163 (cont.) QUEENAN PATRICK, engineer, res 1415 Monroe. Quigley Mike, lather, bds 1126 Adams. Quigley Richard, farms, res sw cor 14th and Cass. Quimby Joseph B., brakeman Wabash, bds 413 S 9th. Quinlan John, telegraph operator Wabash, bds 1128 Capitol av. Quinn A., saloon and res 619 Washington. Quinn Edward, lab, res nw cor 11th and Kansas. Quinn James, yard-master, res 712 S 14th. Quinn Josie, wks at L. H. Coleman’s. Quinn M., grocer, *res ne cor 11th and Mason. Quinn Mary Mrs., grocer, 1120 Mason. Quinn Mary Miss, 1120 Mason. Quinn Peter, miner, bds Drury House. Quinn Thomas, miner, *res 211 W Carpenter. Quirk Nicholas, railroader, *res 820 S 11th. RABENSTEIN & FOSTER, undertakers, 815 Washington. Rabenstein Fred, farms, bds Jefferson, 3d h w of Walnut. Rabenstein Henry, bds Jefferson, 3d h w of Walnut. Rabenstein J. C., undertaker, res ns Jefferson, 3d h w of Walnut. Rabenstein Lizzie, home with J. C. Rabenstein. Race James, miner, bds 104 S 10th. Rachio Charles, carpenter, *res 337 W Mason. Rackham Frank, machinist, *res cor 18th and South av. Rackham Thomas, engineer, bds cor 18th and South av. Radcliff A. S., salesman, *res 520 N 6th. 164 Radcliff Belle, clerk at Gehrmann’s, bds 331 N 5th. Radcliff Elizabeth, wid, home 331 N 5th. Radcliff James, salesman at Furlong’s, res 331 N 5th. Radigan James, miner, *res 827 Carpenter. Rafferty M. C., bakery, res 618 Washington. Rafter Charles, teacher, bds 1112 N 3d. Rafter Edward, farmer, bds 1112 N 3d. Rafter Helen, home 1112 N 3d. Rafter Susan, wid, res 1112 N 3d. Ragland Virginia E., wid, res 912 S 7th. Ragsdale Thomas A., merchant, res 604 S 6th. Rahman H., moulder, res 516 Calhoun av. Rahn Lena, wks at Frank Simmons’. Raiple Harry, railroader, bds 1209 Capitol av. Ralph Edward, machinist, *res 614 N 7th. Ralph James, lab, *res 551 Williams. Ralph Kate, home 551 Williams. Ralph Peter, lab, bds 551 Williams. Ralph William J., clerk, res 730 Monroe. Rames John O., harness and saddle manufacturer, 213 S 5th, res 818 Mason. Rames Sarah, wid, res 818 Mason. Ramey W. S., clerk at Hart’s, bds 433 N 6th. Ramstetter Henry, saloon and lodging-house, ne cor 5th and Jefferson, res 618 N 5th. Ramstetter Maggie, home 618 N 5th. Randall Deborah, wid, res 414 S 8th. Randall Stephen A., engineer Wabash, *res 522 S 9th. Rankin John, hackdriver, *res 411 Adams. Ransenberger A. H., wks w. factory, *res 821 Miller. Ransom Isaac N., clerk Thayer’s, res 721 S 4th. Ransom N. M. Mrs., wid, *res 903 S 5th. Ransom R. W., coal dealer, res 1237 S 5th. Ransom William, clerk, res 925 S 5th. Rape Margaret, home 228 W Carpenter. Rapp Anna M., wid, res 220 W Reynolds. Rapp Christ, clerk, bds 220 W Reynolds. Rapps Mary J., home 410 N 6th. Rapps John W., baker, res 410 N 6th. Raps George J., saloon, se cor 4th and Adams, res 221 W Capitol av. Rate Eliza M., wid, *res ss Jefferson, 4th h w of Walnut. Rathburn William, res 1425 Washington. Rathford Alice, *res 819 Jefferson. 