114 (cont.) KACKLIN CHRIST, lab, *res 305 W Jackson. Kahler Cornelius, lab, *res 224 W Mason. Kaiser A. C., baker, res 1318 Capitol av. Kaiser Ella, wid, 517 Jefferson. Kairst George, lab, bds se cor 16th and Edwards. Kaiser W., student Concordia Seminary. Kale Eliza, wks at 920 Washington. Kamm Fred, lab, *res near Hutchinson’s cemetery. Kane A. J., minister, res 2d bet Wright and Canedy. Kane Carrie B., home 2d bet Wright and Canedy. Kane Charles P., lawyer, bds 2d bet Wright and Canedy. Kane Eugene S., clerk, bds 2d bet Wright and Canedy. Kane Henry B., justice of the peace, 108 N 5th, res es 2d, 3d h s of Wright. Kane Julia E., teacher, home 2d bet Wright and Canedy. Kane Mary, help 843 S 5th. Kane M., Father, pastor St. Joseph’s Church, N 7th, res opposite. Kane Wm., drayman, res 622 S Walnut. Kapfer Joseph, wks r. mill, bds 9th, 4th h n of North av. Kapp Andrew, cigar-maker, *res 204 N 5th. Kavanaugh Andrew, moulder, *res 107 W Cook. Kavanaugh Ellen, wid, res 413 Adams. 115 Kavanaugh Flora, home 413 Adams. Kavanaugh Catherine, wid, res 1031 S 6th. Kavanaugh Joseph J., teamster, res 1031 S 6th. Karvin Thomas, lab, *res 1109 Washington. Kastar Joseph, locksmith, res 1231 S 12th. Kearney James, cigar-maker, bds Green Tree Hotel. Keazer Reuben, res 219 W Edwards. Kebnar John, lab, res 604 W Washington. Keck George, printer at Rokker’s. Kee Charley, laundry (Chinese), *res 629 Adams. Kee Lizzie, nw cor 15th and Capitol av. Keedy J. D., res 1003 S 4th. Keedy Lottie, C., *res 1003 S 4th. Keedy Susie G., bds 1003 S 4th. Keefer Samuel, lab, *res 226 W Cook. Keefner Anna, 719 Jefferson. Keefner John, lab, res nw cor 1st and Reynolds. Keegan James, lab res ws 10th, 5th h s of South av. Keegan John, carpenter, *res 326 W Reynolds. Keegan William, lab, *res nr fair ground. Keeling Squire, policeman, res 709 S 15th. Keely Kate, help at 618 Edwards. Keely Mary, wks 325 N 4th. Keenan Michael, helper, *res 1224 Adams. Keene William, watchmaker, res last h N 5th. Kehoe George, miner, res Black av and 9th. Kehoe John, miner, res s of west shaft. Kehoe Mary, wks 336 N 5th. Kelchner W. W., manager Western Union Telegraph Co., 231 S 6th, res 1016 S 4th. Kelly Ann, wks at St. Nicholas. Kelly Daniel, saloon, res 840 Spring. Kelly Edward, fireman, bds cor 2d and Allen. Kelly Ellen, wid, res 615 N 7th. Kelly Ellen, wid, res 131 W Madison. Kelly Henry, shoemaker, res ne cor 2d and Allen. Kelly James, wks w. factory, res 615 N 7th. Kelly James, engineer, res 217 W Mason. Kelly John, lab, bds at Mrs. Mulholand’s. Kelly John, lab, *res 8th and Eastman av. Kelly John J., propr. Jefferson House, 700 and 702 Washington. Kelly Kate, wks at St. Nicholas. Kelly Mary, wks at St. Nicholas. Kelly Mary A., milliner, home cor 2d and Allen. 116 Kelly Matt., lab, bds Black av bet 6th and 7th. Kelly Mike, roller, bds 8th and Keyes av. Kelly V. B., city editor Journal, bds 331 S 5th. Kelley Henry, fireman, res 1013 Washington. Kelley John, lab, *res 210 N 4th. Kelley Lizzie, home 217 W Mason. Kelley Michael, lab, *res 3d, 1st h n of Union. Kelley W. F., engineer, *res 218 2d. Keller Andrew, wks r. mill, res 604 N 7th. Keller C., student Concordia Seminary. Kelsey Isaac (col), lab, res ns Carpenter bet 11th and 12th. Kelty Michael, lab, res 9th w of shaft. Kemper Charles, wks w. factory, bds 721 Mason. Kempt Levi, bar-tender at Globe Hotel. Kendall Asbury, teams, *res s of Lincoln Park. Kendall John, miner, res 8th, 7th h n of Black av. Kendall Lizzie, res 1004 Mason. Kendrick G. S., machinist w. factory, bds 220 S 6th. Kendrick William, carriage-painter, bds Marshall House. Kendrick William, w. factory, bds 9th, 3d h n of North av. Kennedy Albert, painter, *res 728 Jefferson. Kennedy Charles, supt. r. mill, res N 5th, 2d h s of Elm. Kennedy D., bar-tender, St. Nicholas Hotel. Kennedy Frank P., saloon, 520 Monroe, res same. Kennedy