitol av. Buck Theodore, wks J. H. Schuck’s lumber yard. Buckley H. P. & Co., (J. T. Buckley), flour jobbers, and dealers in hay, corn, oats, butter and eggs, also carriage repository, 110, 112, 114 S 7th. Buckley H. P., flour, etc., res ne cor 4th and Wright. Buckley J. T., flour merchant, res 923 Spring. Buckley Squire, lab, *res 1104 Madison. Buckner Joseph, tailor, *res 1410 Capitol av. Buda Gustav, shoemaker, *res nw cor 16th and Jackson. Budach P., student Concordia Seminary. Bueschen H., student Concordia Seminary. Bugg E. E., res Douglas av, 2d h s of Governor. Buirgy Catharine, wid, res 1220 S 7th. Bulach A. G., carpenter, with E. F. Gehlman. Bullard S. A., architect, bds 721 Mason. Bunker George E., bds 621 W Capitol av. Bunker J., farmer, res 621 W Capitol av. Bunker W. A. M., clerk Smith’s clothing, bds 331 S 5th. Bunn George W., bookkeeper Bunn & Co.’s wholesale grocery. Bunn Jacob, pres’t w. factory, res 435 S 6th. Bunn Joe F., clerk State National Bank, bds 624 S 5th. Bunn John W. & Co., wholesale grocers, 500 ss square. Bunn John W., wholesale grocer, bds Leland. Bunn Norcross, printer, bds 508 Jefferson. Bunn Sallie Miss, home 435 S 6th. Bunn Will F., bookkeeper J. Bunn & Co’s, bds 435 S 6th. Burch Ben, shoemaker, res 906 Carpenter. Burch W. S., retired, res 1002 S 4th. Burchett Frances, home 411 Walnut. Burchett Henry, tailor, *res 411 Walnut and Governor. Burchett William, blacksmithm bds 411 Walnut. Burckholter George W., clerk Rhea & Co’s. Burfitt Norris (col), lab, *res 15th S of Madison. Burger Henry, wks w. factory, bds 333 W Mason. Burger Xavier, stone-mason, res 333 W Mason. Burgess Ada Mrs., dressmaker, 117 N 4th. Burgess Clara R., bds on Cook 2d h e of Spring. Burgess John A., lab, bds on Cook 2d h e of Spring. Burgess Mary A., wid *res on Cook 2d h e of Spring. Burgheim Anna, bds 1201 Jefferson. 40 Burgheim D., pastor Jewish church, *res 1201 Jefferson. Burke J. L. & Co., propr. Home Mills, cor 3d and Washington. Burke J. L., miller, res 417 S 9th. Burke John, engineer Wabash, res 1304 Jackson. Burke John, car driver, bds Jefferson House. Burkhardt C., student Concordia Seminary. Burkhardt Dollie, home 716 Reynolds. Burkhardt Emma, home 716 Reynolds. Burkhardt Gottlieb, policeman, res 716 Reynolds. Burkhardt H., wks w. factory, *res 716 Reynolds. Burkhardt Sophie, wid, *res 1st nr Carpenter. Burkhardt William, wks w. factory, bds 716 Reynolds. Burlingham Charles, bds bds 411 S 8th. Burlingham E. P., insurance, res 411 S 8th. Burlingham Laura, wks 323 N 10th. Burmeister J., student Concordia Seminary. Burnett Frank W., attorney, 523 Monroe. Burnett J. M., dentist, 111 ws square. Burney Nicholas, lab, *res 905 Mason. Burns Anna, bds 406 Doyle av. Burns Anna, bds ne co 16th and Jackson. Burns Alexander, lab, res 601 W Monroe. Burns Barney, miner, *res 4 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Burns Catharine, wid, res 230 N 13th. Burns F. P., moulder, res 646 Carpenter. Burns Hannah, bds ne cor 16th and Jackson. Burns James, lab, *res cor 10th and Monroe. Burns Johanna, help at Bettie Stuart Institute. Burns J. K., saloon, res 724 Reynolds. Burns Maggie, wks at 514 Capitol av. Burns Margaret, wid, *res ne cor 16th and Jackson. Burns Mary, *res 712 Jefferson. Burns Michael, blacksmith, res 1704 Cook. Burns Michael, lab, res ns Mason, bet 1st and Klein. Burns Paul, help at 906 S 6th. Burns Peter, lab, *res Lincoln, bet 8th and 9th. Burns Thomas, lab, res 10th, n of w. factory. Burns William (col), blacksmith, room 6 Enterprise building. Burrill John F., Sec’y Grand Lodge of Illinois, bds 1027 S 5th. Burt Joseph, lab, *res 1026 S College. Burton Fannie, wks nw cor 5th and Keyes av. Burton Hardin (col), lab, *res 619 Miller. Burton Scott (col), barber, 625 Washington. Burton William (col), miner, res 15th nr Mason. 41 Bush John, lab, bds Mrs. Mulholand’s. Bush M. A. Mrs., wid, res over Dodd’s drug store. Busher John & Co., harness manufacturers, 622 Adams, res same. Busher Will C., harness manufacturer, 622 Adams. Bussing J. H., carpenter, *res 323 Madison. Buszin F., student Concordia Seminary. Butler Ellen, bds 911 S College. Butler George, plasterer, res 911 S College. Butler James, plasterer, res 905 S College. Butler J. W., lab, bds 315 N 2d. Butler Samuel, lamplighter, res nw cor 1st and Jefferson. Butler Salome E. Miss, res nw cor 6th and Cook. Butler Speed, propr. Black Diamond Mines, res 1 mile s of city. Butler Tilderman (col), lab, res s end 18th. Butrum J. S., carpenter, *res 642 N 2nd. Butrum S. E. Mrs., wid, *res 642 N 2nd. Butzow Martha, wks 3d h e of Concordia Seminary. Butz Adolph, clerk, *res 808 Mason. Byerline Caspar, *res 215 W Carpenter. Byerline Frank, bds 215 W Carpenter. Byerline George, grocer, *res 114 W Madison. Byerline John G., grocer, 115 N 5th. Byerline Noah, bds 215 W Carpenter. Byers August, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Byers Charles, lab, res 203 Doyle av. Byers Elizabeth, wid, res 645 N 2nd. Byram A. T., carpenter, bds St. Charles. Byram E., carpenter, bds St. Charles. Byrne Hugh, baker, bds 500 N 6th. Byrne James, lab *res 12th 2d h n of Cass. Byrne Hattie, wid, *res nw cor 8th and Black av. Byrns John, blacksmith, bds 1016 S 2d.
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