165 Rattberg Ernest, blacksmith, bds 1026 Jefferson. Rattberg Mary, wid, res 1026 Jefferson. Rauch G. L., machinist, *res 5th, 7th h n of North av. Rauch John, tinner, res 110 W Jefferson. Raue J. T., hatter, 328 S 6th. Rawlings J. H., tinner, bds 103 W Washington. Rawlings N. K. Mrs., wid, *res 103 W Washington. Rawson William, dyer, res 836 S 2d. Ray D. A., correspondent Inter-Ocean, res 1225 S 5th. Ray James, lab, *res ss Madison bet 11th and 12th. Ray Richard, lab, res 1707 Adams. Ray Sam, brick-mason, bds 508 Jefferson. Ray S. C., engineer C. & A., res 1317 Jackson. Raymond Fred, pastry cook, bds 1500 Capitol av. Raymond Henry S., carpenter, res 1500 Capitol av. Raymond William, barber, bds Marshall House. Real James, brakeman, *res 1200 Madison. Reamish Frank, tailor, bds Sherman House. Reavley Joseph, proprietor “Little Joe’s” saloon, 121 N 5th. Reavley William, saloon, *res 422 Jefferson. Reavley William, miner, *res w end Jefferson. Reddick Richard, Ide’s delivery, bds 508 Jefferson. Redlich H., confectionery and cigars, 915 Washington. Redmond Edward, wks r. mill, bds with James Redmond. Redmond James, wks r. mill, res ws 6th, 4th h n of North av. Redmond James, puddler, res Eastman av bet 6th and 7th. Redmond Maggie, wks at St. Nicholas. Redmond -------, wid, washer, res 14th nr Cass. Reece J. N., sec Citizens St R’y, res sw cor Walnut and Jefferson. Reece John W., wks r. mill, *res 904 Monroe. Reece Mary, wid, 16 Mill row. Reed A., harness-maker, bds at Jefferson House. Reed A. J. (col), res 216 N 13th. Reed Ellen (col), weaver, res 213 N 14th. Reed Charles D., delivery, res 1061 N 5th. Reed Daniel, plumber, *res 225 W Capitol av. Reed Fred, clerk St. Nicholas, *res 1013 S 7th. Reed James, engineer Wabash, bds se cor 11th and Douglas. Reed J. A., pastor 1st Presbyterian, res 923 S 6th. Reed L. W. & Co., farm impl’s, 4th bet Adams and Washington. Reed Oliver, salesman, bds 401 N 7th. Reed Rose (col), wks 905 S 6th. Reed Sallie, wks 3d, 2d h n of North av. Reed S. W., merchant, *res se cor Lincoln av and Monroe. 166 Reed Theodore, brakeman Wabash, bds 1320 Monroe. Reedy Maurice, machinist, bds 801 Barret. Rees Thomas (Smith, Clendenin & R.), publisher State Register. Reeves Georgia A., home 806 Mason. Reeves Laura, home 806 Mason Reeves M. O., res 806 Mason. Reeves Thomas (col), lab, res cor 18th and Scarrit. Regan Cornelius, lab, *res 10th , nr co-operative shaft. Regan Edward, peddler, res 1313 Jackson. Regner Charles, clerk, *res Boston Cottage, W Edwards. Regner John, harness-maker, bds Boston Cottage, W Edwards. Rehwald Emma, wks 200 Walnut. Rei Belle, bds 728 Madison. Reickert Christ, cigar-maker, bds Marshall House. Reid Andrew, miner, res se cor 11th and Pine. Reid Archie, foreman in shaft, res 1146 N 4th. Reid James, rougher, *res cor fair ground. Reid Olive M., wid, *res sw cor 4th and Washington. Reid Thomas, boss miner, res ws 10th, 4th h s of South av. Reid Walter, lab, res n end 8th, Ridgely. Reid Walter, machinist, bds ws 10th, 4th h s of South av. Reiland Elizabeth, wks at 511 Jefferson. Reilly Charles, grocer, res 423 Jefferson. Reilly John W., city physician, res 215 S 5th. Reilly John, switchman, *res 212 N 13th. Reilly James, wks for W. D. Richardson. Reilly Katie, home 423 Jefferson. Reilly Mary A., home 423 Jefferson. Reilly Margaret J., home 423 Jefferson. Reilly Michael, collier, bds 214 N 14th. Reilly Newton, teams, bds 721 Washington. Reilly Thomas, grocer, res 429 Jefferson. Reilly Thomas F., farms, bds 423 Jefferson. Reilly William, conductor, res 241 N 14th. Reiner E. Mrs., saloon, res 216 S 6th. Reiner L. C. Mrs., restaurant and res 106 N 6th. Reiner