James A., 110 N 6th, res Keyes av, w of 8th. Kennedy James, blacksmith, res nw cor 9th and Mason. Kennedy Kate, home 534 Williams. Kennedy Patick, lab, res 534 Williams. Kennedy Sarah, home with Alex. Brosenhan. Kennedy Thomas F., blacksmith, *res 1119 Jefferson. Kenney Fannie, seamstress, bds with P. W. Corcoran. Kenney Julia, wid, res se cor 1st and North av. Kent J. H., carpenter, *res 908 Milller. Kent Richard, lab, res Edwards bet 15th and 16th. Kenwick William, carriage-painter, bds Marshall House. Kenyon George, wks w. mill, res 820 Miller. Keough Margaret, Capitol av bet 9th and 10th. Kepner John, soda bottler, cor Lewis and Adams. Kerhen Samuel, wks w. factory, res 843 S 2nd. Kerin Jerry, helper, *res 18 Mill row. Kern Adolph, tailor, *res 513 N 7th. Kern Christ, wks in hides, *res 801 Adams. Kern Elizabeth, wid, res 1618 Washington. Kern George, miller, 1125 S 12th. 117 Kern Katie, wks at Globe Hotel. Kern Karl, lab, *res 222 W Edwards. Kern Mike, lab, res 518 Calhoun av. Kerns A. K., grocer, 125 N 6th, res ws 9th, 6th h n of Enos av. Kerns Patrick, painter, *res 308 W Carpenter. Kerns Robert, teams, *res cor 8th and Madison. Kerr Benj., teams, *res 411 W Jefferson. Kerr Mary, wks at 211 W Jackson. Kerr S. C., conductor Wabash, res 1217 Capitol av. Kerst John P., grocer, res 909 S 11th. Kervin Patrick, lab, res 313 W Madison. Kessberger A., wagon manufacturer and dealer in groceries and provisions, 1st bet Jefferson and Washington. Kessberger A. W., photographer, bds with A. Kessberger. Kessler Adam, retired, res 521 W Reynolds. Kessler Mollie, wks at 729 Washington. Kettler C. H., clerk, *res 214 N 2d. Key A. J. Mrs., wid, *res ne cor 4th and North av. Keyes Charles A., lawyer, res se cor 6th and Elm. Keyes Charles, lab, bds 10th, 2d h s of Capitol av. Keyes Jennie, wks 710 S 7th. Keyes Joseph, painter, bds Jefferson bet 8th and 9th. Keyes William, lab, *res 10th, 2d h s of Capitol av. Keys Anna, home 1820 Washington. Keys Edward, bookkeeper Marine Bank, bds 527 S 7th. Keys Isaac, real estate, res 527 S 7th. Keys James, farmer, res 714 W Washington. Keys Kate Mrs., wid, res 1820 Washington. Keyser William H., carpenter, *res ws 11th, 2d h s of Clay. Kibele Oscar, turner, res 1117 S 11th. Kidd Clara, home 529 N 5th. Kidd Mary L., home 529 N 5th. Kidd Charles S., clerk, bds 549 N 5th. Kidd C. P., contractor, res 529 N 5th. Kidd L. G. Miss, bookkeeper, res 8th bet Jackson and Edwards. Kidd T. W. S., propr. Monitor, res es 8th bet Jackson and Edwards. Kidd William, farms, bds 444 Herndon. Kiely Catherine, wid, res es 4th bet North av and Rafter. Kiely Ellen Miss, clerk, home es 4th bet North av and Rafter. Kiely John, furnace repairer, bds es 4th, bet North av and Rafter. Kiely Patrick, lab, res 8th bet Miller and Enos av. Kiely T. J., dealer in groceries, provisions, cigars and tobacco, cor 5th and North av, res es 4th bet North av and Rafter. 118 Kikendall J. N., manufacturer of sash, doors, blinds, moulding, and sawing of all kinds, cor 9th and Adams, res cor Governor and Douglas av. Kikendall A. B., bds sw cor
Douglas av and Governor. Killion Alice (col), 904 S College. Killion Francis (col), 1818 Adams. Killion Joseph (col), lab, bds 2d bet Washington and Jefferson. Killion Laura (col), 1818 Adams. Killion Syrilda (col), wid, res 1312 Washington. Killion Thomas (col), barber res 1818 Adams. Killion William (col), wks Leland Hotel. Killius Frederick, propr. Leland barber shop and bath rooms, res sw cor 8th and Jackson. Kilner George, physician and oculist, 406 Adams. Kilner W. B., druggist, res 406 Adams. Kilty Laurence, wks w. mill, bds 315 S 5th. Kimball Hannah M. Mrs., wid, res 206 Adams. Kimball Lucinda, wid, *res 722 Madison. Kimber & Ragsdale, dry-goods, millinery, carpets, etc., 508 and 510 ss square. Kimber E. J. Mrs., wid, home 914 S 2d. Kimber G. A., salesman, res 914 