Louis, bds Globe Hotel. Reiner Mary, help at 521 S 7th. Reiners M. Mrs., wid, *res 1st bet Jefferson and Washington. Reis Carrie, seamstress, bds 1127 N 8th. Reis D. M., painter, res 1127 N 8th. Reis Jacob, gardener, res se cor 11th and South av. Reis John, clerk, bds 1127 N 8th. Reis Joseph, miner, bds 1127 N 8th. 167 Reis Lizzie, wks at 630 S 6th. Reis Mary, help at 604 S 6th. Reis Minnie, help at 1204 S 6th. Reis Rosa, help at J. T. Smith’s. Reisch Bros., brewers, cor Rutledge and Herndon. Reisch Frank, brewer, res Rutledge bet Herndon and Calhoun av. Reisch George, brewer, res Herndon, w of brewery. Reisch Jacob, helper at R. N. Watts, 600 W Monroe. Reisch Joseph J., meat market, 627 Washington, res 323 W Madison. Reisch Joseph, brewer, cor Rutledge and Herndon. Reisch Joseph, butcher, bds 516 W Mason. Reisch Leonard, dry goods, bds w of Reisch brewery. Reisch Rosa, wks at ne cor 5th and Keyes av. Reisch Susan, wid, res Herndon, w of brewery. Reisch & Thoma, dry goods dealers, 126 es square. Reiser S. M., notions, *res 633 N 5th. Reisland August, machinist, res 418 S 11th. Reith J. N., printer, bds St. Charles. Reith William, tailor, bds Jefferson House. Reitz Adeline, home 811 Reynolds. Reitz John, res 811 Reynolds. Reman Henry C., bookkeeper, bds 402 S 8th. Reman Mary B., wid, res 402 S 8th. Reman Mary J., res 402 S 8th. Rench Joseph, lab, *res 9 Wilson’s row, Ridgely. Renex Albert (col), wks w. factory, *res 402 N 4th. Renfro Willis, tradesman, *res 901 S 11th. Renne James, painter, res sw cor Rutledge and Elliot. Renne Thomas brick-layer, re cor Ledlie and North av. Rennick H. M. (col), miner, *res 827 Carpenter. Rentchler Mary E. Mrs., *res 1012 S 11th. Rentchler Philip, lab, res 917 S 11th. Revere House, nw cor 4th and Washington; E. S. Johnson, manager. Reynolds E. S., harness-maker, *res ss Madison bet 11th and 12th. Reynolds F. M., engineer Wabash, *res 1215 Monroe. Reynolds Hattie, 825 S 12th. Reynolds James (col), teams, res 1022 s end 15th. Reynolds W. M., wid, bds 1024 S 6th. Rhea James A. & Co., queensware, etc., 225 S 5th. Rhineberger J. A., res 920 Carpenter. Rhoads Emil, clerk Wabash shops, res 1116 S 5th Rhoads Hiram, carpenter, res 331 Calhoun av. 168 Rhodes E. M. Miss, dressmaker, res 104 es square. Rhodes Ben, lab, *res 1st nr paper mill. Rhodes John T., carpenter, res 824 Edwards. Rhodes G. Robert, carpenter, res nw cor 9th and Jackson. Rhodes William, wks for Eielson, *res 1626 Capitol av. Rice & Trapp, attorneys, court house building. Rice Belle, washwoman, *res 925 Madison. Rice Charles, attorney, bds St. Nicholas. Rice George, police at State House, *res 116 W Wright. Rice Henry H., carpenter, *res 1223 S 8th. Rice Thomas, roller, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Rice Tunie, wid, res Peoria road nr chapel. Rice Wash., (col), miner, *res ws 10th bet Madison and Mason. Rich Benj., lab, res ¼ m. nw r. mill. Richards Amelia, help at 401 S 7th. Richards Frank, wks at Conkling’s spice mill. Richards H. A., freight clerk C. & A., bds St. Nicholas. Richards J. D. Mrs., wid, res 1210 Washington. Richards Samuel, boss steel mill, bds cor 8th and Ridgely. Richards T. P., police State House. Richards William H., foreman moulder, res 827 Adams. Richardson Ada Miss, home cor 2d and Cook. Richardson Emma Miss, home cor 2d and Cook. Richardson Harrison (col), porter, res 308 N 15th. Richardson John, clerk Thayer’s, bds St. Nicholas. Richardson Jordan (col), lab, res 1307 Capitol av. Richardson Lizzie, wks at 1302 Jackson. Richardson S. H., painter, res 627 W Capitol av. Richardson Trina Miss, home 905 S 6th. Richardson W. D., contractor, res cor 2d and Cook. Richardson William, bds 905 S 6th. Richart Alfred, railroader, *res 216 N 9th. Richart Christina, help at 604 S 6th. Richey W. H., clerk Connelly’s, bds 331 S 5th. Richi Samuel, image peddler, res 9th and Adams. Richie Mary, seamstress, res Revel s of Allen. Richison Mollie, bds 1026 Mason. Richter Arthur, mechanic, bds 430 S 8th. Richmond George, wks h. mill, res Douglas av n of Washington. Richmond N. A. Mrs., wid, *res 407 N 5th. Rickard Ella T., home Madison, 2d h e of 6th. Rickard James F., carriage-maker, bds Madison e of 6th. Rickard Joseph, res Madison, 2d h e of 6th. Rickard Katie, home Madison, 2d h e of 6th. 169 Rickerson F. D., minister, *res 309 N 6th. Ricketts John J., freight conductor Wabash, *res 1215 Jackson. Ricketts William, lab, bds 815 Madison. Rider George, barber, res 204 W Jefferson. Ridgely National Bank, 119 ws square; N. H. Ridgely, president; William Ridgely, cashier. Ridgely Charles, president Iron Co., res 631 S 4th. Ridgely Edward, in Ridgely Bank, bds 631 S 4th. Ridgely Frank, bookkeeper at r. mill, bds 631 S 4th. Ridgely George W., foreman Ridgely lumber yard, bds 408 S 6th. Ridgely Henry, lumber dealer and planing mill propr., cor 3d and Capitol av, res 408 S 6th. Ridgely Henderson, bookkeeper at planing mill, bds 806 S 6th. Ridgely Howard G., clerk, bds 408 S 6th. Ridgely Katie N., home 408 S 6th. Ridgely N. H., president Ridgely National Bank also of Gas Co., res 806 S 6th. Ridgely Redick M., grocer, res 1204 S 6th. Ridgely William, cashier Ridgely National Bank, res 806 S 6th. Ridgely William B., clerk r. mill, bds 631 S 4th. Ridgeway S. F., bookkeeper Monitor office, res 223 N 6th. Riecks Gebhard, butcher, res 227 Calhoun av. Riefler Amelia M. Miss, wks w. factory, bds 1324 Monroe. Riefler Charles J., printer bds 1324 Monroe. Riefler Michael, carpenter, res 1324 Monroe. Rieger George, lab, *res 520 W Mason. Reiger Mary, home 520 W Mason. Rigans Edward, bookkeeper, bds 116 W Jefferson. Riley Michael, lab, res 610 Calhoun av. Riley Pat, lab, res 110 W Mason. Riley William, lab, *res cor 7th and Douglas. Riley William L. Mrs., bds 634 Walnut. Riordan Dennis, clothier and gents’ furnishings, 105 ws square, bds 413 Adams. Ripper John, 1143 N 3d. Rippey Charles, plumber, bds 412 W Monroe. Rippey John, shoemaker, res 88 W Cook. Rippey J. M., plumber, res 412 W Monroe. Rippey Mabel, home 412 W Monroe. Rippey George C., supt. City Railway, *res 731 N 7th. Rippon John, foundryman and machinist, cor 9th and Adams, res 802 S 4th. Rippon Alice, home 802 S 4th. Rippon Ella, home 802 S 4th. 170 Rippstein Jacob, lab, res 513 S 11th. Ritter George & Co., barbers, hair-dressers, and bathing establishment, 319 Washington. Ritter Edward, carpenter, bds 1143 N 3d. Ritter George, wks r. mill, bds 1143 N 3d. Ritter George, barber, res 204 W Jefferson. Ritter George B., barber, res 315 W Mason. Ritter John, saloon, Res se cor 11th and Kansas. Ritter J., barber, res 520 N 