S 2d. Kimber J. A., clerk at Kimber & Ragsdale’s. Kimber Thomas C., clerk at Kimber and Ragsdale’s. Kimber W. F., dry-goods, etc., res 521 S 6th. Kimble P. F., painter and paper-hanger, 421 Adams, res 1004 S 6th. Kimble Ella, Miss, bds 1004 S 6th. Kincler Mike, butcher, res 1017 N 4th. King Anna B., wid, *res 222 N 8th. King C. B., commercial traveler, *res 5th, 2d h n of North av. King Henry (col), engineer, *res 215 W Capitol av. King J. LaF., tar drop manufacturer, *res 427 Jefferson. King Joseph, lawyer, bds 401 N 7th. King J. R. H., attorney, res nw cor 7th and Mason. King M. M., chief clerk Leland Hotel, res 1026 S 4th. King Thomas, miner, *res 213 W Carpenter. King Willard, clerk, *res 1203 Adams. King William, machinist, bds 1102 Capitol av. Kingan Samuel, machinist bds 801 Barret. Kingdon John, miner, *res 309 Carpenter. Kinham C. R., wks w. factory, bds St. Nicholas. Kinham George, wks w. factory, bds St. Nicholas. Kinner Thomas, lab, res 1804 Washington. 119 Kinney Alexander, lab, bds at Mrs. Mulholand’s. Kinney James, miner, bds 1113 N 9th. Kinney Michael, miner, *res 1011 Madison. Kinney Thomas, miner, *res 1106 Adams. Kinneth Angie, home 201 W Reynolds. Kinneth Ed., tinner, res 201 W Reynolds. Kinneth Kate, wid, bds 128 W Reynolds. Kinsella James, lab, *res 1608 Washington. Kinsley Henry, bds 924 Spring. Kinsley Michael, lab, res 924 Spring. Kinz J., propr. Germania House and saloon, cor 3d and Jefferson. Kinzler Charles, wks 926 N 3d. Kinzler Jacob, butcher, *res cor Rafter and 3d. Kipfer A. Frank, clerk at Corkery & Triebel. Kirlin Michael, lab, res 226 W Jefferson. Kirsch Barbara, wid, cor 3d and Rafter. Kirst Charles, blacksmith, res 1205 S 12th. Kistler Charles, wks for Steiger Bros. Kizer James M., moulder, bds 102 W Reynolds. Kizer Henry, lab, *res 112 N 13th. Klaholt August, clerk, bds 716 Madison. Klaholt Henry, deputy recorder, res 716 Madison. Klaholt Joseph, watch-maker, bds 716 Madison. Klain John, lab, bds 432 W Carpenter. Klaren Joseph, miner, *res w of r. mill. Klassen John, miner, bds ne cor 11th and Edwards. Klassen Nicholas, bar-tender, ne cor 11th and Edwards. Kleeberger Anton, lab, res 358 W Carpenter. Kleiber John, shoemaker, *res 1301 Capitol ave. Klein Carrie, teacher, home 1404 Edwards. Klein Henry, wks Wabash, res 1404 Edwards. Klein Fannie, 1404 Edwards. Kleiser Gus., wks w. factory, bds ne cor 4th and North av. Klepper Mary, wid, 804 S 11th. Klink Lewis, machinist, bds Sherman House. Klintwood Henry, lab, res 1415 Edwards. Klock Betsy, nurse, *res sw cor 11th and Carpenter. Kloppenburg A., brick manufacturer, res and yard cor North and West Grand avs. Kloppenburg Henry, brick-maker, cor North and West avs. Kluessner Anton, carpenter, res 410 W Carpenter. Kluessner Henry, blacksmith, bds 410 W Carpenter. Knap Thomas L. Mrs., wid, res cor Monroe and Lincoln av. Knapp A. L. Mrs., wid, res 725 S 6th. 120 Knapp Fred, lab., *res 1006 Miller. Knickerbocker J. W., dry goods, res 604 S 6th. Knight Birdie, bds 729 Jefferson. Knoebel John J., watchman State treas., res ne cor 3d and Wright. Knoebel Mary, ne cor 3d and Wright. Knoeppel Maggie, seamstress, home 832 S 2d. Knoeppel Mathias, machinist, res 832 S 2d. Knoeppel Joseph, barber, res 1223 Capitol av. Knotts Albion, machinist, *res 818 S 13th. Knotts Daniel, carpenter, bds 818 S 13th. Knox Elizabeth, home 1505 Jackson. Knox George H., freight conductor Wabash, bds 1505 Jackson. Knox John D., wks w. factory, bds 1505 Jackson. Knox Maggie, home cor 14th and Adams. Knox Mary, wid, res 1505 Jackson. Knox Thomas, weather prophet(?), res sw cor 14th and Adams. Koch Adam, bricklayer, res 411 W Carpenter. Koch Katie, wks 522 N 5th. Kochendorfer Michael, clerk, *res 10th bet Jackson and Edwards. Koehn Charles, clerk, res 301 W Cook. Koent Eleanor, wid, *res 704 S 5th. Koent Albert, wks r. mill, bds 704 S 5th. Koester