5th. Ritter William, carpenter, bds 1143 N 3d. Ritter Nicholas, carpenter, bds 1143 N 3d. Ritterbusch Geo., lab, *res ws 2d bet Washington and Jefferson. Roaco Mary, wks nw cor 2d and Allen. Roan James F., plasterer, res 1413 Jackson. Roath H. A., lab, bds Cook, 2d h e of Spring. Robb Ella, bds 1004 Mason. Roberson John M. D., musician, bds 716 Jefferson. Roberson Uriah, lab, *res 716 Jefferson. Roberts E. R., Circuit Clerk and ex-officio recorder, res 1005 S 6th. Roberts Charles H., lab, *res 218 N 8th. Roberts Charles D., hatter, res 630 S 6th. Roberts M. L.,, peddler, *res w end Governor. Roberts T. W., telegraph repairer, *res 1324 Jackson. Robertson & Maxwell, attorneys, 217 n s square. Robertson Alex H., attorney, res ne cor 5th and Miller. Robertson B. H., green-grocer, bds 419 Jefferson. Robertson Charles D., chemist, bds ne cor 5th and Miller. Robertson George, hostler with Little & Son. Robertson Jacob (col), lab, bds 330 N 13th. Robertson W. H., bookkeeper, res 5th, 2d h s of South av. Robinett J. S., weigher, res sw cor 13th and Carpenter. Robbins Lizzie, home 712 S 12th. Robbins Rose, home last h N 5th. Robbins A. M., agent, res 702 S 12th. Robbins Charles, printer, bds 721 Mason. Robinson & Shutt, attorneys, 223 S 6th. Robinson A. R., P. O. police, res 415 N 7th. Robinson Amanda, home Douglas av and Washington. Robinson Henson, stoves, tinware, marbleized and iron mantles, etc., 114 N 5th, res 520 S 8th. Robinson James C., attorney at law, res cor Washington and Douglas av. Robinson Jennie, home Douglas av and Washington. 171 Robinson John, lab, bds 104 S 10th. Robinson Judeah, home Douglas av and Washington. Robinson Lizzie, *res Lincoln av. Robinson Lydia, bds 520 S 8th. Robinson Mamie, bds 728 Madison. Robinson Margaret, res 520 S 8th. Robinson Priscilla, home 415 N 7th. Robinson T. F., pattern-maker, res se cor 9th and Enterprise. Robinson W. H., R. R. & W. Com., bds Leland Hotel. Robinson William T., check clerk, *res sw cor 1st and Pine. Robson Thomas, miner, bds 104 S 10th. Rock Mary, wid, *res Jefferson bet 10th and 11th. Rock Pat, lab, *res 1202 Adams. Rockey James, wks at J. A., McClernand’s. Rodecker A. E., printer, bds St. Charles. Rodems John, fireman, bds 1227 S 12th. Rodems Joseph, lab, res 1227 S 12th. Rodems Mary, wid, res 1119 S 11th. Rodems Peter, lab, res 1307 S 12th. Roderick Alfred, machinist, bds 925 Carpenter. Roderick Anton, res 1117 N 6th. Roderick Emma, wks at 413 S 8th. Roderick John, carpenter, res 1317 Adams. Roderick John, lab, res 9th, 2d h s of Enterprise. Roderick Jesse, lab, res 1125 Miller. Roderick Lottie, wks at 401 N 7th. Roderick Manuel, res 1119 Miller. Roderick Mary, wid, res n of Concordia College. Roderick Richard, bookbinder, *res 9th, 3d h n of Enos av. Rodgers A. H., lab, res 937 S College. Rodgers Edward L., helper, res 1300 Adams. Rodgers Ed. S., fire department, *res ss Adams bet 10th and 11th. Rodgers John, gas-fitter, bds 1177 North av and 9th. Rodgers John E., clerk, bds 909 Miller. Rodgers Henry A., brakeman, *res 1315 Adams. Rodgers Richard, bds 618 Mason. Rodgers W. H., teamster, bds 909 Miller. Rodgers William H., miner, *res 909 Miller. Rodgers -------- , salesman, bds 401 N 7th. Rodman H., in Secretary of State’s office, bds at St. Charles. Rodrigues Ann, wid, *res ss Miller, w of 11th. Rodrigues Joseph, grocer, res 623 Washington. Roe C. S., bds at Leland Hotel. Roe E. T., assistant State’s attorney, *res 840 N 5th. 172 Roeder John, cigar-maker, bds Jefferson House. Roepper C. W., superintendent steel mill, bds at Revere House. Rogerson A. W., stone-dresser, bds 1029 N 5th. Rogers D. G., pattern-maker, bds Jefferson House. Rogers H. C., plasterer, *res 1050 N 1st. Rogers H. H., attorney, res se cor Douglas av and Governor. Rogers John A., lab, *res 1201 Madison. Rogers Lizzie, home 326 W Edwards. Rogers Mary, wks at Jefferson House. Rogers Minnie, res 1721 Capitol av. Rogers William, plasterer, bds 830 Adams. Rokker H. W., printer and binder, res High, w of West av. Rokker J. P., home with H. W. Rokker. Rokker Katie, home with H. W. Rokker. Roll David E., contractor, res 813 N 7th. Roll Frank, clerk, res sw cor Henrietta and Walnut. Roll James, lab, res 924 Miller. Roll J. E., carpenter, home sw cor Henrietta and Walnut. Roll Linnie, home 813 N 7th. Rollett Andrew, miner, res 10th, nr Laurel. Rollins Elias, clerk Kimber & Ragsdale’s, res 1127 Mason. Rollins George H. (col), carpenter, res 1508 Mason. Rolling Mill Store, a full stock of general merchandise, at Ridgely. Rooney Honora, res 121 W Madison. Rooney Mary, seamstress, home 121 W Madison. Roper J. D., bookkeeper Register, res 912 Mason. Rosback Henry, machinist, bds 421 W Monroe. Rose B. B., machinist, *res 1129 S 7th. Rose Etta (col), help at 617 S 5th. Rose P. E., bar-tender, 617 Monroe. Rosemeir Adolph, wks w. factory, res ne cor 14th and Madison. Rosemire G. E., lab, bds 102 W Jefferson. Rosemire J. P., clerk, bds 102 W Jefferson. Rosemire M. L. Mrs., wid, *res 102 W Jefferson. Rosemire R. A., lab, bds 102 W Jefferson. Rosenmyer Edward, ‘bus driver, with Little & Son. Rosenmyer John, U. S. mail messenger, with Little & Son. Rosenwald B. S., traveling salesman, bds 413 S 8th. Rosenwald S., clothier, rs 413 S 8th. Rosette J. E., lawyer, res 1005 Carpenter. Rosette Louis, attorney, bds ne cor 10th and Carpenter. Ross Frank J., wks paper mill, *res 550 Williams. Ross Maggie, 804 Washington. 173 Ross Reuben (col), res 115 W Jefferson. Ross R. W., engineer paper mill, res 309 W Washington. Ross Thomas, mechanic, res 815 S 12th. Rossi Louis, plaster-paris worker, 9th and Adams. Roth Henry, carpenter, res 1223 S 12th. Rourke Bridget, home 429 S 8th. Rourke John, res 429 S 8th. Rourke John, blacksmith, bds 1203 Adams. Rourke Josie, milliner at Kimber’s, bds 429 S 8th. Rourke Maggie, wks ne cor 12th and Jackson. Rourke Mary, home 818 Carpenter. Rourke Owen, res 1207 Jackson. Rourke P. J., Sup’t County Schools, res 1207 Jackson. Rourke Patrick, lab, res 512 N 5th. Rourke Thomas, teamster, *res 1203 Adams. Rourke Thomas P., fireman, bds 1203 Adams. Rourke William P., blacksmith, *res 120 N 13th. Rouse John, carpenter, res cor 12th and South av. Routhe A. E., bds 403 S 5th. Routh Fred, brick-mason, res 106 Mason. Routh Joseph, brick-mason, bds 106 Mason. Roy Joseph, blacksmith, *res 904 Carpenter. Roy Rebecca, wks for Edward Henderson. Rubly Lou, home 124 W Reynolds. Rubly Samuel, brick-layer, res