A., shoemaker, res 916 Spring. Koester Lena, wks 5th, 3d h s of Keyes av. Kohl Godfrey, baker, bds St. Charles. Kohlbecher Philip, painter, res 916 S 11th. Kohlbecher Peter, sr., machinist, res 910 S 11th. Kohlbecher Peter, jr., machinist, bds 910 S 11th. Kohleman Charles, printer, *res 118 Mason. Konrad Frederick, brakeman Wabash, bds 1128 Capitol. Koop N. A., carpenter, *res 1426 Adams. Kraft Dora, wks at 227 W Calhoun av. Kramaer Bernard, bar-tender, bds 826 S 9th. Kramaer Mary A., wid, res 626 S 9th. Kramaer Mathias, saloon, res cor 10th and Cook. Kramaer Rosa, wks at Western Hotel. Kramaer Jacob, lab, *res nw cor 14th and Douglas. Kramaer John, boiler-maker, *res 9th, 2d h s of Edwards. Kramer Josie, home 1214 Edwards. Kramer Louis, cooper, *res 1214 Edwards. Kramp Mat, engineer, res 719 S 15th. Kramp Nicholas, lab, res 1214 Edwards. Kray George, lab, res 715 S 15th. Kray Lena, home 715 S 15th. 121 Kreider George N., physician, 313 S 6th, res 517 Capitol av. Krenke R., student Concordia Seminary. Kreuzkemper Henry, bakery and confectionery, 413 Adams. Krieg Louis, blacksmith, *res 1219 Edwards. Kriegh E. & Son, stoves, tinware, etc., 221 S 5th. Kriegh Eli, sr., stoves, etc., res 645 N 7th. Kriegh Eli, jr., stoves, etc., *res 416 W Monroe. Krimmel Josie, wks at 631 N 5th. Krodell George W., clerk, res 1100 Jefferson. Krodell Laurence, res 1100 Jefferson. Krodler William, wks brewery, res 805 N 1st. Kroening G., professor Concordia Seminary, res e of same. Krous John G., saloon and restaurant, res w end Edwards. Krug Amelia, wks 520 Jefferson. Krueger Anna, teacher, bds 214 W Reynolds. Krueger Henry, tailor, res 309 W Cook. Krueger Louisa, wks for T. C. Mather. Krueger Mary, wid, res 214 W Reynolds. Krueger Minnie, seamstress, bds 214 W Reynolds. Krueger S., confectioner, 219 S 6th. Krueger Sophie, teacher, bds 214 W Reynolds. Krueger William, confectioner, res 214 W Reynolds. Kruk Jack, lab, *res 1013 Carpenter. Kuhl P. E., clerk int. rev. office, bds 642 W Monroe. Kuecher Charles, clerk, bds 702 12th and Cook. Kuecher Delia, home 702 12th and Cook. Kuecher John, res 702 12th and Cook. Kuecher John, blacksmith, *res sw cor 11th and Clay. Kuecher Lizzie, seamstress, bds 702 12th and Cook. Kuecher Mary, home 702 12th and Cook. Kuecher William, wks state house, res 1319 Monroe. Kuechler F. C., clerk, bds 507, cor Enos av and 5th. Kueffner C., student Concordia Seminary. Kuehn Charles, cigar-maker, bds 727 Reynolds. Kuehn Jacob, furrier, 727 Reynolds. Kuehn Sophia, home 727 Reynolds. Kuhn August, blacksmith, res 312 W Wright. Kun Fred, saloon, res 208 S 5th. Kunz Adam, res 213 N 5th. Kunz Henry, wks at 228 Jackson. Kunzweiler & Knoppel, bakers, etc., 609 Washington. Kunzweiler Mike, baker, res cor 8th and North av. Kusel Charles, commercial traveler, bds 502 N 5th Kusel Frances, teacher, bds 502 N 5th. 122 Kusel H. A., clothier, res 502 N 5th. Kusel Isadore J., clerk, ne cor Square. Kusel J. A., clothier, ne cor Square. Kusel Julius, clerk, bds 502 N 5th. Kussmaul Henry C., clerk, bds 931 S 11th. Kussmaul Lizzie, home 931 S 11th. Kussmaul William F., grocer, 931 S 11th, res same. Kussmaul William H., machinist, bds 931 S 11th. Kutscher Henry, carpenter, res es 11th, 6th h s of South av. LABARTHE JULIUS, res 623 Adams. LaBonte Moses, res 531 N 5th. Lacy John, teams, res 1513 Washington. Lacy Maggie, wks at William M. Brewer’s. LaGrange W., carpenter, *res 1044 Spring. Lahey James, lab, res 1001 S 14th. Laird W. H., propr. Adelphi Theater, res over same. Lake Benj., carpenter Wabash, bds 8th bet Cook and Edwards. Lake Ella, home 705 N 3d. Lake Thomas, res 705 N 3d. Lakin Alice J., home 1st, s of Allen. Lakin Andrew A., huckster, *res 1st, s of Allen. Lakin Edwin, teams, bds 1st, s of Allen. Lakin S. P., physician, res 1717 Adams. Lamb James L. Mrs., wid, res 206 Adams. Lamb John