124 W Reynolds. Ruckel E. W., engineer, res 9th, 2d h n of Enos av. Ruckel Jacob, wall paper, res cor 5th and Eastman av. Ruckel John H., attorney, bds cor 5th and Eastman av. Ruckel Samuel, paper-hanger, bds cor 5th and Eastman av. Ruckel Walter, com. agent, bds cor 5th and Eastman av. Rudolph J. N., lab, res 617 W Capitol av. Ruffin Henry (col), carpenter, *res 11th and Reynolds. Ruloff John, cabinet-maker, bds at Sherman House. Rumitz F. R., wks r. mill, bds at Sherman House. Rumnel Andrew, printer, res 230 Wright. Rumnel Lena, home 230 Wright. Rumsch G. student Concordia Seminary. Runge C., student Concordia Seminary. Runyon David, clerk, *res 111 Jefferson. Runyon Mary, home 1165 N 9th. Runyon Mary L., wid, home 1024 S 2d. Runyon Samuel, carpenter, bds 111 Jefferson. Rupp Philip, res 231 N 4th. 174 Rushton James, wks w. factory, bds 4th h n of North av on 9th. Rushton John, jeweler, bds 1001 North av. Russell Alfred, wks w. factory, bds 1023 N 6th. Russell James, miner, bds 1121 Reservoir. Russell John, telegraph man, bds 120 N 5th. Russell John, lab, res n of Concordia College. Russell Walter, wks w. factory, bds 1001 North av. Ruth R. F. & Son, hardware, 522 Adams. Ruth R. F., hardware, res ne cor 6th and Edwards. Ruth R. Francis, hardware, bds ne cor 6th and Edwards. Ruthrauff Jerry, miller, *res 704 S 5th. Rutz Edward, State Treasurer, *res 607 S 2d. Rutz Emma Miss, home 607 S 2d. Rutz Emil, clerk State treasury, bds Western Hotel. Ryan Andrew, lab, res 1229 Washington. Ryan Anthony, miner, res 204 N 14th. Ryan Bridget Mrs., wid, res 606 Monroe. Ryan Bridget, wks at 222 Monroe. Ryan Charles, jr., drugs, toilet articles, perfumeries, etc., 313 S 6th, res 430 S 6th. Ryan Charles, sr., physician, res 430 S 6th. Ryan Dennis, tailor, bds Jefferson House. Ryan Dennis, lab, bds se cor Edwards and Walnut. Ryan Edward, brick-layer, res 1104 N 7th. Ryan Ellen, wid, res 1537 Adams. Ryan F. B., Mrs., bds sw cor 5th and Cook. Ryan George, car-driver, bds 730 Washington. Ryan Ira L., clerk, *res 909 N 6th. Ryan James, miner, *res sw cor Mason and East av. Ryan James, railroader, res 1214 Madison. Ryan James, lab, *res 1209 Washington. Ryan John, wks r. mill, bds 1151 N 6th. Ryan John, engineer Wabash, bds es 11th bet Douglas and Cook. Ryan Lewis, machinist, bds 1300 Washinton. Ryan Maggie, wks for W. O. Converse. Ryan Maggie, 630 S 6th. Ryan Maggie, wks at 105 N 5th. Ryan Martin, lab, bds 6 Mill row. Ryan Michael, switchman, *res 1019 Miller. Ryan Michael, lab, bds 1113 N 9th. Ryan P. H., drug clerk, bds 430 S 6th. Ryan Patrick, lab, *res 7th and Douglas. Ryan Patrick, lab, bds 5 Mill row. Ryan Richard, moulder, bds 529 S 12th. 175 Ryan Stephen, freight conductor Wabash, bds 1128 Capitol av. Ryan Thomas, miner, res 1527 Adams. Ryan Timothy, res 834 S 5th. Ryan Timothy, miner, bds 1431 Washington. Ryan Walter, res 430 S 6th. Ryan William, lab, bds 1229 Washington. Ryan William, fireman, bds 204 N 14th. Ryckman Edward, roller, bds Ridgely av bet 8th and 9th. Ryckman John G., lab, res 24 Mill row. Ryckman Maggie, home Ridgely av bet 8th and 9th. Ryckman Richard, roller, *res Ridgely av bet 8th and 9th. Ryder Ann, home 1804 Capitol av. Ryder John, railroader, res 1804 Capitol av. Ryder Katie, seamstress, bds 1804 Capitol av. Ryder Lizzie, seamstress, bds 1804 Capitol av. Ryder Mary, bds 1804 Capitol av. Ryerson Chester, wid, 13th bet Jackson and Edwards. |
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