C., foundryman, cor 2d and Adams, res 408 W Monroe. Lamb Lucy Mrs., wid, res se cor Monroe and College. Lamb Maggie, nurse at S. E. Prather’s. Lamken Frank, shoemaker, res 933 S College. Lanahan E. J., saloon, P. O. alley, res se cor 2d and Canedy. Lanahan Margaret, wid, home se cor 2d and Canedy. Landau Lillie, wks at w. factory, bds 1001 North av. Landour Lena, wid, *res es 7th, n of Madison. Landgraf Charles, w. factory, *res es 8th, 2d h n of North av. Lane B. P., hostler, bds 300 Monroe. Lane Claybourn (col), miner, *res 317 N 11th. Lane Green (col), wks sw cor 8th and Capitol av. Lang J., student Concordia Seminary. Lange B. A., clothier, res 626 N 6th. Lanphier Charles H., sr., res 325 N 4th. Lanphier Charles H., jr., res 325 N 4th. Lanphier John C., attornery, res nw cor 6th and Miller. Lanphier Mary R., home 325 N. 4th. Lapaille Melvin, car driver, bds 730 Washington. 123 Lapierre J. H., carpenter Wabash, bds nw cor 9th and Jefferson. Larber John, res 535 W Canedy. Larkin Kate, wks at 401 Monroe. Larkin William, lab, res n w cor 18th and Monroe. Larrabee Edward A., pastor St. Paul’s church, res 312 Adams. Laser Dinah, wid, *res 927 Cook. Lash O. T., engineer Wabash, *res 1302 Jackson. Lasswell John E., clerk, bds 321 W Capitol av. Lasswell Laura, bds 831 Spring. Lasswell Mary E., home 321 W Capitol av. Lasswell Moses, *res 831 Spring. Lasswell V. B. Mrs., wid, res 321 W Capitol. Latham & Mendenhall, real estate agents and loan brokers, 221 S 6th. Latham Allen, dentist, 223 S 5th, res 216 W Edwards. Latham A. R., druggist, res nw cor Washington and Doyle av. Latham George C., bookkeeper, J. W. Priest, res 1304 Monroe. Latham C. Mrs., wid, res 1203 S 6th. Latham Lucy Miss, home 1203 S 6th. Latham P. C. Mrs., wid, res 401 S 7th. Lathrop R., confectionery, *res sw cor 9th and Cook. Latz Peter, barber at Warner’s, bds at Globe Hotel. Lauer Henry, carpenter, res 343 W Miller. Lauer Lizzie, wks at 600 W Monroe. Lauer W., student at Concordia Semninary. Laugerman W., clerk, 1215 S 4th. Laughlin Ann, wid, cor 10th and Miller. Laughlin F. D., dentist, res ½ m. w of city limits, n of Washington. Lauterbach Barbara, 1126 S 11th. Lauterbach Kate, wid, res 1126 S 11th. Lauterbach John, brick manufacturer, n of Lincoln Park. Lauterbach Peter, tinner, bds 1126 S 11th. Lauterbach Peter, brick-maker, res Elliot av, 2d h w of Bond. Laura Mary, wks at 120 N 5th. Lavely William, commercial traveler, *res 1040 N 5th. Lavely William T., clerk at Dana’s *res 1007 N 5th. Lawler Edward, lab, *res road sw of fair ground. Lawler Hannah, wid, bds at 616 S 8th. Lawler James, lab, *res in fair ground. Lawler John, machinist, res 616 S 8th. Lawler John H., heater, res n end 8th, Ridgely. Lawler Thomas, constable, *res 806 S College. Lawler Thomas, brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Lawler William, machinist, *res 8th, 3d h n of Allen. 124 Lawlor John, feed store, 130 Jefferson. Lawlor Mary, wid, res 1326 Adams. Lawrence Frank, car driver, bds 1101 S 12th. Lawrence Flora Miss, res 727 S 4th. Lawrence R. D., res 727 S 4th. Lawrence S. M. Mrs., res 727 S 4th. Lawson Peter, miner, bds 104 S 10th. Layer Louisa, home w end Carpenter. Layer Nicholas, gardener, *res w end Carpenter. Layman David, carpenter, bds 419 Jefferson. Layman Jesse, propr. Ohio House, 222 & 224 N 5th. Layman S. F., law student, bds Ohio House. Leach R. H., engineer Wabash, *res 8th, 2d h s of Cook. Leaden John, miner, res cor S 11th and Laurel av. Leaden Mary, cor 10th and Laurel av. Leaden Patrick, farmer, res cor 10th and Laurel av. Leaden Thomas, miner, bds cor 10th and Laurel av. Leaf William, carpenter, *res 8th bet Cook and Edwards. Leary P., carpenter, bds St. Charles. Leary Thomas, grocery and saloon, 1230 Washington. Leattarst Joseph, lab, res w end Jefferson. Leavenworth Frank, salesman, *res 616 S 7th. Leber Ann, bds 709 Jefferson. Leber Edward, wagon-maker, res 507 W Reynolds. Leber Joseph, mill watchman, *res North av bet 10th and 11th. LeClaire Louis, wks r. mill, bds 1409 Jackson. LeClaire Nancy, wid, res 1409 Jackson. LeClaire William H., wks r. mill, bds 1409 Jackson. Ledgerwood L. G., engineer, res ss Miller, 2d h e of 10th. Ledlie James R., cor Edwards and Douglas av. Ledlie Joseph, city engineer, res nw cor Edwards and Douglas av. Lee Clara, wks at 220 Monroe. Lee Edward, printer, *res cor Walnut and Capitol av. Lee George (col), lab, *res 336 W Carpenter. Lee J. S., lab, res 1420 Adams. Lee Maggie, Washington bet 9th and10th. Lee Mattie, *res 8th bet Adams and Washington. Lee Peter, retired, res 1225 Adams. Lee T. B., tailor, res ne cor 5th and Cook. Leeb F., student Concordia Seminary. Leeder Henry, janitor, res 1012 Spring. Leeder H. K., blacksmith, bds 1012 Spring. Leeder Louis, book-binder, bds 1012 Spring. Leeder L. Miss, seamstress, bds 1012 Spring. 125 Leeder William F., saloon, res 1026 Spring. Leggott Arthur, tinner, res 712 S 5th. Leggott George, plasterer, *res 700 S 5th. LeGrand G. W., horse doctor, res 228 W Allen. LeGrand Robert, fireman, *res 1016 S 11th. Lehnen Joseph, miner, res es 10th, 3d h s of South av. Lehr William, student Concordia Seminary. Leidy Henry, carsealer Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Leiedecker Philip, lab, bds 703 S 11th. Leigh William, stock dealer, *res 1140 N 1st. Leighton Roy, wks ne cor 5th and Keyes av. Leimer M., student Concordia Seminary. Leiss Maggie, wid, *res Jefferson bet 10th and 11th. Leitner George, res es 8th, bd h n of Cook. Leitner Lillie, home with S. Leitner. Leitz Louis A., coppersmith, *res 718 S 11th. Leland Hotel, nw cor 6th and Capitol av; Leland & Wiggins, proprietors. Leland Horace S., of Leland Hotel firm. Leland Stables, Sant H. Little, proprietor. Lemmy John, heater, *res 22 Mill row. Lemon John, puddler, bds 8th and Keyes av. Leneger August, grocery and res 1600 Capitol av. Leneger Mary, home, home 1600 Capitol av. Lenham John, painter, bds Globe Hotel. Lennox Frank, carpenter, res 1712 Capitol av. Leonard Edward C., lab, *res 1113 Washington. Leonard James, lab, bds 1113 Washington. Leonard M. Mrs., help, sw cor 4th and Cook. Leonard Thomas, miner, bds 1113 Washington. Leroy August, bds 404 Adams. Leroy Clemence, hair goods, 404 Adams. Leroy N. & Son, locksmiths, res 404 Adams. Lester Edward, engineer, bds nw cor 2d and Madison. Leterle Benjamin, dairy, res 915 Reynolds. Letton James W., clerk at Maxcy’s Leutenmayer Charles R., *res ss Jefferson bet 2d and 3d. Leutenmayer Joseph, sr., res es 8th bet Division and North av. Leutenmayer Joseph, jr., bds 8th bet Division and North av. Leutenmayer Josephine, bds 8th bet Division and North av. Leutenmayer Max, brewer, res 525 W Reynolds. Leve G., pastor Ger. Catholic church, res adjoining church. Levi David, clerk, bds 324 N 5th. Levi Fanny, home 324 N 5th. 126 Levi Henry, clerk, bds 324 N 5th. Levi S., dry goods, res 324 N 5th. Levy Z., salesman at Benjamin’s, res 500 N 5th. Lewis Alexander (col), res 300 N 15th. Lewis B. R., car inspector, *res nw cor 2d and Madison. Lewis Charles, plasterer, res es 11th, 5th h s of South av. Lewis Clara, home nw cor 2d and Madison. Lewis Eliza, wid, home 640 N 4th. Lewis George, painter, *res 409 Monroe. Lewis Henry (col), miner, *res 619 Miller. Lewis Isaac (col), lab, *res 1515 Mason. Lewis John, blacksmith, *res 914 Madison. Lewis Kate Miss, home 423 S 6th. Lewis Mary Miss, home 423 S 6th. Lewis Mary Mrs., *res 8 Mill row. Lewis Martha A., wid (col), res Edwards nr 19th. Lewis Obed, res 423 S 6th. Lewis Reuben, lab, *res sw cor 2d and Madison. Lewis Sarah E., wid, home 1115 Adams. Lewis Thomas, miner, *res nr fair grounds. Lewis William, porter, *res 605 W Edwards. Lewis William, peddler, *res 406 Doyle av. Lewis W. T., bookkeeper Marine Bank, bds 523 S 6th. Lewis -------, carpenter, *res 319 W Cook. Liddell William, moulder at Ide’s foundry. Liddy Maggie, help at C. M. Smith’s. Liddy Michael, res 118 W Mason. Liddy Thomas, blacksmith, res 1110 N 7th. Lieb L. Miss, 919 N 6th. Lienhardt G., student Concordia Seminary. Liesner Bernard, carpenter, *res 1st h w St. Charles, up stairs. Lilley William, tinner, *res cor New and Washington. Linane Patrick, with J. M. Fitzgerald. Lincoln Abraham Mrs., res 441 S 2d. Lincoln Frank, telegraph operator, bds 623 N 5th. Lincoln W. S., bds Leland Hotel. Lindley J. P., ticket agent C. & A., bds 904 S 5th. Lindsay Alex., clerk, bds 1001 North av. Lindsay Annie, home 102 cor 1st and Scarrit. Lindsay C. T., sec. alcohol works, bds Leland Hotel. Lindsay Frank, bricklayer, bds 102 cor 1st and Scarrit. Lindsay Georgie, wks at 1040 N 5th. Lindsay Isaac, bricklayer, res 102 cor 1st and Scarrit. Lindsay Minnie, wks at 709 Washington. 127 Lindsay V. T., physician, res 603 S 5th. Lingenfelter William, lab, bds 823 Carpenter. Link Val. & Bro. (M. Link), saloon, 425 Washington. Link Louis, stone-mason, res 337 W Carpenter. Link Mike, saloon, 330 W Mason. Link Sophie, wks at Jefferson House. Link Val., saloon, res 330 W Mason. Linn William, brakeman Wabash, bds 901 Capitol av. Listmann John, shoemaker, *res 416 Adams. Little S. N. & Son ( G. J. L.), livery stable and omnibus line proprs., cor 4th and Adams. Little Amanda, wks at 220 Jackson. Little Charles E., bds nw cor 5th and North av. Littler David T., attorney, res nw cor Rutledge and Miller. Littler George, wks w. factory, bds 9th, 3d h n of North av. Little G. J., livery and ‘bus line, res nw cor 2d and Adams. Little J. T., clerk C. M. Smith, bds 518 Capitol av. Little Sant H., propr. Leland Stables, bds Leland Hotel. Little Thomas S., retired, res nw cor 5th and North av. Little S. N., livery, res 2 ½ miles sw city. Littreal William, teams, *res w end Jefferson. Littrell Ada, home sw cor Washington and West av. Littrell Ida B., home sw cor Washington and West av. Littrell James, lab, bds sw cor Washington and West av. Littrell Parren, lab, bds sw cor Washington and West av. Littrell Perry, lab, *res sw cor Washington and West av. Littrell Robert, lab, bds sw cor Washington and West av. Livenger Adam, lab, *res ws Spring, 1st h s of Allen. Livingood Athen, grocer, bds Western Hotel. Lloyd Almira, home 8th, 5th h n of Black av. Lloyd Laura J., bds 919 S 5th. Lloyd Rhodes, res 307 Madison. Lloyd Turner W., res 919 S 5th. Lobin Hattie, help at 413 S 7th. Lochmiller John, lab, bds 311 W Miller. Lochmiller Thomas, shoemaker, res 311 W Miller. Lochner Frederick, minister, res 119 Jefferson. Lock James, bds St. Charles. Lockyer Mary, help at 503 S 7th. Loeb Bros. (Henry and Adam), blacksmiths and wagon-makers, cor Rutledge and Miller. Loeb Adam, wagon-maker, res 331 W Miller. Loeb Henry, blacksmith, res Rutledge, n of Miller. Loeb Mary, home Rutledge, n of Miller. 128 Loeb William, blacksmith, *res Union bet 1st and 2d. Loefel Henry, stone-mason, res sw cor 1st and Mason. Loeser Frank, saloon and res 214 N 4th. Lofy Nicholas, miner, res 818 S 12th. Logan Elizabeth W., wid, res 223 N 6th. Logan Emma (col), wks Walnut, 3d h n of Washington. Logan Henry, carpenter, 1323 Cook. Logan James (col), lab, res 1535 Mason. Logan Jennie, wid, *res nw cor 9th and Monroe. Logan J. M., agricultural implements, room 6, Rupp’s Hall. Logan J. T., wks at woolen mill. Logan L., traveling agent, *res se cor 8th and Miller. Logan W. D., carpenter, res 1331 14th and Cook. Logan William, boiler-maker, bds 1331 14th and Cook. Lomelino E. F., cook at St. Nicholas, res 1124 Jefferson. London William, huckster, res 124 N 5th. Londrigan Edward, lab, *res 122 N 13th. Lonergan Annie, home se cor Miller and Klein. Lonergan Bridget, home se cor Miller and Klein. Lonergan Bridget, wks at 638 N 4th. Lonergan John, lab, res se cor Miller and Klein. Lonergan John, puddler, bds at J. Hurley’s, Ridgely. Lonergan Joseph, lab, res 606 Hay. Lonergan Mary, home se cor Miller and Klein. Lonergan Thomas, lab, bds at J. Hurley’s, Ridgely. Lonergan Thomas, clerk, bds se cor Miller and Klein. Lonergan Thomas, clerk, 1201 Capitol av. Long Charles H., baker, seed dealer and grocer, 215 S 5th; res sw cor Governor and West av. Long A. P., engineer Wabash, bds
901 Capitol av. Long Isabella, wid, res 1205 Monroe. Longenecker B. B., auditor’s messenger, bds 203 Washington. Longenecker W. D., saloon, res 806 Jefferson. Longfellow Charles, wks w. factory, bds 3d, 2d h n of North av. Loose Joseph I., lumber, res ws 6th, 4th h s of South av. Loomis C. A., clerk Sec. State, bds St. Nicholas. Loomis George, lab, *res 927 Cook. Loomis George, lab, *res 519 N 1st. Loomis H., alcohol manufacturer, *res 221 Jackson. Loomis Webner E., attorney, 427 Washington. Lopes Joe, brick-mason, *res 821 Monroe. Lorch Charles, butcher, *res 320 N 5th. Lorch John, conductor street car, bds 320 N 5th. Lorch Julia, home 320 N 5th. 129 Lord J. J., hay shipper, res 609 W Jefferson. Lord Mattie H., home 200 Washington and 2d. Lord R. S. Mrs., wid, res 200 Washington and 2d. Lott Edward, tailor, bds 310 W Cook. Lott James, carpenter, res 310 W Cook. Lott Mary, help at 808 S 4th. Lott V. A., bar-tender Marshall House. Lott William, plasterer, bds 310 W Cook. Love Thomas, saloon, res Jefferson bet 3d and 4th. Lowe Hettie, wid, *res 806 S 5th. Lowery Thomas, carpenter, res 1304 Adams. Lowery William, carpenter, bds 1304 Adams. Lowery John, lab, res ws 8th, 8th h n of North av. Lowry Patrick, night clerk at Revere House. Lowry Anna, wks at D. T. Littler’s. Lowry J. B. & Co., feed, etc., 800 Monroe. Lowry J. B., feed etc., *res nw cor 15th and Capitol av. Lubbin John, shoemaker, res 8th and Black av. Luby Harry J., at A. H. Fisher’s. Luby Michael, deputy sheriff, bds 608 S 11th. Luby Thomas, machinist, *res 608 S 11th. Lucas Barbara, wid, res 406 W Carpenter. Lucas Thomas (col), miner, bds 1202 Mason. Lucchasi D., plaster-paris worker, cor 9th and Adams. Luce Ed. A., res 215 Adams. Luce Frank H., medical student, res 215 Adams. Luck Fred, tailor, res 430 Canedy. Luck Herman, lab, res 305 W Jackson. Lucky Louis, painter, res 718 N 6th. Ludwig Peter, wks at 101 Jefferson. Luebkemann A., student Concordia Seminary. Luebker G., student Concordia Seminary. Luers Henry, clerk, bds 110 W Cook. Luicy Michael, watchman, res w of r. mill. Lumbert Jesse, wks w. factory, bds North av bet 8th and 9th. Lumpp Andrew, sr., carpenter, res 521 S 9th. Lumpp Andrew, jr., mechanic, bds 531 S 9th. Lund Emma, home 823 Adams. Lund Matilda, home 823 Adams. Lund Tharrald, mechanic, *res 823 Adams. Lund Thomas, bricklayer, bds 823 Adams. Lundah B., merchant tailor, bds St. Nicholas Hotel. Lundhalm Charles, machinist, bds 801 Barret. Lungen Jacob, lab, *res se cor 14th and Cass. 130 Luscombe Jane, wid, *res w end Jefferson. Lusk D. W., revenue agent, *res 927 S 8th. Lusk Laura, home 927 S 8th. Lutricks John, lab, res se cor 11th and Kansas. Lutricks John L., lab, bds ss Edwards bet 15th and 16th. Luttrell T., wks w. factory, res 1019 N 5th. Lutz John, clerk in Kimber’s, bds 421 W Reynolds. Lutz John M., cooper, res 421 W Reynolds. Lutz Lizzie, wks w. factory, bds 421 W Reynolds. Lutz Maggie, wks w. factory, bds 421 W Reynolds. Lydon Michael, miner, res 15th 2d h n of Washington. Lynch C. W., res 550 Williams. Lynch Henry, section boss, *res 1124 Madison. Lynch John, lab, bds 1710 Adams. Lynch Maggie, wks at 1304 Monroe. Lynch Maurice, lab, bds Rolling Mill Hotel. Lynch Mike, miner, *res 18th, nr shaft. Lynch Mike, lab, res 1710 Adams. Lyon A. P., ‘bus runner with Little & Son, *res 833 S 3d. |
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